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“Good morning Mary.”
I enter the office hastily and without stopping. Mary opens her eyes wide. She couldn’t give credit to what she was seeing. Yes, my dear, I also know how to wear a killer miniskirt with some impressive heels.
“Anything new?”
“Uh... That blouse you're wearing... It's very sexy.”
“Thank you,” as she doesn’t say that I look great in it so I infer that yes I do. I smile victoriously.
A black leather mini skirt with a matching silk blouse, a peak neckline that highlights my breasts and six inch heels, I feel like a total goddess. What the hell! I’m a goddess and if someone doesn’t like it, then look the other way.
The new Anne has just arrived; I cross my fingers to avoid crash landing.
I am happy with my new attitude; I am not a fearful woman in search of security. I have confidence.
“Anne... I forgot to tell you that the first thing the painter did was come directly to your office, he entered without knocking and when he didn’t see you he ordered me and I quote textual words, Tell Anne that I will pick her up at six, tell her that it’s a date, and that no, I will not accept a negative response."
I kept my mouth open, imagining Reed with his broad back; his strong posture and those powerful blue eyes demanding Mary tell me of a date with me! Me! Yes, and a thousand times yes.
I am unable to understand anything of what happens with this man. Saturday, I spent in the company of two kilos of ice cream with old orange pajamas and today I’m on the best date of my life, pinch me to make sure I’m not dreaming! Yes, I do want the date, yes I’ll accept it and yes I’ll go.
“Don’t you have anything to explain to me?” Mary bites her lip, crosses his arms akimbo and I don’t like her attitude a bit.
She has always been my secretary and I’ve offered her more freedom than other secretaries are usually allowed but I'm not willing to tolerate her impertinence. I don’t owe her or anyone any explanations, it's my first day of flight and I refuse to land.
“I think not.”
“Well I think yes,” Oh yes? Self-esteem puts on boxing gloves.
“And I think not. I don’t owe you or anyone else any explanation.” Mary's eyes sparkle in suppressed rage. “You call him the painter but you don’t even know his name.”
“I haven’t had time...” She smiles trying to insinuate much more than her words.
I was disquieted for a moment but I soon recovered my intelligence. If Reed wanted to sleep with her, he would have done it.
“No, you haven’t had time because he hasn’t given it to you.” She explodes when exposed. “Mary... I can talk, go out and dine with whomever I give a rat’s ass and as I’m a free woman like the wind, I shouldn’t have to give explanations to you or to my neighbor, who by the way, I met and he is very nice.”
Mary looks at me with her eyes out of her sockets and the blond of her hair begins to rise up in a disturbing way.
“I inform you that he is called Reed, he is very nice, and according to the events it is clear to whom he is interested in.” Frosting on the cake.
Mary purses her lips about to explode but I don’t care. Many times I have been the one who has had to keep silent, today is my turn to reply.
“I'm going to work.”
“I consider that right. Please close the door when leaving and without slamming it ...”
The blonde with imposing curves turns furiously and goes straight to her desk. I've never seen her so angry. Should I apologize? Not even joking! What am I doing wrong? A man invites me to dinner instead of my wonderful secretary and I have to ask for forgiveness? Fuck that! Oh mother, the Goddess has gone to my head. Self-esteem, planning about Paris.
It's almost six pm and my nerves begin to dominate me. It’s time and I am not able to move. What if he is much more insensitive than he appears? I couldn’t stand it. I remember John and the icy tremors run through my body. I feel that fear again that no woman should ever feel. The kind of fear that you feel with the pressure of a body that roughly forces you to his power. The brutality that no matter how loud you scream your pleas and denials, he will never accept them.
I look once more at the card I hold tightly.
"The Temple of the Passions, where the fantasies of others are your reality.” We met there but neither of us mentioned the subject, will you be ashamed of what you did, will you think that I am ashamed or will you consider me an easy whore to master?
“Aren’t you thinking about going down?”
Reed enters the office wearing an unblemished white shirt and killer, tight, chocolate, brown pants. How am I supposed to be able to act with reason if the only thing I'm capable of doing is wanting to melt into his arms, for him to fall madly in love with me and make love passionately to me? God, I'm living that instant crush, cold sweats and various romantic fevers. How will I heal from this?
His face shows a stony seriousness even somewhat angry, but in his look, there lies his vulnerability. His Arctic blue eyes framed by those dark eyebrows like the night, he smiles amused. He’s enjoying himself at my expense.
“Maybe, I had a lot of work...” I hid the card in the agenda again and I’m checking my theory.
“Maybe,” he answers seriously.
“Or maybe I don’t have any appetite...”
“Maybe, yes!” His lips start to glimpse a small smile.
I relax on the back of my chair excited about my discovery.
“Or I may not accept your invitation...”
“You can’t,” he says as he leans on my desk and brings his face closer to mine. “You are going to have dinner with me.”
“Is that an order?”
I stand up and I can see how his gaze shines and his arms tighten trying to regain control. You like what you see! Self-esteem shouts euphorically.
