114. Stoye, The Siege of Vienna 45

115. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 1.757–8

116. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 137

117. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 139, 141–2

118. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.5–6

119. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 146–8

120. Stoye, The Siege of Vienna 120–49, 174–5

121. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.39

122. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 151

123. Stoye, The Siege of Vienna 150–73

124. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 153–4

125. Stoye, The Siege of Vienna 200–27

126. Stoye, The Siege of Vienna 243–64

127. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.87–8

128. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 163

129. Stoye, The Siege of Vienna 158–61

130. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 159–60

131. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.119–21

132. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.124

133. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.123

134. Gabriel, ‘Die Türkenbeute in Öster-reich’ 101ff

135. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 1.757–8

136. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.120

137. Zilfi, The Politics of Piety 157

138. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 210

Chapter Ten: The empire unravels

    1. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.126–7

    2. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 273–4

    3. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.231–2

    4. Gökbilgin and Repp, art. Köprülü, EI2 V.261; Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.127

    5. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 273–6

    6. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 166, 179–80, 206–7

    7. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 211, 212, 213–14

    8. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.228

    9. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.236–7, 240–41, 243

  10. Atasoy, art. Hırka-i Saâdet, İA2 17.375

  11. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.238–9

  12. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.249–53

  13. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 277, 280–81, 282–3

  14. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.262–4; cf. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 221

  15. Setton, Venice, Austria and the Turks 287, 309–12

  16. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 230–31

  17. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.292

  18. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 232–3

  19. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 233–7

  20. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 237–8

  21. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 238–42

  22. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 243–5

  23. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 213, 214, 245–7

  24. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 246, 247, 248–9

  25. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 228–9, 232–5, 237

  26. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 251–3

  27. Silâhdâr Fındılılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.291, 295

  28. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 254

  29. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.296–8

  30. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 438–9

  31. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 265, 268–71

  32. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 271, 272, 273–4, 275

  33. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 275–7

  34. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 280–81

  35. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 282–5

  36. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 285–6, 288–9

  37. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 245, 288

  38. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 288–9, 290, 293, 315

  39. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 287

  40. Pamuk, A Monetary History 145–6, 155–8

  41. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.365

  42. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.365–6; Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 291–2

  43. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 305

  44. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.371–4

  45. Heywood, ‘English Diplomacy’ 65

  46. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 305, 308–10

  47. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 312–13, 314

  48. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 312–13

  49. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 320–21, 329–30, 338

  50. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 389–90

  51. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 322

  52. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 330

  53. Heywood, ‘An Undiplomatic Anglo-Dutch Dispute’ 64

  54. Heywood, ‘English Diplomacy’ 78–80

  55. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 330–33

  56. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 35

  57. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 333, 334, 336, 338, 339–40

  58. Gökbilgin and Repp, art. Köprülü, EI2 V.261

  59. Gökbilgin and Repp, art. Köprülü, EI2 V.261

  60. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 339–40

  61. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 341, 343ff

  62. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 24–7

  63. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 27–31

  64. Halaçoğlu, art. Evlâd-i Fâtihan, İA2 11.524–5

  65. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 366–7

  66. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 367–8, 370–71

  67. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 369, 371–3, 374–5, 376

  68. Heywood, ‘English Diplomacy’ 117

  69. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 379

  70. Finkel, The Administration of Warfare 17

  71. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 377–8

  72. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 298–9, 343, 345

  73. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 19–20

  74. Yılmaz, ‘Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Tütün Tarımı’

  75. Tabakoğlu, Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Maliyesi 274–5; Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 632–3

  76. Halaçoğlu, XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun iskan siyaseti 4–6

  77. Orhonlu, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Aşiretleri İskân Teşebbüsü 30

  78. Halaçoğlu, XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun iskan siyaseti 4–6

  79. Orhonlu, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Aşiretleri İskân Teşebbüsü 43ff

  80. Orhonlu, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Aşiretleri İskân Teşebbüsü map

  81. Orhonlu, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Aşiretleri İskân Teşebbüsü 43ff

  82. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.246–50; Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 627–8

  83. Orhonlu, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Aşiretleri İskân Teşebbüsü 89–90

  84. Murphey, ‘Ottoman Census Methods’ 120

  85. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 46–7

  86. Rossitsa Gradeva, personal communication

  87. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 48

  88. Yılmaz, ‘The Life of Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’ 48–53; Tabakoğlu, Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Maliyesi 136–49

  89. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.567–9

  90. Silâhdâr Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Silâhdâr Ta’rîhi 2.569–70

  91. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 398

  92. Murphey, ‘Continuity and Discontinuity’ 419ff

  93. Murphey, art. Süleyman II, EI2 IX.842

  94. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 399–400, 405

  95. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 377, 403

  96. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 404, 407

  97. Heywood, ‘An Undiplomatic Anglo-Dutch Dispute’ 66

  98. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 79

  99. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 421–2, 424, 430–32, 438

100. Heywood, ‘An Undiplomatic Anglo-Dutch Dispute’ 73–91

101. Heywood, ‘English Diplomacy’ 216

102. Heywood, ‘English Diplomacy’ passim

103. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 440, 445, 450–54, 456–63, 465, 492–4

104. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 522–3

105. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 549, 553

106. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.57

107. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 554–5, 555–6, 558, 566, 570

108. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.133

109. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 588, 591–4

110. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.277–9

111. Köprülü, art. (‘Amūdja-zāde) Husayn Pasha, EI2 III.627

112. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 622

113. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.280

114. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.277–8

115. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 622–3

116. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.294–9

117. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.299–300

118. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 639–41, 643–5, 649–50

119. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 645, 650

120. Heywood, ‘English Diplomacy’ 257

121. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 653–4

122. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 654–62

123. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 662–7 (Ottoman text of treaty with Poland-Lithuania); Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 593–8 (English translation of Ottoman text of treaty with Poland-Lithuania)

124. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 354–8

125. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 380–86

126. Setton, Venice, Austria, and the Turks 386–7

127. Köprülü, art. (‘Amūdja-zāde) Husayn Pasha, EI2 III.627

128. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 620, 646–7

129. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 667–72 (Ottoman text of treaty with Venice)

130. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 10

131. Fuller, Strategy and Power 14ff

132. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 8–11, 17–18

133. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 1.375–7 (Ottoman text of truce with Muscovy)

134. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 26

135. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 692–8 (Ottoman text of treaty with Muscovy)

136. Abou-El-Haj, ‘The Formal Closure’ 467

137. Abou-El-Haj, ‘The Narcissism of Mustafa II’ 123

138. Abou-El-Haj, ‘The Formal Closure’ 467, 470–71

139. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 61–2

140. Stoye, Marsigli’s Europe 164ff; Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 57

141. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 634

142. Abou-El-Haj, ‘The Formal Closure’ 471–5

143. Peri, ‘Islamic Law and Christian Holy Sites’ 97–104

144. Peri, Christianity under Islam 98, 101, 105–9, 111–12, 153

145. Peri, Christianity under Islam 201

146. Abou-El-Haj, Formation of the Modern State 126

147. Tabakoğlu, Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Maliyesi 266–7

148. Finkel, The Administration of Warfare 260–63

149. Tabakoğlu, Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Maliyesi 295–9

150. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 581

151. Genç, ‘Osmanlı Maliyesinde Malikane Sistemi’ 285–8

152. Genç, ‘A study of the feasibility’ 348

153. Genç, ‘Osmanlı Maliyesinde Malikane Sistemi’ 285–8; Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, Zübde-i Vekayiât 512–13

154. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 136

155. Goffman, ‘İzmir: from village’ 107–9

156. Abou-El-Haj, Formation of the Modern State 122–3

157. Abou-El-Haj, ‘The Ottoman Vezir and Paşa Households’ 443–4

158. Abou-El-Haj, Formation of the Modern State 126–7

159. Abou-El-Haj, ‘The Ottoman Vezir and Paşa Households’ 439–43

160. Kunt, ‘Naîmâ, Köprülü and the Grand Vezirate’ 58–9

161. Murphey, ‘Continuity and Discontinuity’ 425

Chapter Eleven: The perils of insouciance

    1. Köprülü, art. (‘Amūdja-zāde) Husayn Pasha, EI2 III.626–7

    2. Faroqhi, ‘An Ulama Grandee’ 199ff

    3. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.162–3

    4. Türek and Derin, ‘Feyzullah Efendi’nin kendi kaleminden’ 24.69ff, 89; cf. Türek and Derin, ‘Feyzullah Efendi’nin kendi kaleminden’ 23.205ff; Derin, ‘Şeyhülislâm Feyzullah Efendi’nin nesebi’ 97ff

    5. Abou-El-Haj, The 1703 Rebellion 16ff, 115–17

    6. Abou-El-Haj, The 1703 Rebellion 24

    7. Abou-El-Haj, The 1703 Rebellion 30–1

    8. Abou-El-Haj, The 1703 Rebellion 33ff, 62–3

    9. Baykal, art. Râmî Mehmed Paşa, İA 9.623–4; Abou-El-Haj, The 1703 Rebellion 72–5

  10. Abou-El-Haj, The 1703 Rebellion 65–74, 77–8

  11. (Anonymous), Anonim Osmanlı Tarihi 275

  12. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.184

  13. Özcan, art. Defterdar Sarı Mehmed Paşa, İA2 9.98

  14. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.193–5

  15. (Anonymous) Anonim Osmanlı Tarihi 249–51

  16. Tayşi, art. Feyzullah Efendi (Seyyid), İA2 12.527

  17. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.181–97

  18. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.235, 239–40

  19. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 18–19

  20. Frost, The Northern Wars 226ff, 263ff

  21. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 24

  22. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.229

  23. Frost, The Northern Wars 286–8, 372–3

  24. Frost, The Northern Wars 288–94

  25. Theolin, The Swedish Palace 32, 33

  26. Kurat, Prut Seferi 1.124, 133–5

  27. Frost, The Northern Wars 287

  28. Ortaylı, ‘Une proclamation universelle’ 105–9

  29. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 46

  30. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.265–6

  31. Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 3

  32. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.276ff, 287ff

  33. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 91

  34. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 89–90

  35. Theolin, The Swedish Palace 35–40

  36. Theolin, The Swedish Palace 41–4

  37. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 46–7, 352; cf. Aktepe, ‘1711 Prut seferi’ 23–4

  38. Darkot, art. Karadağ, İA 6.225

  39. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.324–6

  40. Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 3

  41. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.336–8

  42. Kurat and Bromley, ‘The Retreat of the Turks’ 210–11

  43. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.344–5

  44. Kurat and Bromley, ‘The Retreat of the Turks’ 211–12

  45. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.366–71

  46. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.374–5

  47. Gökbilgin, ‘II. Rakoczi Ferencz’ 595ff

  48. Rothenburg, The Austrian Military Border 103

  49. Ortaylı, ‘Ottoman–Habsburg Relations’ 290

  50. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.227

  51. Artan, ‘From Charismatic Leadership’ 53ff

  52. Öztuna, Devletler ve Hanedânlar 220–27

  53. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 194ff

  54. Genç, ‘A study of the feasibility’ 349

  55. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 170

  56. Genç, ‘Osmanlı Maliyesinde Malikane Sistemi’ 245

  57. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 172–3

  58. Genç, ‘Osmanlı Maliyesinde Malikane Sistemi’ 239

  59. Genç, ‘A study of the feasibility’ 356

  60. Genç, art. Esham, İA2 11.377

  61. Artan, ‘Periods and Problems’ 22–5

  62. Genç, ‘A study of the feasibility’ 356

  63. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 181

  64. McGowan, ‘The Age of the Ayans’ 734–5

  65. Genç, ‘Ottoman Industry’ 69–82

  66. Göçek, East Encounters West 4

  67. Unat, Osmanli Sefirleri 52–3

  68. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.250–52; Uluçay, ‘Fatma ve Safiye’ 139–48

  69. Atıl, ‘The Story of an Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Festival’ 181ff; İrepoğlu, Levnî 87ff

  70. Artan, ‘From Charismatic Leadership’ 62

  71. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.269–70

  72. Mehmed Râşid şid Ta’rîhi 5.307–8

  73. Necipoğlu, Architecture, Ceremonial and Power 258

  74. Necipoğlu, ‘The Suburban Landscape’ 32ff

  75. Wortley Montagu, The Turkish Embassy Letters 140

  76. Kuban, Istanbul 336

  77. Artan, ‘Aspects of the Ottoman Elite’s Food Consumption’ 107ff

  78. Schama, Landscape and Memory 329

  79. İrepoğlu, ‘Innovation and Change’ 380–85, 408–11

  80. Özergin, art. Râşid, Mehmed, İA 9.632

  81. Mehmed Râşid, şid Ta’rîhi 5.185–6, 311–15

  82. Göçek, East Encounters West 76

  83. Aktepe, ‘Kâğıdhâne’ye Dâir Bâzı Bilgiler’ 339–43, 353

  84. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 218

  85. Göçek, East Encounters West 75–7

  86. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 217–18; Göçek, East Encounters West 75

  87. Hamadeh, ‘Splash and Spectacle’ 123ff

  88. Zilfi, ‘Women and Society’ 295–6

  89. Pavord, The Tulip 58–62

  90. Evliyâ Çelebi, Seyahatnâme, 1.206

  91. Aktepe, ‘Damad İbrahim Paşa’ 91–126

  92. Pavord, The Tulip 137ff

  93. Pavord, The Tulip 43–55, esp. 50

  94. Necipoğlu, Architecture, Ceremonial and Power 151–2

  95. Mehmed Râşid, şid Ta’rîhi 5.320–28

  96. İrepoğlu, Levnî 87

  97. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 62

  98. Zilfi, ‘A Medrese for the Palace’ 186, 189

  99. Zilfi, ‘Elite Circulation’ 320

100. Zilfi, ‘Elite Circulation’ 326, 340–41

101. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 104ff

102. Zilfi, ‘İbrahim Pasha and the Women’ 555ff

103. Zilfi, ‘Women and Society’ 294–8

104. Olson, ‘The Esnaf’ 336

105. Aktepe, ‘XVIII. asrın ilk yarısında İstanbul’un’ 2–9

106. Isma‘il Âsım Efendi, Âsım Ta’rîhi 397–8

107. Aktepe, ‘1727–1728 İzmir isyanına dâir’ 71ff

108. Unat, Osmanlı Sefirleri 59–61

109. Aktepe, ‘Dürrî Ahmet Efendi’nin İran Sefareti’ 1/1.58

110. Olson, ‘The Ottoman–French Treaty’ 349

111. Tucker, ‘The Peace Negotiations’ 21

112. Tucker, ‘The Peace Negotiations’ 21–2

113. Baysun, ‘Müverrih Râşid Efendi’nin İran Elciliğine Dâir’ 145ff; Aktepe, ‘Vak’anüvis Raşid Mehmed Efendi’nin’ 155ff

114. Tucker, ‘The Peace Negotiations’ 22

115. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.333, 334, 364

116. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 92–5

117. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 91, 96–7, 99–100, 118–21

