In consequence of the orders which you have done me the honor of sending me, I have had that of seeing M. le President de ---, and have communicated your letter to him, informing him that, in pursuance of your wishes, I should do nothing without his advice. The honorable magistrate desires me to point out to you that the complaint which you intend to lodge against M. le Chevalier Danceny would be equally compromising to the memory of your nephew, and that his honor would also inevitably be tarnished by the decree of the court, which would, of course, be a great misfortune. His opinion, therefore, is that you should carefully abstain from taking any proceedings; and that what you had better do, on the contrary, would be to endeavor to prevent the Government from taking cognizance of this unfortunate adventure, which has already made too much noise.
These observations seemed to me full of wisdom, and I resolved to wait for further orders from you. Allow me to beg you, Madame, to be so good, when you dispatch them, as to add a word as to the state of your health, the sad effect upon which of so many troubles I greatly dread. I hope that you will pardon this liberty in consideration of my attachment and my zeal.
I am, with respect, Madame, your, etc.