Lyrics to the Song “When You Never Said Goodbye”

When You Never Said Goodbye

Had that dream again of asters

and black birds—you like a page torn—

just outside my door.

The wind stirs

and the leaves all let go.

Rushed out to greet you,

your face turned to snow.


Wish I could climb inside

myself, tumble down

tumble down

to a past I never knew—

maybe I’d reach the day

when maybe you said Be good,

when maybe you said Don’t cry,

when maybe you said

I love you—

when you never said goodbye.

Thought I saw you through a window

one April—there by the gold trees—

turned out you were me.

The wind blows

as though a mother-ghost.

I was still sea-borne

and you were my coast.


Once I met the great wizard

of heart-ache—his mask was the sea—

I pled for his pity.

The wind blurs

then snuffs the star lights out.

There are just some things

it can’t live without.



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