Eva couldn’t stop shaking. Lora put an arm around her. It was silent. No more firing from the Guardians, no yelling and screaming. No more Solaris. Just the monotonous two-tone sirens of Italian police vehicles rushing to the scene.

The new dawn was approaching and small shafts of light pierced the square between the narrow spaces of the surrounding buildings.

‘Where’s Sam gone?’ Eva said.

‘It’s OK,’ Lora said, holding her.

The Guardians, now working with the authorities through their connections with the local law enforcement, still crowded around, their weapons ready for any threat that might resurface. Beyond them, in the grey light, security personnel were assessing the damage in the square and ushering away arriving onlookers and reporters.

‘But what if Solaris took him?’ Eva said, and started to cry.

‘He’ll be OK,’ Lora said. ‘Shh, it’s OK.’

Eva wiped away her tears.

Gabriella emerged from within the temple looking exhausted. She stood at the top of the stairs, still trembling with shock. Eva went over to her and gave her a hug.

The three of them stood silently together on the stairs, each trying to process the night’s events.

‘Come on, let’s go,’ Lora said finally, her voice soothing and sure. ‘Sam is stronger than you think and he knows where he needs to go. We need to get you two back to the Academy, you’re still not safe here.’

Eva nodded. Her eyes scanned over the piazza one last time. Bits of broken stone and rubble from the fallen fountain were scattered across the square. Water still trickled out over the edge of the crushed fountain.

Gabriella looked at Eva, then followed her gaze. ‘Don’t worry, there are plenty more such monuments in Rome.’

Eva gave a little chuckle and wiped away a tear. With their Guardian escort, the three walked huddled together towards their waiting vehicles.

‘You did good, we all did,’ Lora said to Eva and Gabriella. ‘Sam will be fine. Solaris would not dare harm him. He needs him just as much as we do. I’m sure Sam got away, he’s not one of the last 13 for nothing.’

Eva nodded. But how can we be sure? She had the unshakable feeling now that things would never be the same. Somewhere out there, her friend was in danger, putting himself right in the line of fire for her—for everyone.