“You are beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“Did you meet someone other than me?” His mouth tightens, he's upset.
“No, but I haven’t ruled it out.” I wink an eye mischievously and he snorts hard.
I've died and gone to heaven...
I head towards the coat rack to leave, but when I try to pick up my bag, bad luck causes the laces to get tangled in my heels and I almost fall flat on my face if it hadn’t been because Reed caught me in his arms.
Something inexplicable pierces my blood when I feel his touch. My body trembles at his touch and my heart beats uncontrollably without being able to master it. His hands clung possessively to my waist and time stops. I shudder with the touch of his fingers and desire springs up in despair. His warm body is getting closer and closer until he is totally against my back and his voice caresses my hair causing chills.
I should get away, his long fingers caress my neck while his lips delicately kiss my vein, but I can’t control myself... He whispers hoarsely as his lips begin to nibble on my bristling skin before his soft touch.
I close my eyes and my body enjoys the tender caresses.
“Is that bad?” His voice is choked with desire.
His hands turn me confidently around. My breasts are excited by the contact of his torso and our eyes cross excitedly. With one hand he holds me tightly at the waist while with the other he raises my chin. His breathing sounds agitated and his look is that of a dazed wolf.
“Anne! I'm leaving,” Mary startled us from the door holding the latch with anger when she saw us in such a compromising posture. “Should I close the office door?:
Reed doesn’t flinch or move from the position he is in. His hands hold my waist even tighter. His arms are like chains that demonstrate his possession without remorse.
“We’ll close it,” he answers at last with his hoarse voice.
But Mary ignores him and continues to rudely talk.
“Anne, I forgot to tell you that Bruce called and asked for the reports for tomorrow morning. If you’d like, I can prepare them for you?”
She was hoping I’d be embarrassed and she was getting that reaction. On the other hand, Reed isn’t showing a bit of nervousness. His gaze is still on mine and his chest is close to mine.
“You can leave...” He says again in a deep and hoarse voice.
“Tomorrow we’ll talk about it,” I add nervously.
“But it's important and....”
“Go!” We both shouted at the same time and after what I believe was an insult, Mary leaves, closing the door with a resounding slam.
I raise my eyes flushed with anger but when I see his deep blue eyes I know I'm lost. A growl comes from his chest and I cling to his body. Reed passionately throws himself on my mouth in a fiery, desperate kiss and totally dominated by passion. The need makes me release a soft sigh that manages to fire him up even more. His tongue runs through my mouth to the millimeter and my lips suck hungrily. We both want each other and desperation translates to our bodies. His hand clutches me tightly around the waist, blending us completely. I can no longer contain myself and I lose myself seeking to calm the anxiety that devours me. I feel his heat and I notice how the desire consumes us. His hard erection under his pants hits my belly and I go mad with desire. I'm flying without fear.
“You're... So... Sweet...” He mutters with desire.
With delicacy he begins to separate from my lips and rests his forehead against mine.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait a damn second more. I've been imagining the taste of your lips all weekend.”
He’s been imagining kissing me all weekend? God, I'm getting dizzy.
“We need to leave or that carpet will have a lot to keep quiet about...”
“Yes, yes, I vote for the carpet, why should we leave?”
I smile nervously at the unmet need, but I feel like a goddess. The wonderful smile that Reed has on his face is totally and completely my merit. I toot my horn upon leaving. I want more! Here and now. Carpet, desk, and whatever it takes! I stretch my body to brush against his but his voice sounds like a roar.
“Let's go.”
It is not a request but an order. He is upset. His hand presses hard on my elbow to guide me to the exit. I walk dazed and without recognizing reality, when suddenly he stops and pulls me without any delicacy. And now what happens?
“God...” He pounces on my mouth in a desperate kiss, hungry and too short for my taste.
He is as frustrated as I am. What if we tried the sofa? He seems to hear me because he holds my hand and pushes me towards the exit towards the car. His body becomes tense again and his eyes resume their usual Arctic blue.
What has happened? We both want it, then why don’t we calm the agony with a good romp? Are you bipolar or psychotic? Better not ask and I follow him to the parking lot. I am too excited to think about psychological disorders and their consequences.
The dinner turns out to be more relaxed or at least it seems to be because my body is still trembling waiting to calm down. As predicted by Aunt Elsa, my desire couldn’t be calmed by a couple of kisses here and there. The tension is in each of my words and although I try to hide it I can’t. I want him and the new Anne is not afraid to admit it.
His look is as intense as mine. We are both restraining ourselves but mine is a matter of stupid modesty. And what's yours? It’s clear that it’s not because of shyness. Why don’t you throw yourself at me! We are adults, I don’t expect to marry you or anything like that, why don’t you go straight for the climax? I am burning and my body trembles to have you.
I’m an adult woman, free, determined and more than willing. I'm accelerated like a motorcycle and you know it so why do you decide to wait?
“Have you always worked alone?” He asks interested.
