The number of people who contributed in some way to the ideas and arguments represented in these seventy-one essays is far too large to acknowledge. I do want to mention those who specifically helped with the book. Joan Waugh convinced me to gather the essays in a collection and offered her usual sound counsel at every stage of the work. Dana Shoaf cheerfully granted permission to reprint the essays from Civil War Times, as did Terry Johnston for those from the Civil War Monitor. Beyond this venture, I have enjoyed working with Dana and Terry as editors over many years. Mike Parrish, a much-valued friend and colleague for more than forty years, encouraged me to send the manuscript to LSU Press, and Rand Dotson, editor in chief at the press, provided welcome assistance at every stage of the process. Cecily N. Zander generously pointed me toward a number of very useful sources relating to the Civil War and the West. I completed the book while serving as the Rogers Distinguished Fellow in Nineteenth-Century American History at the Henry E. Huntington Library in San Marino, California. I am most grateful to Steve Rogers, as well as to Steve Hindle, the W. M. Keck Foundation Director of Research at the Huntington, for the opportunity to spend an academic year in what I consider ideal surroundings. I also benefited from the very helpful criticism of the other long-term fellows at the Huntington. Chris Heisey, whose photographs are well known in the world of Civil War photography, kindly allowed me to use his image of the Longstreet statue at Gettysburg. I offer my warmest thanks to all of these people, whose efforts in my behalf underscore the cooperative nature of book-length endeavors.