The expedition crew’s reunion with the watcher wasn’t what they had expected. For starters, Bardos the watcher has emerged into clearing, looking as though he had been rammed by a truck. His clothes had holes in them and were singed.
The boy himself was in no better condition. His skin was covered with scratches and bruises. The was a particularly nasty cut above his left eyebrow.
Alan, Andrew and the others had been sitting on piles of dry leaves that had been lying on the ground. When they saw Bardos coming, they had rushed to keep him from falling.
Delton didn’t understand what could have happened to Bardos. They had faced him in combat and he had been toying with them. He had just been trying to choose the worthiest of the crew and had barely used his full potential. The boy himself was definitely not any ordinary human. If the Harandels had entrusted him with the key of the entrance, Bardos must posses some supernatural powers. Delton silently promised himself, never to run into whatever did this to Bardos. A promise which he would soon have to break.
Alex asked, “Bardos, what did this to you?” The watcher replied, but his voice was weak and raspy, “A troll…possessed by Antrosel.” Possessed? Now there were ghosts on this island. Just what they needed.
“Wha…what do you mean ‘possessed by Antrosel?’” asked Andrew. Bardos coughed and replied, “A troll possessed by a being called Antrosel attacked me. It took the key to the entrance. Without it, no one will survive, not even me.”
This last sentence had quite an effect on the crew. The only thing that had kept them going so far with unwavering courage was the small chance that they might survive, but now The key was gone, taken by a troll possessed by some ghost.
“So now you’re telling us, we’re going to die because you couldn’t fight off a troll?” yelled Patrick. He said ‘fight off a troll’ like ‘fight of a cat’, but he had earned the right to say so. After all, he had done so himself.
Martha ignored Patrick and said, “Bardos, who’s Antrosel?” The boy coughed again and said, “I can’t say much…it is up for the Harandels to tell the two chosen ones, but the only thing I can tell you is that Antrosel is a powerful and ancient being who can control other creatures.” Delton said next, “So what do we do now? Just wait for the island to blow up?”
Alex checked his watch, an hour left for sunset. Alan was next to speak, “Is there no other way Bardos?” The watchers eyes seemed to brighten just a bit. He replied, “Antrosel isn’t too far away, in fact he’s in the same set of tunnels you escaped from. The key is in that cave. If you can retrieve it, there is a chance. Its the last trial Alan, complete it and you can be saved.”
The last trial? There was something about this that bothered Alan. If this was to be the last trial, were the previous troubles they had faced also just tests? He decided to put it aside for later.
Andrew was glad that they had escaped the troll earlier. They had done so only due to its stupidity, but they had to face it again now. This time it was possessed by an intelligent being. Strength and intelligence together would make quite a deadly combination. If this monster had almost killed Bardos, what assurance did they have that they could possibly defeat it?
The rest of the crew were pondering over the same idea.
“We’ll go,” Alan said and turned to the others, “if it’s the only way, we’ll have to go. There is no choice. Look at how far we’ve come. We fought pirates, escaped from glow elephants, three-legged dogs and defeated a troll, just fight on a little bit longer.”
The pep talk didn’t work as well as Alan would have wanted it to. Patrick had crashed back down on the pile of leaves and said, “Oh what’s the point? Even if we had the key, Andrew and you would be saved. We know Bardos chose the two of you.”
Though he didn’t reveal it, Patrick was eager to get the key, but didn’t want to risk his life. If the key was returned, his plan would work and he would live. He hoped that Alan would oppose him and go retrieve the key anyway.
“I didn’t say that. I haven’t told you who have been chosen to pass through the entrance.” said Bardos. Andrew was next to speak, “We can keep that for later. I’m going with Alan, who’s with me?”
Alex, Patrick and Martha walked over to where Alan and Andrew were. The five of them looked down at Patrick. He stood up and joined them. Though he acted reluctant about going, he was buzzing with excitement. There was a chance…a small chance to live, but a chance nonetheless.