Hey, how? Oh sure, we’ll continue with the foolishness of cordial talk, it's okay...
“No, when I finished my degree I specialized in experimental archeology and worked with a large group of people. Why do you ask?”
“It just seemed to me,” he paused to take a sip of a 2012 Merlot, “you don’t seem very happy to have treasure hunters in your museum.”
“I prefer not to talk about that. It’s not because of working with a partner but because of what he represents. His story speaks of a selfish man who only thinks of his own interests, but archeology and the pieces we find represent much more. The past tells us who we were and everything we as a human race have learned to arrive as to where we are today. Without that past we would not be the humans that we are. These pieces are not just an economic value; they are the footprints of where we step today and as we advance. Our ancestors formed a past, we are the present and all in together we form the future. Those relics are the proof of that wonderful union.”
I drink a sip of wine satisfied with my response.
“Although I have to admit that a bit of envy eats away at me.”
“You with him?”
“When I was a child there was a time when I dreamed of being a treasure hunter, one like Indiana Jones but as a girl. In my fantasies I traveled the world living thousands of adventures. I recovered lost relics and the newspapers talked about my exploits.”
“I imagine there is a but.”
“But... The girl one day woke up and discovered that she no longer had parents. A drunk driver invaded the opposite lane and threw them off the road. The orphanage erased my dreams; the rest was the harvest of my fears, lack of courage and a destroyed self-esteem.”
“I understand the feeling.”
“Did you lose your parents too?
“Something like that. More wine?” “It’s clear that your past is not a conversation that you enjoy.”
“Just a little or I'll be so dizzy that you'll have to carry me home.”
I smile trying to redirect the conversation towards a more pleasant subject and it seems that I get it because he looks at me with warmth in his eyes.
“You’re breaking my plans...”
“And are they unbreakable?”
“Until today yes,” he is always so serious, so cold... So sad.
“But not everything in your life will be my fault. Now you're having dinner and I imagine you already did it before you met me.”
“With female company, no.”
I open my eyes incredulously. The most handsome man that I know exists and he doesn’t usually take his consorts to dinner? Impossible. It must be a bluff!
“I don’t believe you.”
“Anne, I'm different.”
And there we have it! My fantasy of a night of sex with the Greek god vanishes. What are you going to tell me? Are you gay, asexual, transsexual or childhood traumas? I just want an unforgettable carnal experience, with a dreamy man, and here I keep listening to who knows what confession. Please, gay no! Or I'm lost.
“You're very handsome but I don’t think you're referring to that difference right?”
He laughs with desire and he is even more handsome.
“If what you’re asking is if I like women. The answer is yes. A lot,” I sigh hard without being able to hide my tranquility. “Anne... You attract me very much. I cannot get you out of my mind. I can’t resist your magnetism.”
Magnetism? I have that?
“But...?” I ask disappointed.
I close my eyes and shake my head.
“I’ve never spoken in advance of this with anyone, but with you nothing is as usual.” He runs his fingers nervously through his hair. “You are intrepid, vital, intelligent, funny and your body drives me crazy.” “Keep talking.” I answer joyously.
“I'm not a man of relationships,” he smiles grimly, “Anne, I'm only able to have sex without any romantic entanglement. I don’t believe in feelings or their derivatives. My desires and my sexual tastes are a bit different from the ones you are used to and I'm sure you'll run out scared when I barely talk about them but I can’t help but want you the way I do.”
“What do you know about my habits.” I don’t like him to imagine me as an idiot.
“I'm not a prude.”
“I'm not a stupid nun if that's what you’re implying.”
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” he touches his hair nervously, “Anne, I frequent the Temple of the Passions...”
“I know we met there.”
“It wasn’t my first time...”
“I'll say again that I'm not stupid.”
He scratches his chin nervously.
“Anne, I have had sex with women with other couples and I attend gangbang sessions.”
My mind searches desperately in the trunk of wisdom. Gangbang? Have I read any of that on Google? Will it be a variant of those that give blows and gang is a kind of leather whip?
“Are you the kind to use leather and whips?”
“Never. I don’t practice sadomasochist.” His reaction is of contained fury.
His eyes are clouded and it even seems that the mere mention of the subject disgusts him.
“I don’t relate pain to pleasure, that will never be my thing. I am not so cruel as to be aroused by mistreating a woman. The most is light bondage.”
Light bondage, gangbang... I have no idea what he’s talking about but I know a lot about bad treatment, and I am delighted with his statement.
“And what exactly is yours?”
“I've had sex with friend’s women. I share their partners.” I lower my head so as to hide my thoughts from him.
He controls everything in his path, he practices shared sex but no feelings, zero affection and sweetness. With Reed everything is reduced to a simple and instantaneous physical act.
The idea doesn’t displease me or shock me, but is it something I can control? Am I able to have sex and forget ten minutes of your burning kisses or your caresses on my body? I'm not sure.
