Bampton Lectures in America
The Prospects of Western Civilization, Arnold J. Toynbee, 1940
New Discoveries in Medicine: Their Effect on the Public Health, Paul R. Hawley, 1950
Gospel and Law: The Relation of Faith and Ethics in Early Christianity, Charles H. Dodd, 1951
Art and Technics, Lewis Mumford, 1952; reprinted with a new introduction by Casey Nelson Blake, 2000
Modern Science and Modern Man, James B. Conant, 1952
Challenges to Contemporary Medicine, Alan Gregg, 1956
The Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought, John Baillie, 1956
Four Steps Toward Modern Art: Giorgione, Caravaggio, Manet, Cezanne, Lionello Venturi, 1956
Science in the Making, Joel Henry Hildebrand, 1957
Prescription for Survival, Brock Chisholm, 1957
The Importance of Being Human: Some Aspects of the Christian Doctrine of Man, Eric Lionel Mascall, 1958
The Art of William Blake, Sir Anthony Frederick Blunt, 1959
From Miasmas to Molecules, William Barry Wood, 1961
Christianity and the Encounter of the World Religions, Paul Tillich, 1963
A Natural Perspective: The Development of Shakespearean Comedy and Romance, Northrop Frye, 1965
Man in the Universe, Fred Hoyle, 1966
Mental Illness: Progress and Prospects, Robert H. Felix, 1967
The Religious Significance of Atheism, Alasdair MacIntyre and Paul Ricoeur, 1969
Victorian Architecture: Four Studies in Evaluation, Sir John Summerson, 1970
Magic, Science, and Civilization, Jacob Bronowski, 1975
Titian: His World and His Legacy, David Rosand, ed., 1982
Faith and Reason, Anthony Kenny, 1983
Language and Information, Zellig Harris, 1988
The Painter’s Practice: How Artists Lived and Worked in Traditional China, James Cahill, 1994
The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam, Jonathan Riley-Smith, 2008