Villa Romana del Casale

5 km (3 miles) SW of Piazza Armerina # Apr–Oct: 9am–7pm daily (Nov–Mar: to 5pm) villaromanadelcasale.it

It is thought that this huge, sumptuous villa, with its public halls, private quarters, baths and courtyards, once belonged to Maximianus Herculeus, Diocletian’s co-emperor, from AD 286 to 305.

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t The remains of the UNESCO-listed Villa Romana del Casale

EXPERIENCE Agrigento and the Southwest

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t Visitors admiring the superb mosaics uncovered at the villa

This famous villa is one of the most fascinating archaeological attractions in Sicily. The exceptionally beautiful mosaics that decorated the rooms of the landowner’s apartments have been preserved through the centuries, thanks to a flood that buried them in mud in the 12th century. The villa was discovered in the late 19th century. A logical sequence for a visit is as follows: the thermae, the large peristyle, the long corridor with hunting scenes, and lastly the owners’ private apartments.

Did You Know?

The “bikinis” seen in the Hall of the Palestrini are actually subligaculums (loincloths) worn by Greek athletes.