On the one hand my intrepid spirit seeks new adventures and I want to live new experiences but it is also true that my conservative self demands prudence from me. I can see myself sunk in an unrequited relationship, and if I’m not able to separate the terms well, everything will end fatally for me. Terms! God, this looks more like a business relationship than a man and a woman who want each other.
“Anne, I've never had a relationship. I’m not capable of giving love to anyone. I don’t want to create false expectations.” He seems to guess my doubts.
“You’ve never been in love?”
“Never. I have no feelings or at least not those feelings that women like.”
Shit! Now I'm lost. Refusing love I understand but then to say that he has never had feelings for a woman, I can hardly believe him.
“Do you have any diagnosed illness or something?”
“I'm not crazy, and no, I don’t have any mental illness.” He answers annoyed.
“So it's a simple fear of romantic relationships,” I breathe a sigh of relief, “I think I understand that. I’ve loved a lot and I don’t intend to relive it.”
Reed drinks a sip of wine and his fist tightens. Don’t you like my confession? Well, you’ll have to put up with it just as I’m doing with you.
“Why are you telling me all this?” I don’t understand much his outburst of sincerity. You disorient me.
“The women with whom I usually meet know perfectly well my tastes. I’ve never have sex with people outside of my environment. I don’t want to cheat you, I should stay away from you and look for another woman but I can’t. I want you so badly that my body hurts. I would take you to the bathroom and lock you in with me right now. The men from the other tables would know that I'm fucking you on the sink, they would get hard imagining me between your legs and I would enjoy it a thousand times more because I know their desperation.” His breathing is agitated and his eyes sparkle in disarray.
God... I take a sip of water nervously. I'm also excited just to hear him.
What a confession. The heat rises up my thighs. Does he consider me unable to have adult sex? I want him and I'm interested in the offer.
I’ll think later about the future alone in my house with two kilos of ice cream.
“Reed, I'm not a pigtailed girl. Love is also not among my current plans. I've been a widow for three years and I'm starting to be happy, I don’t want complications. I was in The Temple just like you. I want to try it. Don’t offend my female intelligence, I want to have sex and it's with you.”
God, I think I have passed out because he gets up giving a strong shove to the chair and approaches me with his face transformed.
Oh mother, ignited by passion he is even more handsome than before. I want him with an intensity that should scare me but I won’t be afraid. My ardor is too strong. I want to have everything for me here and now. I don’t intend to flee.
His hand clutches mine and pulls me up to kiss me in the restaurant. His kiss is passionate and not delicate at all. His tongue pushes so hard into my mouth that it forces me to hold on to him by clinging to his strong shoulders. I open my lips and his tongue runs unceremoniously through me. I want him and he wants me. The tension in his body and the bulge in his pants clearly say that a kiss is not enough. He separates us with the same intensity with which he approached me and pulls my hand to practically drag me towards the corridor at the back.
“Where are we going?”
We enter, he closes the door with the small hook and looks at me like a hungry wolf.
“Anne Foster... I need to have you now. I can’t wait a damn second more.”
I'm not thinking clearly but what woman could, when a Greek God like this one runs his tongue through your mouth to go down to the opening of your needy breasts.
He is distant, taciturn and he shares women with other men but all this instead of horrifying me, makes me want him even more. I'm desperate. I have never felt such a big need before.
“We are in the restroom of a restaurant...” I clarify with words interrupted by desire.
Reed gives me his beautiful look burning with desire. He has no intention of waiting. For the love of God! You can’t look at me like that and not feel faint.
I move back frightened by the intensity of his passion and get trapped between his body in front and the sink embedded in my ass. The black hair frames his face, shaping his deep desire and God! He is so glacial that he manages to scorch me. He controls the situation perfectly; he has me right where he wants me. I can’t move, I'm completely trapped but I'm not scared.
“Tell me yes...” He whispers with confidence.
I swallow nervously. I'm locked in the restroom of a restaurant, with the most handsome man on the planet and he is asking for permission to have sex with me! Self-esteem, about to orgasm.
“I’m not a man with sweet words or affectionate feelings but I will make you melt with my hands... And with my fingers... And with my body... And with my mouth... Babe, tell me yes...” he whispers husky with passion. “I can show you the pleasure we will achieve together.”
His agitated body clings to mine desperately. His hands slowly caress me from my neck to my chin showing unknown promises. His lips run slowly down the vein on my neck and my mind is clouded by desire. I'm desperate; I want to do it here and now. I like him a lot but... But... Yes, I have a but, and I am the most idiotic woman of all.
I can’t! I can’t do this with someone like that. My ass is embedded in a sink and a five-minute intercourse with a man whom I can’t stop dreaming about? Is this what I'm looking for? No, the new Anne wants to live but she is not suicidal.
With a stranger it would be different but with Reed everything gets complicated. I'm not talking about a formal relationship or anything like that, but I would like to feel a bit more as an intelligent woman and a little less whorish.
When I leave here I will feel used, a forgotten woman that they leave at home and with which they will never have a second date. I am not a toy and I am not able to play with your rules, I can’t continue.