118. Tabakoğlu, Gerileme Dönemine Girerken Osmanlı Maliyesi 275; Aktepe, ‘Ahmed III. devrinde Şark seferine’ 17ff

119. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 101

120. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 133–40

121. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 140–42, 143–5

122. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 145, 147–9, 150–54

123. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 155–7

124. Veinstein, art. Mehmed Yirmisekiz (Čelebi Efendi), EI2 VI.1006

125. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 158–60

126. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 161–9

127. Aktepe, Patrona İsyanı 169–80

128. Şem’dânî-zâde Fındıklılı Süleyman Efendi, Mur’i’t-Tevârih 1.16–21

129. Abdi, Abdi Tarihi 62

130. Sem’dânî-zâde Fındıklılı Süleyman Efendi, Mur’i’t-Tevârih 1.17–19

131. Aktepe, ‘XVIII. asrın ilk yarısında Istanbul’un’ 10–16

132. Mehmed Râsid, şid Ta’rîhi 5.123

133. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.415

134. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 175–6

135. Halaçoğlu, XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun iskan siyaseti 96–108

136. Aktepe, ‘Nevşehirli Damad İbrahim Paşa’ya âid iki vakfiye’ 151

137. Winter, ‘Ottoman Egypt’ 17–20

138. Hathaway, ‘Egypt in the seventeenth century’ 42, 48, 49ff

139. Crecelius, ‘Egypt in the eighteenth century’ 70–73

140. Hathaway, ‘Çerkes Mehmed Bey’ 108ff

141. Barbir, Ottoman Rule in Damascus xv, 44–55

142. Tekindağ, ‘XVIII. ve XIX. asırlarda Cebel Lübnan’ 31ff

143. Cohen, Palestine in the 18th Century 8–11

144. Cohen, Palestine in the 18th Century 30–42

145. St Laurent and Riedlmayer, ‘Restorations of Jerusalem’ 77–9, 84

146. Barbir, Ottoman Rule in Damascus 89–93, 97–107

147. Hess, ‘The Forgotten Frontier’ 74ff; Ortaylı, ‘Ottoman–Habsburg Relations’ 290–92

148. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 162

149. Theolin, The Swedish Palace 55–8

150. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 99–100, 233–4; Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 3

151. Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 3

152. Eldem, ‘Istanbul: from imperial’, 190–4

153. Tucker, ‘The Peace Negotiations’ 24–32

154. Olson, ‘The Ottoman–French Treaty’ 350

155. Aktepe, ‘XVIII. asrın ilk yarısında İstanbul’un’ 23–4

156. Tucker, ‘The Peace Negotiations’ 34–7

157. Aktepe, ‘XVIII. asrın ilk yarısında İstanbul’un’ 10

158. Özkaya, ‘XVIII inci Yüzyılda Çıkarılan Adalet-nâmelere göre’ 461–2

159. Özkaya, ‘XVIII inci Yüzyılda Çıkarılan Adalet-nâmelere göre’ 459–60

160. Olson, ‘Jews, Janissaries, Esnaf’ 193–7

161. Aktepe, ‘XVIII. asrın ilk yarısında İstanbul’un’ 25–8

162. Faroqhi, ‘Migration into Eighteenth-Century’ 163ff

163. Abdi, Abdi Tarihi 45

164. Eldem, Sa‘dabad 22ff

165. Aktepe, ‘Kâgıdhâne’ye Dâir Bâzı Bilgiler’ 358

166. Kuban, art. Nuruosmaniye Külliyesi, İst. Ansik. 6.100–103

167. Goodwin, A History of Ottoman Architecture 377, 387, 400–402

168. Goodwin, A History of Ottoman Architecture 375

169. Erünsal, Türk Kütüphaneleri Tarihi 61ff

170. Silahdar Fındıklılı Mehmed Ağa, Nusretnâme 2.384–5

171. İrepoğlu, Levnî 23

172. Mystakidis, ‘Hukûmet-i ‘Osmâniye’ 324–5

173. Kut, art. Matba‘a, EI2 VI.800

174. Refik, Onikinci Asr-i Hicrî’de İstanbul Hayatı 89–90

175. Refik, Onikinci Asr-i Hicrî’de İstanbul Hayatı 90

176. Kut, art. Matba‘a, EI2 VI.801

177. Kut, art. Matba‘a, EI2 VI.800

178. Özcan, art. Humbaracı Ahmed Paşa, İA2 18.351; Levy, ‘Military Reform’ 232–3; Hitzel, ‘Relations interculturelles et scientifiques’ 1.304–5

179. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 8–9

180. Itzkovitz, ‘Eighteenth Century Ottoman Realities’ 86

181. Unat, Osmanlı Sefirleri 62ff

182. Refik, Onikinci Asr-i Hicrî’de İstanbul Hayatı 87

183. Zilfi, ‘Women and Society’ 298–301

184. Zilfi, ‘Women and Society’ 301

185. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 254–5

Chapter Twelve: The power of the provinces

    1. Şem’dânî-zâde Fındıklılı Süleyman Efendi, Mur’i’t-Tevârih 2/A.9

    2. Altundağ, art. Osman III, İA 9.449

    3. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman

    4. Atsız, Ahmed Resmî Efendi’nin 71

    5. Atsız, Ahmed Resmî Efendi’nin 73

    6. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 192–4

    7. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 78, 115–17

    8. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 164

    9. Fisher, The Russian Annexation 27–8, 29–30

  10. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 119

  11. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 104

  12. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 144–69

  13. Nagata, ‘Greek Rebellion of 1770’ 103ff

  14. Anderson, Naval Wars 278–91; Aktepe, art. Çeşme Vak’ası, İA2 8.288–9

  15. Nagata, ‘Greek Rebellion of 1770’ 103ff

  16. Hess, ‘The Forgotten Frontier’ 83–4

  17. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 104–8, 111–14

  18. Fisher, The Russian Annexation 40–51, 160

  19. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 153–66

  20. Gawrych, ‘Şeyh Galib and Selim III’ 94

  21. Fuller, Strategy and Power 140–41

  22. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 109–10, 188–99

  23. Fuller, Strategy and Power 137

  24. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 105–6; Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 1.54–61 (Engl. translation of treaty)

