I Have This Little Problem …

I have this little problem

When I sit on the dunny:

My tummy just won’t work—

And no, it’s not funny!


I asked the medics what to do:

“You could try standing on your head

Or taking these green pills.”

“But nothing works,” I said.


And the medics just stood and murmured

And collectively shook their heads.

“There’s nothing we can do for you—

You’ll just have to burst,” they said.


I thought upon my growing belly

And how to get rid of it all;

The creative juices finally won

As I sat in the toilet stall.


I stick a running hose up my bum

And rush to the dunny real quick;

“Just don’t get in my way—

I’m moving at a double-quick run.”


When friends talk about number twos,

I think of my little hose,

How I do my business my way—

Exactly how, nobody knows.