Sultans of the Ottoman Empire

Osman I?–c.1324
Orhan Ic.1324–62
Murad I1362–89
Bayezid I, the Thunderbolt1389–1402
Mehmed I1413–21
Murad II (abdicated)1421–44
Mehmed II1444–6
Murad II1446–51
Mehmed II, the Conqueror1451–81
Bayezid II (deposed)1481–1512
Selim I1512–20
Süleyman I, the Magnificent, the Lawgiver1520–66
Selim II1566–74
Murad III1574–95
Mehmed III1595–1603
Ahmed I1603–17
Mustafa I (deposed)1617–18
Osman II (murdered)1618–22
Mustafa I (deposed)1622–3
Murad IV1623–40
İbrahim I, the Crazy (executed)1640–48
Mehmed IV, the Hunter (deposed)1648–87
Süleyman II1687–91
Ahmed II1691–5
Mustafa II (deposed)1695–1703
Ahmed III (deposed)1703–30
Mahmud I1730–54
Osman III1754–7
Mustafa III1757–74
Abdülhamid I1774–89
Selim III (deposed)1789–1807
Mustafa IV (deposed)1807–8
Mahmud II1808–39
Abdülmecid I1839–61
Abdülaziz I (deposed)1861–76
Murad V (deposed)1876
Abdülhamid II (deposed)1876–1909
Mehmed V Reşad1909–18
Mehmed VI Vahdeddin (abdicated)1918–22
Abdülmecid II (Caliph only)1922–4