“Please no.”
He stops instantly with agitated breathing. His body is tense and his gaze changes instantly. He is disoriented and I understand it. He moves his mouth away from my neckline and drops his arms to the sides, totally tense.
“I'm sorry, I can’t. I understand about sex without compromise but your ways confuse me. I'm not talking about a couple, but I need at least the minimum.”
“Allow me to clarify it to you,” he is furious. “I'm burning with desire, we're here, I want to fuck you but you tell me about needing the minimum!”
His tone breaks the little heat we still had left.
“I need to leave. I’d better go.”
“Anne,” he scratches his hair nervously, “I won’t change. I am this.”
“I don’t want you to change. I want nothing. I didn’t look for you! I just want to go out a couple of times with a man, have sex if the occasion arises, period. I’m not asking for too much. So many informative conversations, a quick fling by a sink and then there I stay, it makes me feel a bit of a whore, not denying it.”
I stretch my hand to turn the handle but he doesn’t move away.
“I can’t let you leave.”
I close my eyes, shaking my head.
His smell makes me drunk and my body screams for throwing myself on him, taking his shirt off and leaving this nonsense but he attracts me too much to jump off the cliff. If after sex he rejects me, my self-esteem will plummet and I’m not in a position to return to quitting. To lose what little I have gained would be to fall into a pit into which I don’t want to return.
“One last kiss and I’ll let you go.”
“Kiss me,” he ordered hoarsely, “you kiss me.”
“I can’t.”
“I won’t accept your rejection.”
“Rejection? I'm just trying to protect myself.”
His eyes beg me and I know I've lost. I approach him and stretch my hands caressing his face. I don’t have any will to deny myself. I face his lips and seal my mouth with his. Reed moans and tilts his head deepening the kiss. His tongue runs through me firmly, savoring me in every corner of my mouth and I follow him wherever he takes me. It is a safe kiss, demanding and totally controlled by him. I start the dance but he is the music.
My hands travel directly to his neck caressing his black hair fulfilling the desire that has tortured me throughout the night. It is so soft and possessive, that my body surrenders with ease when I hear how his heart is racing. My body clings even more to his. I need his contact, I want to have him inside of me and feel the warmth of his skin. One hand squeezes my buttocks to lift me over the sink and the other palm rests open on the wall. His mouth separates from mine and I can feel him babbling agitatedly.
My body burns with need. I’m barely on the sink and Reed holds me with his strong arms so I won’t fall... I smile enchanted with his offer, hook my legs around his waist and cross my hands behind his neck to bring him to my lips. I kiss him decisively trying to eat him whole. I'm as willing to do it as he is. I stop talking nonsense and take action. My hands go slowly down to his pants and I start to unzip his zipper that contains a big hard bump.
“Yes baby,” he whispers trembling, “yes...”
I am giving way and I am aware that I shouldn’t give up but it’s totally impossible. To have him wrapped in my warmth is the only thing I can think about.
With one hand he holds my body and with the other he presses my neck hard to immobilize me. The pants fall under his knees and my hand caresses him over the cotton of his boxers and I hear him curse under his breath. I cling to his mouth savoring every hidden corner while my hand is inserted in the fabric to feel the soft touch of his skin. I stroke his pubic hair and I feel his lips tremble.
“Excuse me, are you busy? Man, is anyone there?”
“Fuck, for once I’ll do it like a normal man...”
Reed takes a few seconds to react while I shamefully remove my hand from his crotch.
“Yes,” his deep voice sounds ragged with restraint.
“Excuse me, sir, but the boss thought that you had been here for a long time.”
“We'll be out in a few minutes.”
“Ahem, sir, the boss insists on knowing that everything is fine.”
“We're out!” He yells furiously.
He looks at me frustrated as he pulls up his pants and I duck my head in embarrassment.
“Are you okay?”
I can only nod my head as I try to support my trembling legs on the floor.
“Wait for me to help you.”
“I can do it alone.” I still don’t look at him.”
“Anne, it's my fault. I’m sorry.”
I bend my head embarrassed. I'm not up to hearing about anybody’s guilt. For once in my life I let myself go and they catch us like two uncontrolled hotheads. I’m dying of embarrassment.
Under my skirt I’m trying to compose myself when Reed lifts my chin. His pants are up but with the zipper still unzipped and a huge bulge between his legs.
“I'm an idiot for getting you in this situation. You’re beautiful and I couldn’t control myself.”
“Now I feel guiltier.”
“And you must feel it, you have me like a buck in heat from the first day I saw you.”
He approaches me and brushes his erection against my belly as he bites my lip.
“Sir... I don’t want to be annoying but my boss insists, I'm new and I don’t want any problems.”
“Let's get out of here before I fuck you right here and I don’t give a fuck if they send the damn army to break down the door.”
Reed arranges his clothes and opens the latch on the door with astonishing tranquility. He walks imperturbably while I walk with my head down to the table, pick up my purse and go out the door without looking back.
