Yesterday’s events come crashing back the minute Ada opens her eyes on Thursday morning. “Ugh,” she whispers, sliding deeper under the plush duvet.
Next to her, Enzo lets out a grunt. “Right? Gives new meaning to rude awakening.”
Rolling onto her side, she hooks an arm around his waist. “How long have you been awake?”
“For hours. Worrying about our wedding. What’re we gonna do?”
“Good question. I’d suggest we cancel it, except I have my heart set on marrying you, on us being husband and wife when we move into our new home.”
He turns to face her. “So we’ll keep the date and change the venue.”
“And scratch the guest list except for family and a few friends.”
“Minus Daniel love.”
“For sure.” Ada pushes herself up against the headboard. “Question is, Where will we find an available venue at this late date?”
“We’ll call around. I’m sure we can find something somewhere,” he says, but his tone lacks confidence.
Ada grabs her phone off the nightstand and scrolls through her texts. “Sheldon invited us to Foxtail Farm for breakfast at eight thirty. We should probably go, although I’m not sure I’m up for another family meeting.”
Enzo smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand. “With everything that happened yesterday, I forgot to tell you I asked Sheldon to be my best man.”
Ada smiles at him. “That makes me so happy, Enzo. I’m thrilled you and Sheldon are becoming friends.” She throws her legs over the side of the bed and moves toward the bathroom. “We need to get a move on if we’re going to make it to Foxtail by eight thirty.”
Enzo flings back the covers and runs after her. “Since time is of the essence, we should definitely shower together.”

* * *
Enzo and Ada are ten minutes late for breakfast, but Ollie is still setting the table on the screened porch when they arrive.
“Morning,” she says, placing red checkered linen napkins at each place. “We’re running a few minutes behind. Sheldon is mixing up a pitcher of mimosas in the kitchen, if you’re interested.”
Ada’s hand shoots up. “I’m interested. I need booze to numb the pain of what Daniel has done to us.”
Ollie’s smile sparks a twinkle in her aqua eyes. “I heard that.”
Enzo and Ada join the beehive of activity taking place in the kitchen. Casey is at the stove frying bacon, and Melvin is removing a bubbling breakfast casserole from the oven.
“Morning,” Sheldon says, greeting them with tall round glasses of mimosas. “Charles isn’t coming, but Hugh should be here any minute.”
“I’m here now.” Hugh barges into the kitchen, looking like hell and smelling like booze. “What’s this about?”
Sheldon slaps him on the back. “I see you brought your good mood with you this morning, bro.”
Hugh grunts. “I’m pressed for time. Can we get on with it?”
“Relax,” Sheldon says, placing a mimosa in Hugh’s hand.
As they are putting the food on the table, Ada notices Melvin discreetly slip away and head off toward the winery. They sit down with Sheldon and Ollie at opposite ends of the table and everyone else in between. Sheldon offers their family’s blessing, and they pass dishes around.
“I want you to hear the news from me first,” Sheldon says. “I’m taking a leave of absence from Love-Struck. Dad’s phony illness didn’t factor into my decision, but it has caused me to act sooner than I originally planned.”
“For how long?” Casey asks, scooping casserole onto her plate.
“I’m not sure. I’ll reassess the situation after the baby comes. Maybe forever.”
“Are we supposed to be surprised?” Hugh asks, working on his second mimosa. “Because I saw this coming a mile away. I predicted she’d suck you in, once the two of you started playing house together.”
Sheldon glares at him. “Shut up, Hugh. I don’t owe you any explanations. My allegiance is to my wife and child.”
“I’m considering making a change as well,” Casey says. “I haven’t figured out what yet, but my primary goal is to put as much distance between Daniel and me as possible.”
“You can have your old job back anytime you want,” Ollie volunteers.
Casey smiles at her. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. Problem is, I really enjoy my work at Love-Struck.”
Hugh pushes his untouched plate away. “If the point of this breakfast meeting is to gang up against Dad, I don’t want any part of it. I’m not condoning what he did, but he needs our support now more than ever.” He gets up from the table and leaves the porch.
Silence settles over them as they listen to the sound of Hugh’s truck speeding away.
“I figured he’d react like that,” Sheldon says as he spears melon balls with his fork. “But I had to at least give him a chance. We can speak freely now that he’s gone. Ollie and I are hoping to buy Valley View Vineyard across the street.”
Casey looks up from her plate. “That’s exciting. I didn’t realize that property was for sale.”