“We’ll get the key Bardos, hang on.” said Delton. “Wait,” said Bardos, “the key is not like any that you may expect. It a cube, carved from stone attached to a golden chain.” “Thank you Bardos. We’ll remember.” Alex assured him.
Then the crew walked back in the direction they had come from. Forty-five minutes was all they had before sunset. Forty-five minutes to save themselves from destruction.
As they walked Alan, knelt down, pretending to tie his shoelaces. Just as Andrew walked by, Alan grabbed his wrist. He stood up and pulled Andrew aside.
“What’s wrong Alan?” Andrew asked, concerned for his friend. He didn’t want Alan to have a nervous breakdown like he had in the tunnel. Alan told Andrew his plan. If they managed to get back alive with the key, Bardos would tell them who would be let through. Up to that point, Alan and the others had assumed that the survivors would be chosen based on the tests that he had given them earlier, but if their other encounters on the island would be taken into account, it could be anyone. The plan had been for Alan to refuse to enter unless the safety of the others was guaranteed.
Now that the decision wasn’t clear, the plan might not work. What if Alan and Andrew weren’t chosen at all?
Andrew took this new information in. He said, “You’ve changed Alan.” Alan shrugged and replied, “We have to adapt to survive. Anyway, if either of us get through, stick to the plan.” Andrew nodded. Then they quickly returned to the group. When Martha asked them what happened, they simply lied that they had been praying.
None of the crew spoke as they approached the tunnel. It looked the same as it had when they left, except now it was glowing red.
The crew entered, afraid to even touch the walls of the tunnel. They found a passage to the left which curved around the main tunnel and merged with it again. They used this passage as the ceiling had been collapsed in the tunnel by the troll on their way out. It was also probably the same tunnel that the troll had used to get ahead of them on their previous visit.
Finally they reached the same cavern in which they had been earlier.
This time it was filled with the hundreds of the three-legged creatures they had seen earlier. The troll looked completely different now. It had a tail which had a claw at its end. It had grown horns and stood on all four limbs. Its head seemed elongated and looked like a jackal’s, except for the ears. Now it looked less humanoid and more like an animal.
Alan’s jaw dropped in surprise as the troll began to say something other than food, “Creatures of this island, do not forget who created you. Our lord has returned. He requires a new form, a stronger form. Prove your loyalties and join us.”
What was Antrosel/the troll even talking about? Where did he learn English and did the creatures even understand English?
Martha interrupted Alan’s thoughts by saying, “What is that troll talking about? Their lord?” Alan was glad that he wasn’t the only one who’d heard it speaking.
Alex was pretty analytical and could generally find a logical explanation for most things, but this island was too much to comprehend, he was definitely regretting this expedition. He looked at the others and said, “We can discus that later. Concentrate on finding the key.”
Sooner than they expected, the crew noticed the cube tied to a golden chain around the troll’s neck.
Now how were they going to get the key? It was with Antrosel who supposedly had hundreds of those deadly three-legged creatures under his command.
Unexpectedly Antrosel turned to look at the exact spot where the crew had been crouching. He stood up on two legs and roared. Then he said, “Alan Sawner, Andrew Briston, Delton Kraig, Patrick Maple, Martha Frost and Alex Maple…welcome. I have been looking forward to this meeting for a long time. Come out, don’t hide.”
This latest development struck fear into the crew’s hearts. There was something about Antrosel’s voice that seemed to take over their minds. They walked into the open, completely terrified. They were in a sort of trance. Thy had no clue why they had obeyed Antrosel. At the time it seemed to be the right thing to do.
Antrosel laughed and it was unlike any laugh they had ever heard. It was cold and heartless. “You have many questions, don’t you?”
The crew members were too frightened to speak.
Eventually Andrew mustered the courage to say, “Give us the key and we’ll be on our way.” Antrosel laughed again and said, “Andrew, what you must understand is that your planet will soon be destroyed and there is no hope for you humans. Even of you do take the key, it will be of no use. Once your planet is destroyed, even the Harandels cannot defend you against our lord.”