  25. Heywood, art. Küçük Kaynardja, EI2 V.313; Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 163

  26. Süleyman Penah Efendi, ‘Mora İhtilali Tarihçesi’ 156–7

  27. Davison, ‘The “Dosografa” Church’ 51ff

  28. Davison, ‘“Russian Skill and Turkish Imbecility”’ 35

  29. Davison, ‘“Russian Skill and Turkish Imbecility”’ 28ff

  30. Fisher, ‘Şahin Giray, the Reformer Khan’ 93ff

  31. Fisher, ‘Şahin Giray, the Reformer Khan’ 93ff

  32. Emecen, ‘Son Kırım Hânı Şâhin Giray’ın’ 315ff

  33. Fisher, ‘Şahin Giray, the Reformer Khan’ 94–5, 109, 119

  34. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 180–84

  35. Beydilli, ‘Bonnaval’in izinde’ 74

  36. Uzunçarşılı, ‘Sadrâzam Halil Hamid Paşa’ 239–55

  37. Bruess, Religion, Identity and Empire 238

  38. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 179

  39. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 175

  40. Uzunçarşılı, ‘Kaynarca Muahedesinden Sonraki’ 514–15

  41. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 110

  42. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 249–50

  43. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 207

  44. BOA/Hatt-i hümayun no. 8231

  45. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 260

  46. Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 4

  47. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 207–8

  48. Karal, Selim III’ün Hatt-i Hümayunları 28–9

  49. Naff, ‘Ottoman Diplomatic Relations’ 105–6

  50. Aksan, ‘An Ottoman Portrait’ 205–6

  51. Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 4

  52. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 167, 644–59

  53. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 209–10

  54. Naff, ‘Ottoman Diplomatic Relations’ 105–6

  55. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy 209–10

  56. Gökçe, ‘1787–1806 yılları arasında Kafkasya’da’ 4–12

  57. Gökçe, ‘1787–1806 yılları arasında Kafkasya’da’ 19–33

  58. Gökçe, ‘1787–1806 yılları arasında Kafkasya’da’ 34–8, 52–3

  59. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 108–9

  60. Gökçe, ‘1787–1806 yılları arasında Kafkasya’da’ 46–50

  61. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 168–9, 211–14

  62. Genç, art. Esham, İA2 11.377

  63. Eldem, French Trade 59

  64. Aksan, ‘The One-eyed Fighting the Blind’ 228–9

  65. Aksan, ‘Feeding the Ottoman Troops’ 1ff

  66. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 110

  67. Genç, art. Esham, İA2 11.376ff

  68. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 89–92; cf. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 167–9, 211–14

  69. Eldem, French Trade 188–9

  70. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 137–8; cf. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 167–9, 211–14

  71. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 137–8; cf. Sarıcaoglu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padisahın Portresi 167–9

  72. Aksan, ‘Ottoman Political Writing’ 63

  73. Aksan, ‘Breaking the Spell’ 253ff

  74. Aksan, ‘Whatever happened to the Janissaries’ 28–9

  75. Aksan, An Ottoman Statesman 189–90

  76. Aksan, ‘Whatever happened to the Janissaries’ 35–6

  77. Aksan, ‘Whatever happened to the Janissaries’ 33

  78. Özcan, art. Esame, İA2 11.356

  79. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişlahın Portresi 191, 234–42

  80. Karal, ‘Nizâm-i Cedid’e dair lâyihalar’ 237

  81. Karal, ‘Nizâm-i Cedid’e dair lâyihalar’ 418

  82. Sarıcaoğlu, Kendi Kaleminden Bir Padişahın Portresi 180–83

  83. Aksan, Ottoman Warfare ch. 4

  84. Panzac, ‘The Manning of the Ottoman Navy’ 50–53

  85. Gawrych, ‘Şeyh Galib and Selim III’ 102, 105–9

  86. Holbrook, The Unreadable Shores of Love 107–10

  87. Beydilli, Türk Bilim ve Matbaacılık 223

  88. Kissling, Rechtsproblematiken 10

  89. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 16

  90. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 121–3

  91. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 67, 69

  92. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 63–75, 120

  93. Khadduri, War and Peace 251–2

  94. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 79

  95. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 145

  96. Unat, Osmanlı Sefirleri; Naff, ‘Reform and the Conduct of Diplomacy’ 303–4

  97. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 86

  98. Gönen, ‘The Integration of the Ottoman Empire’ 88–9

  99. Renda, ‘Searching for New Media’ 451ff; Karal, Selim III’ün Hatt-i Hümayunları 92–3

100. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 155ff

101. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 408–9

102. Mert, art. Çapanoğulları, İA2 8.221–2

103. Goodwin, A History of Ottoman Architecture 400–402

104. Mert, art. Canikli Hacı Ali Paşa Ailesi, İA2 7.151–3

105. Orhonlu, art. Karā ‘Othmān-oghlı, EI2 IV 592–3; Nagata, art. Karaosmanoğulları, İA2 24.468–9

106. Kuyulu, Kara Osman-oğlu Ailesine Ait Mimari Eserler

107. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 212, 428, 434ff, 453, 461

108. Zens, ‘Pasvanoğlu Osman Paşa’ 89–99

109. Özkaya, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Dağİsyanları

110. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 217

111. Fleming, The Muslim Bonaparte 82–94

112. Jelavich, History of the Balkans 195

113. Zens, ‘Pasvanoğlu Osman Paşa’ 100–103

114. Rothenburg, The Military Border 102–4

115. Jelavich, History of the Balkans 198–9

116. Rothenburg, The Austrian Military Border 105–7, 118–19

117. Rothenburg, The Military Border 31–2

118. Rothenburg, The Military Border 7, 81–2

119. Rothenburg, The Military Border 103, 105, 106, 107

120. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great 48

121. Cazacu, ‘La “mort infâme”’ 259–61

122. Cazacu, ‘La “mort infâme”’ 253ff

123. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 52

124. Perry, ‘The Mamluk Paşalik of Baghdad’ 59, 62–3, 66

125. Perry, ‘The Mamluk Paşalik of Baghdad’ 65, 67, 68

126. Salzmann, ‘Measures of Empire’ 426–7

127. Khoury, State and provincial society 69–72

128. Holt, Egypt and the Fertile Crescent 107–9, 132–3

129. Cohen, Palestine in the 18th Century 7–19

130. Cohen, Palestine in the 18th Century 52

131. Anderson, Naval Wars 291–9

132. Tekindağ, ‘XVIII. yuzyılda Akdeniz’de Rus donanması’ 37ff

133. Cohen, Palestine in the 18th Century 45–53; Crecelius, ‘Egypt in the eighteenth century’ 82

134. Emecen, art. Cezzâr Ahmed Paşa, İA2 7.516

135. Cohen, Palestine in the 18th Century 53–77

136. Emecen, art. Cezzâr Ahmed Paşa, İA2, 7.518

137. Crecelius, ‘Egypt in the eighteenth century’ 73–82

138. Hathaway, The politics of households 118

139. Crecelius, ‘Egypt in the eighteenth century’ 84

140. Shaw, Ottoman Egypt in the Eighteenth Century 11–13

141. Crecelius, ‘Egypt in the eighteenth century’ 84–6

142. Dykstra, ‘The French occupation of Egypt’ 117–21

143. Shaw, Ottoman Egypt in the Eighteenth Century 7

144. Uzunçarşılı, ‘Bonapart’ın Cezzar Ahmed Paşa’ya Mektubu’ 451–4

145. Tekindağ, ‘Yeni kaynak ve vesikarların ışığı’ 1ff

146. Dykstra, ‘The French occupation of Egypt’ 131–2

147. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 140–44

148. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 144–6

149. Abir, ‘The “Arab Rebellion” of Amir Ghalib’ 188–9

150. Peskes, art. Wahhābiyya, EI2 XI.42

Chapter Thirteen: From the ‘New Order’ to the ‘Re-ordering’