“It’s not officially on the market,” Ollie explains. “Sadly, the couple is getting a divorce. They’re friends of ours and asked if we’d be interested. We made them a handsome offer. If the sale goes through, we have major plans for expansion.”
“Please keep this between us for now,” Sheldon says. “I’d hate for anyone else to make an offer.”
Ada understands that anyone is Hugh.
Sheldon turns to Ada. “What’re you and Enzo doing about the wedding?”
“We discussed that before we came. We’re still getting married. We’re thinking a small family wedding. Just not at Love-Struck. We haven’t worked out the details yet.”
“I know how important getting married in the chapel is to you. You can make it a private ceremony with only Reverend Lawrence and your attendants, which I’m honored to be one of.” Sheldon looks to the other end of the table at his wife. “Ollie and I would love it if you had your reception here.”
“Great idea!” Casey says, crunching on a slice of bacon. “You can have an elegant sit-down dinner including the rest of the family with Luke playing in the background. His solo performances are the best.”
Ollie passes the breadbasket. “Fiona will serve a dinner fit for royalty. Pun intended. And she makes the best wedding cakes ever.”
Ada laughs out loud. “Did the three of you discuss this before we got here? Because you’ve obviously given it some thought. But I’m flattered, and it sounds lovely.” She rests a hand on Enzo’s arm. “What do you think?”
He covers her hand with his. “I think you’re blessed to have such caring siblings. The wedding they describe is just our speed.”
They divvy up tasks while they finish eating. Sheldon will speak with Daniel about using the chapel. Casey will talk to Luke about music and send out a notice to the invited guests, letting them know the bride and groom have decided to have a private family wedding. Ada will discuss flowers with Laney. And Ollie will work with Fiona to devise a proposed dinner menu.
“There is something else we need to talk about,” Sheldon says over coffee. “When word of Dad’s faked illness gets out, he’ll lose the respect of his peers. I’ll give Hugh credit for being right about one thing. Outward appearances are important for the vineyard’s reputation. We need to band together against the gossipmongers. But we can’t control what happens inside the family. I’m done. My relationship with Dad will never be the same.” His eyes glisten. “Which breaks my heart. I’m not only losing a father, I’m losing my best friend. But I’ll never be able to trust him again.”
“And you can’t have a relationship without trust,” Ada says solemnly.
“You and I have had our differences in the past,” Sheldon says to Ada. “But I’m hoping we can put the petty sibling rivalry behind us.”
Ada swallows past the lump in her throat. “I’d like that. I’ve always respected you, Sheldon. But you were always mom’s favorite, and I let my jealousy get the best of me. As for Daniel, I let him convince me to give him another chance. After the way he treated me, he didn’t deserve it, and now he’s out of my life for good. Even though I’m not a Love by blood, I will always think of you as my brother.”
“We have the same mother, Ada. You’re my half sister. And you were raised in the Love family, which makes you one of us.” Sheldon’s eyes travel the table. “I’d like for the five of us to be a family. To celebrate holidays and birthdays together.” He smiles down the table at his wife. “Ollie even suggested we have a standing dinner every Sunday night.”
“I love that idea,” Casey says, and Ada nods. “Me too.”
“Charles and Hugh are always welcome in my home. But I don’t owe them anything, and I won’t go out of my way to be close to them. Once again, it comes down to trust. Hugh is only out for himself. As for Charles . . . who knows how he feels about anything?”
Sheldon pauses to sip his coffee. “I’m afraid Dad stands to lose more than his reputation. Marabella called me early this morning. She’s terribly upset, says she can’t work for Dad after what he did. I offered her a job here. She’s not getting any younger, but she still has plenty of energy left. As good as she’s been to our family, we owe it to her to take care of her in her old age.”
“I agree.” A warm feeling overcomes Ada as she remembers childhood days spent baking cookies in the kitchen with Marabella. “Your children will be lucky to know her.” She stands and begins gathering plates. “I’ve enjoyed our meaningful talk, and I’m sorry we have to leave, but we need to get to the wine shop.”
Everyone pitches in to clear the table, rinse the dishes, and put away the leftovers. Amidst hugs and kisses, Ada and Enzo bid everyone goodbye.
“What just happened?” Ada says to Enzo when they are in the car on the way back to town.
“Sheldon just appointed himself head of the anti-Daniel branch of the family.”
Ada stares out the window. “Right. And now that the battle lines are drawn, I have a sinking feeling war is on the horizon.”