NOTES To vary the consistency of the cooked polenta, simply adjust the amount of liquid. Paula offered a range for the liquid measurement so you may dial in your preference. To achieve firm, medium-soft, or soft polenta, respectively, use 7 cups (1.75 l), 8 cups (2 l), or 10 cups (2.5 l) of water or a combination of water and milk.

Paula prefers a wide pan because the greater surface area coaxes out more polenta flavor by toasting the grain as it cooks. Her favorite pan was a 12-inch (30-cm) “Peking” pan, a wok developed by Joyce Chen.

The recipe can be halved, though leftovers are arguably the best part. To halve the recipe, use a 10-inch (25-cm) baking dish or 2- to 3-quart (2- to 3-l) saucepan. Reduce the initial cooking time to 45 minutes.

Cover and refrigerate leftover polenta for up to 3 days. To make polenta cakes, cut into pieces, brush with butter or oil, then sauté or grill.