    1. Gökçe, ‘Edirne Âyanı Dağdevirenoğlu Mehmed Ağa’ 97ff

    2. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 218

    3. Gökçe, ‘Edirne Âyanı Dağdevirenoğlu Mehmed Ağa’ 109

    4. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 221–3

    5. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 386

    6. Beydilli and Şahin, Mahmud Râif Efendi

    7. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 386

    8. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 223–4

    9. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 389–92

  10. Gökçe, ‘Edirne Âyanı Dağdevirenoğlu Mehmed Ağa’ 101

  11. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 393–5; Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 229

  12. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 395–9

  13. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 399–401

  14. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 402–3

  15. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 404–5

  16. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 406, 408–15

  17. Arıkan, III. Selim’in Sirkâtibi Ahmed Efendi

  18. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 388, 438

  19. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 415–18, 423ff

  20. Derin, ‘Tüfengçi-başı Ârif Efendi Tarihçesi’ 443

  21. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 92–4

  22. Shaw, Between Old and New 347–8

  23. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 57–8

  24. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 95–7, 101–2

  25. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 104–7

  26. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 107–11

  27. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 112–16, 221–3

  28. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 113–14, 116–17, 118–19

  29. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 242–7

  30. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 92–4

  31. İnalcık, ‘Sened-i İttifak’ 604–6; Lewis, art. Dustūr, EI2 II.640–41

  32. İnalcık, ‘Sened-i İttifak’ 604–6; Lewis, art. Dustūr, EI2 II.640–41

  33. Ortaylı, İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı 29–30

  34. Uzunçarşılı, Meşhur Rumeli Âyanlarından 143–4

  35. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 252–60

  36. Sakaoğlu, art. Alemdar Olayı, İst. Ansik. 1.186

  37. Derin, ‘Yayla İmamı Risalesi’ 260–63, 266

  38. Aksan, ‘Ottoman Political Writing’ 60

  39. Aksan, ‘Ottoman Political Writing’ 53ff

  40. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 55

  41. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 114–15

  42. Kazgan, ‘2. Sultan Mahmut Devrinde Enflasyon’ 122–3

  43. Gökçe, ‘1787–1806 yılları arasında Kafkasya’da’ 57ff

  44. Kolodziejczyk, Ottoman–Polish Diplomatic Relations 168

  45. Anderson, The Eastern Question 46

  46. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 40–45

  47. Levy, ‘Ottoman Attitudes’ 333–4

  48. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 146–9

  49. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 242–3

  50. Mert, XVIII. ve XIX. Yüzyıllarda Çapanoğulları 66–8

  51. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 20–24

  52. Cezar, Osmanlı Maliyesinde Bunalım 242–3

  53. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 145

  54. Ibrahim, ‘The Egyptian empire’ 200–202

  55. Fleming, The Muslim Bonaparte 36–56

  56. Levy, ‘Ottoman Attitudes’ 336–9

  57. Levy, ‘Ottoman Attitudes’ 338, 339

  58. Cazacu, ‘La “mort infâme”’ 281–2

  59. Clogg, A Short History 54

  60. Levy, ‘Ottoman Attitudes’ 338

  61. Anderson, The Eastern Question 52–3

  62. Cazacu, ‘La “mort infâme”’ 282–5

  63. Levy, ‘Ottoman Attitudes’ 337

  64. Bowen, art. ‘Alī Pasha Tepedelenli, EI2 I.399

  65. Cazacu, ‘La “mort infâme”’ 286–8

  66. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 48, 53–61

  67. Fisher, The Russian Annexation 90–91

  68. Clogg, A Concise History 23–32

  69. Anderson, The Eastern Question 54–5

  70. Clogg, A Concise History 29

  71. Anderson, The Eastern Question 60–61

  72. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 44–5

  73. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 122, 153, 155–8

  74. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ ch. II, 109–11

  75. Zilfi, ‘A Medrese for the Palace’ 188

  76. Levy, ‘The Ottoman Ulema’ 13–14

  77. Heyd, ‘The Ottoman ‘Ulemā’ 93

  78. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 150; Levy, ‘The Ottoman Ulema’ 18–19

  79. Aksan, ‘Breaking the Spell’ 277

  80. Hagen, ‘The Prophet Muhammad’ 151–2

  81. Ahmed Lûtf î Efendi, Vak’anüvîs Ahmed Lûtfî Efendi Tarihi 1.94

  82. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 154

  83. Özcan, art. Eşkinci, İA2 11.470

  84. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 169–76, 186

  85. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 189–92

  86. Şirvânlı Fatih Efendi, Gülzâr-i Fütûhât 10

  87. Ahmed Lûtf î Efendi, Vak’anüvîs Ahmed Lûtfî Efendi Tarihi 1.101

  88. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 196

  89. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 199

  90. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 202–8, 210ff

  91. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 236–7

  92. Şirvânlı Fatih Efendi, Gülzâr-i Fütûhât 13

  93. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 249, 254ff, 279, 282

  94. Ahmed Lûtf î Efendï, Vak’anüvîs Ahmed Lûtfî Efendi Tarihi 1.140–41

  95. Erdem, ‘Recruitment’ 194

  96. Levy, ‘The Officer Corps’ 22

  97. Macfarlane, Constantinople in 1828 1.504

  98. Barnes, An Introduction to Religious Foundations 87–8, 90–91

  99. Ahmed Lûtfî Efendi, Vak’anüvîs Ahmed Lûtfî Efendi Tarihi 1.125

100. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 96, 238

101. Zarcone, Mystiques, Philosophes et Francs-Maçons 90, 92–3, 96–7

102. Levy, ‘Millet Politics’ 427–8

103. Shaw, The Jews of the Ottoman Empire 148–9

104. Eldem, ‘Istanbul: from imperial’ 164–74

105. Reed, ‘The Destruction of the Janissaries’ 330, 335–41

106. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 121–3

107. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 70

108. Levy, ‘The Ottoman Ulema’ 30

109. Kaynar, Mustafa Reşit Paşa ve Tanzimat 191

110. Aydın, ‘Sultan II. Mahmud Döneminde’ 81ff

111. Özcan, ‘II. Mahmud Memleket Gezileri’ 361ff

112. Findley, Bureaucratic Reform 140–47

113. Findley, Ottoman Civil Officialdom 70–80; Findley, Bureaucratic Reform 145

114. Refik, Onüçüncü Asr-i Hicrî’de İstanbul Hayatı 11

115. Uzunçarşılı, ‘Asâkir-i Mansure-ye fes giydirilmesi’ 224ff

116. Quataert, ‘Clothing Laws, State’ 412–21

117. Heyd, ‘The Ottoman ‘Ulemā’ 70

118. Spatar, art. Muzika-i Hümayun, İst. Ansik. 6.11–12

119. Heyd, ‘The Ottoman ‘Ulemā’ 70

120. Ahmed Lûtf î Efendi, Vak’anüvîs Ahmed Lûtfî Efendi Tarihi 5.882; Kreiser, ‘Public Monuments’ 104–5, 115

121. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 159–65

122. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 165–6

123. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 55–6, 61ff

124. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 189–90

125. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 167

126. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 93–4

127. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 101–7

128. Fahmy, ‘The era of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha’ 168, 170–72

129. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 125ff

130. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 146ff

131. Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 1.110–11 (Engl. translation of Convention)