None of them wanted to believe a word that Antrosel said, but they felt he was telling the truth. Though the meaning of the words weren’t too clear as they were in the dark when it came to mystical lords destroying planets.
As far as they understood, even if two of the crew were allowed through the entrance and saved, it wouldn’t matter as the entire planet would be destroyed. Somehow after destroying the planet, this lord would be stronger than the Harandels and would kill the two crew members anyway.
Technically the two people who would be saved now were only postponing their deaths.
Alan was getting tired of this. He decided to say, “If it doesn’t matter whether we get the key or not, just give it to us.” Antrosel replied, “You amuse me Alan Sawner. It would be quite pleasurable to use you as a jester, perhaps. Its a pity that the lord ordered the destruction of every human in existence. Which includes you. I cannot take chances when it comes to the lord’s orders.”
The crew’s situation was not improving and their time was running out, half an hour for sunset.
Antrosel was losing his patience. It was time to get rid of these pests, “Show your loyalty to Lord Shanarkus. Attack!”
At last they knew this person’s name. Exactly what that was supposed to mean, was still a mystery.
Alan had anticipated that this would happen. He had taken the acoustic blaster from Patrick’s backpack and has set it to the widest possible range.
The moment the wave of monsters began running towards them, Alan fired. The force was unbelievable. Even Antrosel couldn’t hold his ground.
Antrosel willed the troll’s body to stand up and said, “Impressive, but not good enough.” More monsters charged at them. Alan shot wave after wave of monsters.
The others tried to be of as much help as they could. They threw rocks, plane propellers and anything else they could find at the creatures. Yet they were no closer to getting the key cube that they were ten minutes ago.
“Its hopeless humans. You cannot fight all of them off.” bellowed Antrosel. “Alan, as much as I hate to admit it, he’s right.” said Delton. “Alan if you keep firing that thing, its going to explode.” “Thats exactly what I want” replied Alan. Alex stared at him with a puzzled expression.
It took him a while, but Patrick understood what Alan was planning to do, “You’re going to use it as a grenade.” Alan smiled in his direction and replied, “Exactly.”
The display of the A-95 Acoustic Blaster turned yellow and displayed the number six. This indicated that Alan had six shots left before the device exploded.
Alan took aim to fire again, but was blinded by a flash of green light. Swirling green light seemed to take the shape of a being.
The creatures froze, looked up at the light and began to howl.
Antrosel lost his composure. He seemed terrified. The previously terrifying monster was now not so scary. He pressed his back against the cave wall and took deep breaths.
Antrosel stared at the light and gasped, “It can’t be you…you were imprisoned.” A voice replied. It seemed to come from all direction, as though they were in the throat of some gigantic animal, “If Shanarkus can escape the abyss, so can I. Do not forget your position Antrosel.”
The light then seemed to condense into a ball. It radiated light and heat like a miniature sun. It then exploded in all directions. It spread throughout the cavern. Just before it could reach Antrosel, he lifted his hands in front of him, as though to protect himself and he was suddenly enveloped in a sphere of silver light.
The creatures however were helpless. The green blast vaporised them. Where they had been standing, were now signed black marks in the ground.
The crew closed their eyes and instinctively covered their faces with their arms, but the light just passed over them, leaving them unharmed. In fact they weren’t just unharmed, they felt stronger.
Miraculously the cube had disappeared from Antrosel’s neck and appeared on the ground before the crew. Andrew picked it up.
The crew looked at Antrosel who still looked a bit confused or it could have just been his usual expression. It’s tough to say when it comes to a troll possessed by an ancient psychic being with altered facial features.
A look at the humans in the cavern seemed to help Antrosel recover. He looked at them and yelled, “Don’t think you’re saved yet humans. You still have to defeat me.”
As usual the crew had only one choice, to turn and run for their lives.