“Wait I’m paying!” I hear him yell but I don’t turn around. I have to get out of here as soon as possible. I need to take off my clothes, put on my pajamas and drink a glass of wine on my couch. I was caught on the verge of fucking in the restroom of a five-star restaurant and with a man who doesn’t stop explaining to me his different sexual appetites. This is a lot, he is a lot, what happens between us is a lot.
“Anne... Anne. Stop!”
I hear him run to get in front of me with his arms crossed and an angry face. Damn six-inch heels that don’t allow me to flee quickly.
“I'm not asking for your permission,” his breathing is agitated, “I think I'll take you home. I will go for my car and you will wait for me exactly here.”
“Reed, we’re not compatible... We're better of following different paths.”
“Like hell we are!”
My eyes open bewildered and he curses again but this time between his teeth.
“Don’t even dream that you're going to leave me,” his hand caresses my chin and speaks harshly, “I desire you so much that it hurts. If you think that after what I just felt in that restroom that I'm going to let you go, you're totally drunk. You're going to stay here, I'm going to get my car and when I get back you'll be waiting for me like a good girl. I advise you not to oppose me.”
“And who do you think you are to talk to me like that!”
“Anne...” he whispers with restraint, “I've been about to penetrate you in a restroom, I have swollen balls and my penis is as hard as a rock. I'm excited like a fucking wolf in heat, therefore, either you obey me or I swear I'll corner you against that wall, I'll rip that beautiful lingerie you're wearing and fuck you on the street. It's up to you.”
My hands begin to tremble but not from fear. His words didn’t offend me but quite the contrary; his desire excites me even more. My desires grow when I notice this purely carnal desperation. The darkened look because of desire and his tensioned body don’t make him look like an animal, he really is.
“Anne, I'm not kidding. I'm one step away from my explosion.”
“I will wait here.”
“That’s my girl.”
The trip was so tense. The music played in his black Porsche 911 and neither of us dared to interrupt it. I didn’t look away from the window during the entire trip. What is he thinking? He is insufferable. How can he say the things he says and then ignore me like a damn stranger? Why can I not open my pretty little mouth and send him to hell! What am I supposed to say? By the way Reed, I don’t want to bother you but I forgot to tell you that you make me so hot that I want to do it in this damn car? I want to take off your shirt and rub myself on your bare chest until you leave me breathless, and I would do it if it weren’t because you're a fucking bad-tempered bastard, that doesn’t direct a damn word to me!
“You can park in parking four. It's mine,” I say in front of the entrance to my house.
He agrees without saying a word. I’ve screwed up and it's clear he doesn’t want to see me again. In short, it was beautiful while it lasted.
He gets out of the car with astonishing slowness and goes to my door to help me out.
“Keys,” he orders by stretching his palm up.
“Keys,” He raises your hand, making it clear what he is looking for.
I don’t understand why I obey him but I look for them in my purse and I hand them to him.
“Thanks,” he closes his fist and with his other hand holds me tightly and drags me towards the door. What the hell is wrong with him? He opens the gate and asks without talking with a nod of his head.
“First A,” I answer.
“Good girl.”
He is smiling? What’s this all about?
He opens the door to my house as if he had been doing it all his life and, damn my dreams of a woman, but I like him. I’m in trouble.
“I know that I’ve acted in a very contradictory way and I’m sorry to confuse you but... I still think the same. I'm really sorry...”
Reed looks at me with brightness in his eyes but he doesn’t say anything at all to me and I feel obliged to clarify again.
“I'm really not ready to have sex and then forget you. I can’t do that.”
I see him touching his hair nervously in the doorway and I feel myself dying. Because I'm not even sure of my own decisions!
“Tomorrow... There's an exhibition... We can have lunch together... Tomorrow.”
“I don’t understand. You said... no.”
“I can try...”
“Could you explain what this is all about?”
“You want a date, conversation, enjoy and feel, woman... I’ll give it to you... I'll try. I'll do any damn thing you ask me, but please, let's do it now or you're going to drive me crazy.”
“Do you want to try normal dates?”
“I’d love to. I want everything you want to give me. Anne, I'm no prize.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Baby, if I wanted you more I’d be in damn hell.”
I don’t finish asking when he grabs my hand, we go inside and he slams the door shut with his foot. He imprisons me in his arms kissing me desperately and I answer him with the same intense need.
His heat is a drug that drives my senses crazy. I bring my hands to his soft hair and hold him tightly. It's a fire that burns but I don’t want to let go. He's mine and he's with me. I bite him without thinking and he moans excited. I'm scared of my primitive impulses and I'm thinking of letting go but Reed won’t let me. His hands go under my thighs and he lifts me over his body. I roll my legs onto his hips to hold on while he asks excitedly.
“Where? Bedroom. Now!”
“First door on the right.”
I laugh at his desperation, although to tell the truth, I'm not much better. In a hurried way we reach my bed but he doesn’t let me go. He jumps on one foot to take off one shoe and then the other doing some real juggling while he kisses me on the neck and bites my ear.
