Glossary of Abbreviations used

A. A. ......................................



Armed Merchant Cruiser

A.P.C. ...................................

Armoured Piercing Capped ammunition shell


Anti Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (Early


name for Sonar)

A.S.I.S. .................................

Armament Supply Issuing Ship

B.B.C. ...................................

British Broadcasting Corporation

B.C. .......................................


B.S. ........................................

Battle Squadron, ie First Division, Second Division, etc.

C.A.N.T. ...............................

Aircraft manufactured by Cantieri Aeronautici e Navali


Triestini, the Trieste Shipbuilding and Naval Aeronautics

Captain D ...........................

Captain Destroyers

C.P.C. ...................................

Common Pointed Capped, general purpose ammunition shell

C.S. ........................................

Cruiser Squadron, ie Cruiser Squadron 1, C.S. 2, C.S. 3, etc.

D.C.T. ...................................

Director Control Tower (for gunnery systems)

H.A. .......................................

High Angle

H.E. .......................................

High Explosive ammunition shell, detonated by a fuze

I.F.F. .....................................

Identity Friend or Foe, recognition radar

M.T. .......................................

Motor Transport

N.O. i/c ...............................

Naval Officer in charge

P.V. ........................................

Paravane, a towed underwater minesweeping device.

Private Ship .....................

A ship not serving as the Flag Ship of a Flag Officer

R.A. 1 or One ...................

Rear Admiral 1st Division

R.A.A. ...................................

Rear Admiral Alexandria

R.A.F. ...................................

Royal Air Force

R. D/F ..................................

Radio Direction Finder (ie Radar)

R/T .............................

Radio Transmitter


Two Speed Destroyer Sweep (Equipment designed to sweep


moored mines)

V.A.L.F. .......................

Vice Admiral Light Forces

2.P.M’s or Z. P.M’s.....

Barrage fire signal