
AASAsian and African Studies
AHRAmerican Historical Review
AOArchivum Ottomanicum
AOASHActa Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
BMGSByzantine and Modern Greek Studies
BTTDBelgelerle Türk Tarihi Dergisi
BSOASBulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
DOPDumbarton Oaks Papers
İEDİstanbul Enstitüsü Dergisi
IHRInternational History Review
IJMESInternational Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
IJTSInternational Journal of Turkish Studies
JAOSJournal of the American Oriental Society
JESHOJournal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
JMHJournal of Modern History
JTSJournal of Turkish Studies
MESMiddle Eastern Studies
NPTNew Perspectives on Turkey
OAOsmanlı Araştırmaları (also known as Journal of Ottoman Studies)
SIStudia Islamica
TBToplum ve Bilim
TDTarih Dergisi
TEDTarih Enstitüsü Dergisi
TMTürkiyat Mecmuası
TSABTurkish Studies Association Bulletin
TULPTurkology Update Leiden Project Working Papers Archive
VDVakıflar Dergisi
WZKMWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
İAİslam Ansiklopedisi (Istanbul 1965–88)
İA2Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi (Istanbul 1988–)
EI2Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd edition (London 1960–)
İst. Ansik. İstanbul Ansiklopedisi (Istanbul 1993–4)
ed., edseditor, editors
esp.especially place of publication listed series
prep.prepared for publication by
vol., volsvolume, volumes


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