“Take off my shirt,” he orders while I support myself on the bed.
“If you don’t let me go, I won’t be able to,” my voice sounds agitated.
“You'll have to make do. I'm not going to let you go and risk you escaping.”
He falls with me on the mattress and with great difficulty I can undo the first three buttons and remove the shirt, pulling hard over his shoulders. His body imprisons me with force and his mouth runs through me whole.
“That’s my girl, now the pants.
He wickedly smiles and hypnotizes me with his ardor. I put my hands between our bodies while he takes his time taking off my blouse and leaving my skirt curled at waist height. His pectorals are highly marked by tension and his chest is covered with a delicate layer of beautiful dark black that is lost in a delicate line between his boxers.
When I finish unbuttoning his pants he begins to move until he’s able to drag them down to his feet and take them off. Please, he's magnificent.
“You're gorgeous,” I say without thinking.
“You are beautiful. This mole is delicious.”
I stretch my head back, reveling in the sensations. His kisses run through my breasts while licking each of my freckles in the valley of my breasts.
“Let yourself go,” he kisses me while I take off the bra and he begins to gently bite my nipples. “I need to taste you I can’t explain it, it's crazy but I need to be inside of you.”
His hand holds the weight of my breast while his mouth nibbles my excited nipple.
“Baby, I have to see how you cum, I need to feel your eyes on mine when you do it.”
His hand is inserted between my legs but I don’t feel ashamed. Reed is no stranger; I don’t feel him as such. My dreams imagined him in my dark nights, and my body recognizes him in the gloom of the room.
“You're soaked... And it's because of me,” his gaze caresses my thighs as he takes off my lace panties, “God bless! It's the same fire red that your hair is.
“I’ve always liked the Brazilian line style but I can remove it,” I answer ashamed to feel his finger caress the fine line of pubic hair.
“No! It’s fiery. It drives me crazy.”
His lips go down to my line of hair and he bites me tenderly. I groan, dragging my head toward the mattress, unable to think of anything other than his mouth tracing the fine line of beauty. He introduces a finger and caresses my inner lips with tenderness making me stir in a cloud of need. I want him desperately; there is no turning back.
“You haven’t done it for a while.” He assuredly says.
“That happens to us without partners.”
He holds me by the waist while he kisses me and savors me with his tongue and introduces a second finger caressing the tenderness of my skin.
I stretch my hands up to the headboard arching to allow better access. His mouth drives me crazy and I want to fully enjoy him. I swing my restless hips but Reed puts his weight on mine to avoid it. He has me immobilized and at his total mercy but there is no fear. With a quick movement he gets rid of his boxers and I can see him in total plenitude. Great or wonderful are not compliments that do justice to a man like him.
“You are perfect.”
“You are beautiful and I have everything for you.”
“All of you...”
His finger continues to come and go inside my body making me moan with pleasure. I'm totally wet and ready for him. Slowly Reed stretches completely on my body and I open my legs to receive him completely.
“Look at me. I want you to look at me when I penetrate you. I want you to cum for me.”
Reed orders in a soft voice as he caresses me masterfully. I sigh and moan at the same time knowing that I am getting closer. I need to free myself but he needs it too. His eyes are two flames of burning fire that burn my blood. He’s dying of excitement and it’s for me.
“I need you inside of me, don’t make me wait,” I raise my head to kiss him but I can’t because he is holding my arms up high.
“And you'll have me, but first you. I want to see how my caresses excite you. I want to see your body arching for me. Cum for me.
He slides his mouth towards me and kisses me absorbing my moans while his fingers move even faster.
“God Anne, you're soaked. You’re out of this world. Cum for me.”
His erection rubs my leg and I nervously moan trying to rub against his body but I can barely move, his body imprisons me completely.
“Now. Look at me!”
I open my eyes fulfilling his orders; his command over me is complete.
Tension seizes my body and convulsions imprison his finger inside me. My gaze meets his and I feel his eyes darken until they burn me. I cannot breathe; I'm agitated with pleasure. My body convulses and I feel myself flying far away. I close my eyes and let myself go but when I hear the noise of a wrapper I open them and our eyes meet again. God, he is so handsome and so masculine that he makes me want him without limits. Everything indicates danger but I can’t think of anything beyond the salty taste of his skin and the warmth of his breath on my breasts.
“Help me.”
I look at him smiling and with a desire that begins to burn me again.
“I'm very bad at putting those things...” I pick up the latex a bit worried.
“I'll help you. Put your hand on my cock... Yes... Yes so... Perfect. Now go down.”
My fingers lower the latex carefully as I caress it with premeditated wickedness.
“Fuck Anne, if you continue like this I'll cum into your hands.”
“I told you I don’t know how to do this.” I smile mischievously.
His eyes narrow dangerously as my hand squeezes his penis covered by latex.
