A. A. ...................................... |
Anti-Aircraft |
A.M.C................................... |
Armed Merchant Cruiser |
A.P.C. ................................... |
Armoured Piercing Capped ammunition shell |
ASDIC................................... |
Anti Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (Early |
name for Sonar) |
A.S.I.S. ................................. |
Armament Supply Issuing Ship |
B.B.C. ................................... |
British Broadcasting Corporation |
B.C. ....................................... |
Battlecruiser |
B.S. ........................................ |
Battle Squadron, ie First Division, Second Division, etc. |
C.A.N.T. ............................... |
Aircraft manufactured by Cantieri Aeronautici e Navali |
Triestini, the Trieste Shipbuilding and Naval Aeronautics |
Captain D ........................... |
Captain Destroyers |
C.P.C. ................................... |
Common Pointed Capped, general purpose ammunition shell |
C.S. ........................................ |
Cruiser Squadron, ie Cruiser Squadron 1, C.S. 2, C.S. 3, etc. |
D.C.T. ................................... |
Director Control Tower (for gunnery systems) |
H.A. ....................................... |
High Angle |
H.E. ....................................... |
High Explosive ammunition shell, detonated by a fuze |
I.F.F. ..................................... |
Identity Friend or Foe, recognition radar |
M.T. ....................................... |
Motor Transport |
N.O. i/c ............................... |
Naval Officer in charge |
P.V. ........................................ |
Paravane, a towed underwater minesweeping device. |
Private Ship ..................... |
A ship not serving as the Flag Ship of a Flag Officer |
R.A. 1 or One ................... |
Rear Admiral 1st Division |
R.A.A. ................................... |
Rear Admiral Alexandria |
R.A.F. ................................... |
Royal Air Force |
R. D/F .................................. |
Radio Direction Finder (ie Radar) |
R/T ............................. |
Radio Transmitter |
T.S.D.S....................... |
Two Speed Destroyer Sweep (Equipment designed to sweep |
moored mines) |
V.A.L.F. ....................... |
Vice Admiral Light Forces |
2.P.M’s or Z. P.M’s..... |
Barrage fire signal |