Without using placeholders, the insert statement shown previously
would have to contain the literal values to be inserted and would
have to be re-prepared and re-executed for each row. With
placeholders, the insert statement needs to be prepared only once.
The bind values for each row can be given to the
method each time it’s called. By
avoiding the need to re-prepare the statement for each row, the
application typically runs many times faster.
Here’s an example:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{ INSERT INTO sales (product_code, qty, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?) }) || die $dbh->errstr; while (<>) { chop; my ($product_code, $qty, $price) = split /,/; $sth->execute($product_code, $qty, $price) || die $dbh->errstr; } $dbh->commit || die $dbh->errstr;
See execute
and bind_ param
more details.
The q{...}
style quoting used in this example
avoids clashing with quotes that may be used in the SQL statement.
Use the double-quote like the qq{...}
operator if
you want to interpolate variables into the string. See the section on
"Quote and Quote-Like Operators” in
the perlop manpage for more details.
See also the bind_column
method, which is used to
associate Perl variables with the output columns of a