“Guide me,” he orders hoarsely, “take me inside you. I want to have you now; I can’t wait a damn second more.”
His body above mine leaned against me and I guided him anxiously into the wet folds of my cleft. I groan waiting and his body tightens and enters mine without delay. We are too eager to wait. We gasp at the same time as our bodies enjoy the delicate touch of our skin. Every inch of my body surrenders to his domination producing a pleasure that I didn’t think could exist. Sex, passion and urgency are united in each caress.
The room, barely illuminated by the light of the streetlights, becomes the refuge of moans and sighs from two beings that can no longer wait.
“Anne...” he exhales agonizingly as he moves restlessly in and out of my excited body.
I lift my knees and curl them behind his back to offer him better access and he growls as he bites my neck with hungry passion. Reed is an untamed animal that conquers me with each of his attacks and I surrender to a sea of sensations. When he kisses me, my reality is lost.
“Baby, open your eyes... Cum with me. Look at me.”
His movements slow down when he speaks to me and his voice is choked with passion. One of his hands moves between our bodies and begins to caress my clitoris to the rhythm of his sweet thrusts. I shake as our bodies stick sweating and impatient in reaching our own climax.
“Anne, look at me...”
I follow his orders and his gaze becomes my trigger. His looks radiate wildness and he envelops me in his desire. Reed is in the same heaven in which I am. We are both agitated and restlessly spasm.
“You drag me... So inside...” He says in a state of pure agony.
“Because I adore you...”
“God, baby.”
His finger begins to spin hard on my clitoris and my insides contract to absorb him even more inside. I look at him trying not to close my eyes as he asked me to and I notice the brightness of triumph in his eyes. His lips rush over mine to absorb my moans as I sob defeated.
“Fuck... Yes.”
His body enfolds me with force and without any reserves, while sweat slips down his forehead and our bodies sound wet when he collides with me. A moan escapes me almost painful made by the power of his hips and my own climax is enhanced by his impatience.
“Fuck, yes... Yes baby... Yes.” I scream as his hips hit my body and his hands grip my waist to imprison me against him. I look at him and see his eyes clouded by the uncontrolled passion to reach his climax.
“Anne...” He whispers while he empties in my body with uncontrollable spasms.
I hug him while we both try to catch our breath.
His body lies fully prostrate on mine as he recovers blowing great breaths of air on my neck. Silence is recovered again with too many sensations to comment on.
“Don’t speak.”
He should feel the same because he carefully moves away to separate our bodies and leaning on one side he pulls me firmly on his chest. There are no words that can explain what just happened between us and if there are words this is not the time to clarify them.
I settle into his arms, enchanted with life. I don’t want to think beyond this moment. My woman's soul has been so long without feeling wanted that I can’t help but feel proud to have this Adonis in my bed. Yes, dear high school sweethearts! Those of you who called me carrot head and enjoyed making me cry. I have an Olympian God in my bed. Self-esteem, jumping with arms raised.
Distracted in my proud thoughts I begin to caress his torso marked by exercise and I reach the base of his penis that shudders with anticipation. Reed smiles with his full lips and I love being the recipient of such an honor.
“You're going to kill me...” I look at him amused while I caress him sensually.
“I don’t understand.”
I squeeze my hand on his erect penis and we’re ready for a second fight.
“Baby, don’t play with me. I think I’ll burn you.”
“My perfect man, it's too early even for you.”
“You’re challenging me?”
He leans on my body and presses his hips to mine. His lips cover my breasts with a little more tranquility and I fall back onto the mattress, anticipating the delicious end that awaits me. His kisses cover my belly and I try to move and change position. I want to kiss him on every corner of his wonderful body but Reed doesn’t allow it. The pressure of his body is even stronger.
“It's my turn,” I say with a sad face.
“I don’t give up control. You’ll have to win it.”
“Yes? And how do I go about it?”
“When you leave me so exhausted that I can’t move, then I'll give you a turn.”
“I’ll take your word on it.”
His lips smile and my heart stops. The sadness in his eyes has been erased and the mischief replaces it, please, he is so seductive that I am only able to dream in an eternal night where the sun never wakes us up. I open my legs and offer him full access to my body that he takes over instantly. His erect penis enters with force again and again.
“That's my girl...” He whispers hoarsely.
“You are so handsome that I would lick you whole and I wouldn’t leave an inch of you without tasting...”
The bold words escape from my mouth with complete sincerity. He makes me feel like the most desired woman on earth and I want Reed to feel the same.
“Baby, if you talk to me like that, I won’t be able to control myself...”
“What a pity, I wouldn’t want to see you lose control by telling you how it excites me to caress these perfect arms...
“You're playing with fire,” he says as he moves inside.
My body arches to receive him and he grunts excitedly.
“What are you doing to me? You break my rules and I’ve gone insatiably crazy.”
His words are lost with the sound of our bodies that start crashing together again. Moans, sighs and humidity in the air anticipate an expected ending that will repeat itself a couple of more times during the night until falling asleep in each other's arms.