132. Kutluoğlu, The Egyptian Question 161ff

133. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 13

Chapter Fourteen: A crisis of identity

    1. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 97–8

    2. Kaynar, Mustafa Reşit Paşa ve Tanzimat 178

    3. Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 1.113–16 (Engl. translation of the Gülhane Edict); İnalcık, ‘Sened-i İttifak’ 611–14; Kaynar, Mustafa Reşit Paşa ve Tanzimat 174–85

    4. Zürcher, art. Reshīd Pasha, Mustafa, EI2 VIII.484–5

    5. Atasoy, art. Hırka-i Saâdet, İA2 17.377; Tanman, art. Hırka-i Şerif Camii, İA2 17.378

    6. Abu-Manneh, ‘The Islamic Roots’ 182–8, 189, 194; Algar, art. Nakshbandiyya, EI2 VII.937

    7. Quataert, ‘The Age of Reforms’ 854–5

    8. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 98ff

    9. Imber, Ebu’s-su‘ud 31–2

  10. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 105

  11. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 116

  12. Shaw, ‘The Nineteenth-Century’ 421–4

  13. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 106

  14. Levy, ‘Millet Politics’ 425ff

  15. Pinson, ‘Ottoman Bulgaria’ 109

  16. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 115–24; Pinson, ‘Ottoman Bulgaria’ 105–13

  17. Zürcher, art. Reshīd Pasha, Mustafa, EI2 VIII.485

  18. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 113–14

  19. Pamuk, A Monetary History 193–6, 198

  20. Davison, ‘The First Ottoman Experiment’ 60ff

  21. Pamuk, A Monetary History 207–8

  22. Zürcher, art. Reshīd Pasha, Mustafa, EI2 VIII.485

  23. İnalcık, ‘Application of the Tanzimat’ 105, 124–7; Pinson, ‘Ottoman Bulgaria’ 113ff

  24. Pinson, ‘Ottoman Bulgaria’ 119–21, 132, 145

  25. Gülsoy, Osmanlı Gayrimüslimlerinin Askerlik Serüveni 39–42, 46–55

  26. Önsoy, ‘Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Katıldığı’ 195–9

  27. Quataert, ‘The Age of Reforms’ 826

  28. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 125–6

  29. Peri, Christianity under Islam 202

  30. Mango, Materials for the Study 10–11

  31. Necipoğlu, ‘The Life of an Imperial Monument’ 220–21

  32. Mango, Materials for the Study 8, 12, 135–6

  33. Necipoğlu, ‘The Life of an Imperial Monument’ 224–5

  34. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 126–7

  35. LeDonne, The Russian Empire 126–7

  36. Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 1.153–6 (Engl. text of Treaty of Paris)

  37. Fuller, Strategy and Power 265–8

  38. Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 1.149–53 (Engl. translation of Reform Edict)

  39. Gülsoy, ‘1856 Islâhât Fermanı’na Tepkiler’ 446–7

  40. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 1.68

  41. Bozkurt, Alman-İngiliz Belgelerinin 71–83; Gülsoy, ‘1856 Islâhât Fermanı’na Tepkiler’ 448–58

  42. Zarcone, Mystiques, Philosophes et Francs-Maçons 94

  43. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire 100–102

  44. Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 1.151

  45. Hosking, Russia: People and Empire 236–8

  46. Deringil, ‘“There is no Compulsion in Religion”’ 114–19

  47. Refik, Onikinci Asr-i Hicrî’de İstanbul Hayatı 21–2, 32–3, 35, 160–63

  48. Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism 32–3

  49. Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism 34–5

  50. Deringil, ‘“There is no Compulsion in Religion”’ 119–30

  51. Gülsoy, Osmanlı Gayrimüslimlerinin Askerlik Serüveni 55ff

  52. Findley, Bureaucratic Reform 132–5

  53. Mardin, Religion and Social Change 113

  54. Davison, art. Tanzīmāt, EI2 X.205

  55. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 16

  56. Davison, art. Midhat Pasha, EI2 VI.1032

  57. Todorova, ‘Midhat Paşa’s Governorship’ 116, 120

  58. Todorova, ‘Midhat Paşa’s Governorship’ 119–26

  59. Davison, art. Midhat Pasha, EI2 VI.1032–3

  60. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 15

  61. Akarlı, The Long Peace 22–33

  62. Dumont, ‘La pacification du Sud-Est anatolien’ 108ff; Gould, ‘Lords or Bandits?’ 485ff

  63. Erdem, Slavery in the Ottoman Empire 94–107

  64. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 1.111–12

  65. Toledano, The Ottoman Slave Trade 129–35

  66. Erdem, Slavery in the Ottoman Empire 107–13; Toledano, The Ottoman Slave Trade 135

  67. Toledano, Slavery and Abolition 81ff

  68. Masters, ‘The Sultan’s Entrepreneurs’ 586; Masters, The Origins of Western Economic Dominance 94, 96–7

  69. Naff, ‘Ottoman Diplomatic Relations’ 103

  70. Quataert, ‘The Age of Reforms’ 838

  71. Masters, ‘The Sultan’s Entrepreneurs’ 579, 594

  72. Eldem, ‘Istanbul: from imperial’ 194

  73. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 20

  74. Issawi, ‘Introduction’ 8

  75. Küçük, art. Abdülaziz, İA2 1.180

  76. Hunter, ‘Egypt under the successors’ 193

  77. Şehsuvaroğlu, ‘Sultan Abdülaziz’in Avrupa Seyahatı’ 41–51

  78. Vatikiotis, art. Isma‘il Pasha, EI2 IV.192

  79. Çelik, Displaying the Orient 32–6

  80. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 175

  81. Çelik, Displaying the Orient 145–51

  82. Vatikiotis, art. Isma‘il Pasha, EI2 IV.192

  83. Hunter, ‘Egypt under the successors’ 186–94

  84. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire 197–217; Kuran, art. (Mustafā) Fādil Pasha (Misirli), EI2 II.728

  85. Ibrahim, ‘The Egyptian empire’ 210–15

  86. Kreiser, ‘Public Monuments’ 103ff

  87. Eldem, Pride and Privilege 216–22, 230–34

  88. Mardin, The Genesis 10ff

  89. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 21–2

  90. Karpat, ‘The Transformation’ 261

  91. Mardin, The Genesis 10ff, 115–16

  92. Mardin, Religion and Social Change 107

  93. Kuran, ‘Répercussions sociales’ 144–6

  94. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 93

  95. Kuran, ‘Répercussions sociales’ 146

  96. Kushner, ‘The Place of the Ulema’ 63–6, 69–74

  97. Halaçoğlu and Aydın, art. Cevdet Paşa, İA2 7.444, 445, 447

  98. Mardin, Religion and Social Change 114–15; Findley, art. Medjelle, EI2 VI.971–2

  99. Messick, The Calligraphic State 54

100. Mardin, Religion and Social Change 117–18

101. Mardin, Religion and Social Change 117–18

102. Köprülü, art. Fuad Paşa, Keçecizâde, İA2 13.203

103. Abu-Manneh, ‘The Sultan and the Bureaucracy’ 257ff

104. Küçük, art. Abdülaziz, İA2 1.181

105. Pamuk, A Monetary History 214

106. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 13–14

107. Davison, art. Midhat Pasha, EI2 VI.1033

108. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire 318ff

109. Devereux, ‘Süleyman Pasha’s “The Feeling”’ 3, 14

110. Devereux, ‘Süleyman Pasha’s “The Feeling”’ 15–16

111. Baykal, İbretnümâ 4

112. Devereux, ‘Süleyman Pasha’s “The Feeling”’ 16ff

113. Devereux, ‘Süleyman Pasha’s “The Feeling”’ 26, 27

114. Devereux, ‘Süleyman Pasha’s “The Feeling”’ 31–2

115. Baykal, İbretnümâ 5–6

116. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 4.156

117. Baykal, İbretnümâ 6–14

118. Baykal, İbretnümâ 19

119. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire 346

120. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 4.160

121. Uzunçarşılı, Midhat ve Rüstü Paşaların Tevkiflerine 54

122. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire 342ff

123. McCarthy, Death and Exile 60

124. McCarthy, Death and Exile 33–6, 59–61, 94–5

125. Fuller, Strategy and Power 271

126. Fuller, Strategy and Power 323–7; LeDonne, The Russian Empire 141–2

127. Noradounghian, Recueil d’actes internationaux 4.206–7; Milgrim, ‘An Overlooked Problem’ 519ff

128. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 58–9

129. Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism 57–8

130. Ortaylı, ‘Greeks in the Ottoman Administration’ 165

131. Sked, The Decline and Fall 243–4

Chapter Fifteen: The Islamic empire

    1. Salt, ‘The Narrative Gap’ 34

    2. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 2

    3. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 20

    4. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 20

    5. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire 338ff; Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 15

    6. Davison, art. Midhat Pasha, EI2 VI.1033–4

    7. Küçük, art. Çırağan Vak‘ası, İA2 8.306–9

    8. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 61–2

    9. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 191; Karpat, Ottoman Population 28

  10. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 16, 17

  11. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 139, 150ff

  12. Özcan, art. Hilâfet, İA2 17.548

  13. Karateke, Padişahım Çok Yaşa! 52–6; Lewis, ‘The Ottoman Empire’ 292–3

  14. Özcan, art. Hilâfet, İA2 17.548

  15. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 2.152; cf. Lewis, ‘The Ottoman Empire’ 293

  16. Özcan, ‘Sultan II. Abdulhamid’in “Pan-Islâm”’ 123ff

  17. Ortaylı, İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı 63

  18. Aydın, ‘Livadya Sef âretleri’ 321ff; Ortaylı, ‘Reforms of Petrine Russia’ 47

  19. Özcan, art. Hilâfet, İA2 17.547

  20. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 48; Haddad, review of Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 209

  21. Özcan, art. Hilâfet, İA2 17.547

  22. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 27, 87ff

  23. Buzpınar, ‘The Hijaz, Abdulhamid II’ 99ff esp. 106, 114

  24. Ochsenwald, Religion, Society 188–9

  25. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 32

  26. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 57–60

  27. Abu-Manneh, ‘Sultan Abdulhamid II’ 138–42

  28. Abu-Manneh, ‘Sultan Abdulhamid II’ 143–8

  29. Hanioğlu, The Young Turks 74–5, 63, 64, 84–6, 106–7, 130–31

  30. Deringil, ‘Legitimacy Structures’ 347–9

  31. Haddad, review of Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 209

  32. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 77

  33. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 115

  34. Özcan, art. Hilâfet, İA2 17.548

  35. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 148

  36. Deringil, ‘Les Ottomans et le partage’ 43ff; Karpat, The Politicization of Islam 258ff

  37. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 4.195

  38. Deringil, ‘Legitimacy Structures’ 352–3

  39. Broomhall, Islam in China 291–3; Sırma, ‘II. Abdülhamid’in Çin müslümanlarını’ 559ff

  40. Deringil, ‘Legitimacy Structures’ 350, 358

  41. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 182, 202–3

  42. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 96, 104–36

  43. Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 77

  44. Davison, art. Midhat Pasha, EI2 VI.1034

  45. (Ahmed) Cevdet Paşa, Tezakir 4.156–7

  46. Baykal, İbretnümâ

  47. Uzunçarşılı, Midhat Paşa ve Yıldız Mahkemesi 307–8, 321–9

  48. Baykal, İbretnümâ 63–7

  49. Uzunçarşılı, Midhat Paşa ve Tâif Mahkûmları 22–4, 56ff

  50. Baykal, İbretnümâ viii–ix

  51. Buzpınar, ‘The Hijaz, Abdulhamid II’ 105–6

  52. Gawrych, ‘Ottoman Administration’ 3

  53. Gawrych, ‘Ottoman Administration’ 24ff; Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 63–4, 76–8

  54. Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism 61–4

  55. Duguid, ‘The Politics of Unity’ 144–8

  56. Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism 72–93

  57. Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism 93–110

  58. Fatma Müge Göçek, personal communication

  59. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 73–5

  60. Clogg, A Short History 93–4

  61. Hanioğlu, The Young Turks 71–7

  62. Hanioğlu, The Young Turks 78ff

  63. Hanioğlu, The Young Turks 126–36, 142–6

  64. Hanioğlu, The Young Turks 173ff

  65. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 8ff, 39–46

  66. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 130–36

  67. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 136ff, 294

  68. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 106ff, 121, 123

  69. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 36, 38; Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 155–73

  70. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 36, 38; Akarlı, ‘The Problems of External Pressures’ 155–73

  71. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 41–2; Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 104–9

  72. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 109–14; Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 44–9

  73. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 91–5, 114–20

  74. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 120

  75. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 191ff

  76. Zürcher, The Unionist Factor 37–41; Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 215–16

  77. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 217

  78. Jelavich, The Establishment 207–13

  79. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 218

  80. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 217–32

  81. Anderson, The Eastern Question 271–3

  82. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 41–2

  83. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 232–61, 296

  84. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 263–4, 266–71

  85. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 273–5

  86. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 283

  87. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 311

  88. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 160–62

  89. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 184–92

  90. Kayalı, ‘Elections and the Electoral Process’ 267–73

  91. Unat, İkinci Meşrutiyetin İlânı 25–30, 31–3, 35–6, 39–41, 42–3

  92. Karakışla, ‘The 1908 Strike Wave’ 154–6, 168, 173–5

  93. Quataert, ‘Ottoman Workers’ 37

  94. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 121

  95. Unat, İkinci Meşrutiyetin İlânı 19, 44

  96. Farhi, ‘The Şeriat as a Political Slogan’ 275

  97. Zürcher, ‘Ottoman Labour Battalions’

  98. Farhi, ‘The Şeriat as a Political Slogan’ 276

  99. Kansu, Politics in Post-Revolutionary Turkey 69, 77ff

100. Unat, İkinci Meşrutiyetin İlânı 68–75, 78, 80–87, 97–100, 145–6, 148–54

101. Farhi, ‘The Şeriat as a Political Slogan’ 291–4

102. Unat, İkinci Meşrutiyetin İlânı 82

103. Mango, Atatürk 89; Kansu, Politics in Post-Revolutionary Turkey 137–47

104. Kansu, Politics in Post-Revolutionary Turkey 118–25

105. Ahmad, The Young Turks 58–9

106. Hale, Turkish Politics and the Military 41; William Hale, personal communication

107. Ahmad, The Young Turks 48–9, 54

108. Ahmad, The Young Turks 61–3

109. Zürcher, ‘The Ottoman Conscription System’ 89–90

110. Ahmad, The Young Turks 73

111. Ahmad, The Young Turks 55, 82–3

112. Kayalı, ‘Elections and the Electoral Process’ 272–7

113. Kansu, Politics in Post-Revolutionary Turkey 398–408

114. Kayalı, ‘Elections and the Electoral Process’ 277–8

115. Gawrych, ‘Ottoman Administration’ 103–4, 287ff

116. Zürcher, ‘Kosovo Revisited’ 26ff, 36

117. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 84; cf. Kansu, The Revolution of 1908 238, 239

118. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 91–4, 96–100

119. Özcan, ‘Sultan II. Abdulhamid’in “Pan-Islam”’ 128, 139

120. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 108–11, 124–5

121. Anderson, ‘Nineteenth-century Reform’ 338–9, 341–3

122. Mango,Atatürk 101

123. Haley, ‘The Desperate Ottoman’ 1–15

124. Anderson, The Eastern Question 290–91

125. Dumont and Georgeon, ‘La mort d’un empire’ 604–7

126. Anderson, The Eastern Question 293–6

127. Dumont and Georgeon, ‘La mort d’un empire’ 608

128. Mango, Atatürk 117–20

129. Mango, Atatürk 120–22

130. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 130–34

131. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 135–7, 139

132. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 176

Chapter Sixteen: The storm before the calm

    1. Kayalı, ‘Elections and the Electoral Process’ 279, 280

    2. Tanilli, ‘Le tournant de 1913’ 348–51

    3. Hale, Turkish Politics and the Military 49

    4. Mango, Atatürk 133–4

    5. Ahmad, ‘The Late Ottoman Empire’ 15

    6. Haley, ‘The Desperate Ottoman’ 24–45

    7. Yasamee, Ottoman Diplomacy 73ff; Trumpener, ‘Germany and the End’ 111ff

    8. Mango, Atatürk 134–5

    9. Mango, Atatürk 134

  10. Tanilli, ‘Le tournant de 1913’ 352

  11. Ahmad, ‘The Late Ottoman Empire’ 17

  12. Mango, Atatürk 135, 136

  13. Peters, Islam and Colonialism 90–94

  14. Zürcher, ‘Between Death and Desertion’ 250–53

  15. Zürcher, ‘The Ottoman Empire and the Armistice of Moudros’

  16. Zürcher, ‘Between Death and Desertion’ 242–4

  17. Zürcher, ‘Between Death and Desertion’ 239–46; Zürcher, ‘The Ottoman Empire and the Armistice of Moudros’

  18. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 126, 192–6, 198–200

  19. Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks 124–5, 128, 196–9

  20. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 275

  21. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 266ff

  22. Hanioğlu, ‘Jews in the Young Turk Movement’ 519ff

  23. Olson, ‘The Young Turks and the Jews’ 233

  24. Benbassa, ‘Associational Strategies’ 463–4

  25. Ortaylı, ‘Ottomanism and Zionism’ 532–4

  26. Zürcher, ‘Ottoman Labour Battalions’

  27. Sonyel, The Ottoman Armenians 291–300

  28. Süslü, Armenians and the 1915 Event 100–106 (Engl. text)

  29. Süslü, Armenians and the 1915 Event 106–10

  30. Dadrian, ‘The Documentation’ 565

  31. Mango, ‘A Speaking Turkey’ 161

  32. Salt, ‘The Narrative Gap’ 19ff

  33. Keyder, ‘Manufacturing in the Ottoman Empire’ 128–30, 133–7

  34. Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East 2.37

  35. Mango, Atatürk 190

  36. Criss, Istanbul under Allied Occupation 60ff

  37. Zürcher, ‘The Ottoman Empire and the Armistice of Moudros’

  38. Criss, Istanbul under Allied Occupation 60ff

  39. Goldstein, ‘Holy Wisdom and British Foreign Policy’ 36ff

  40. Dadrian, ‘The Documentation’ 552, 554, 556–60, 561–2, 571 n.33

  41. Andrew Mango, personal communication

  42. Mango, Atatürk 217

  43. Zürcher, ‘The Ottoman Empire and the Armistice of Moudros’

  44. Goldstein, ‘Holy Wisdom and British Foreign Policy’ 60–61

  45. Mango, Atatürk 198–201, 207–9, 211

  46. Mango, Atatürk 212–21

  47. Zürcher, Political Opposition 14–15; Criss, Istanbul under Allied Occupation 98ff

  48. Mango, Atatürk 195, 221, 225, 227, 228

  49. Mango, Atatürk 221, 230

  50. Mango, Atatürk 238–41, 244–9

  51. Zürcher, Turkey 143, 144, 157–8

  52. Mango, Atatürk 264, 269

  53. Mango, Atatürk 269–73

  54. Mango, Atatürk 276–7

  55. Mango, Atatürk 275, 279, 282

  56. Mango, Atatürk 287–97, 558

  57. Mango, Atatürk 310–21

  58. Andrew Mango, personal communication

  59. Zürcher, ‘From empire to republic’

  60. Mango, Atatürk 344

  61. Dadrian, ‘The Naim-Andonian Documents’ 336–8

  62. Mango, Atatürk 406

  63. Zürcher, Political Opposition 32ff

  64. Zürcher, Political Opposition 32–8, esp. 36

  65. Özcan, art. Hilâfet, IA2 17.551–2

  66. Zürcher, ‘From empire to republic’

  67. McCarthy, ‘Foundations of the Turkish Republic’ 142

  68. Matthews, ‘The Ottoman Inheritance Inventory’ 100–101

  69. Mango, Atatürk 37, 109

  70. Mardin, The Genesis 326–8, 331

  71. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 32

  72. Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains 170

  73. Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution 295–9

  74. Eissenstadt, ‘Turkic Immigrants/Turkish Nationalism’ 25ff

  75. Georgeon, ‘Les Foyers Turcs’ 197–202

  76. Mango, ‘Atatürk and the Kurds’ 1ff

  77. Tunçay, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Tek-Parti 134–44, 172–3, 178–9; van Bruinissen, Agha, Shaikh and State 265ff

  78. Tunçay, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Tek-Parti 173

  79. Zürcher, Turkey 181

  80. Zürcher, Political Opposition

  81. Mango, Atatürk 433–8

  82. Zürcher, Political Opposition 86

  83. Zürcher, ‘The Last Phase’ 371–7; Mango, Atatürk 445–53

  84. Mustapha Kemal, A Speech Delivered

  85. Mustapha Kemal, A Speech Delivered 658–80

  86. Mustapha Kemal, A Speech Delivered 686–721

  87. Zürcher, ‘From empire to republic’

  88. Gür, ‘Atatürk heykelleri’ 147ff

  89. Mango, Atatürk 462–3

  90. Mustapha Kemal, A Speech Delivered 680–86, 721–3

  91. Mustapha Kemal, A Speech Delivered 721

  92. Mango, ‘A Speaking Turkey’ 157