
Chapter 15: Cracks in the Marble


Tanyth Veridian and Sir Danton rode their death steeds into a heavily wooded area where the light crept through the upper branches but dissipated to near nothing by the time they reached the thick brush at the base of the trees. The path they rode was passable. Soon the underbrush gave way to a vine covered metal gate half off its hinges. The gate was once an opulent spectacle with lavish designs and the name Sperion in large metal letters arranged in a circular pattern at its crest. Into the gate the path curved into an overgrown garden and finally to a marble walkway that had long ago cracked with age. The dark castle at the end of the walk was covered in vines and surrounded by unkept bushes and shrubs. The entranceway was beyond two enormous metal doors. Tanyth led Danton through the doors where freshly lit torches lined a lavish foyer. Tanyth glanced behind them as the door began to close to see about ten or more of the blood feeders they had created stumbling up the walk.

“What is this place?” Danton asked in his unusual scratchy voice.

“The Sperion family were cousins to the Veridians, my family. This is a house used before my race was known as dark elves and went underground for the most part. Now, worshipers of Cassany come here and Cassany herself resides in this hollowed halls for much of the year. She is here now.” He pointed to a statue of a winged man with a spear, “There she is as a man, the winged god. She often changes her appearance and is currently a woman figure. The Black Mage’s power of deception stems from the winged goddesses’ ability to alter her appearance and even her gender.”

They entered into a larger chamber that had once been a solarium and passed beyond it into a ballroom where Cassany had another throne set up. She was sitting watching them as they entered.

“My goddess.” Tanyth said bowing, “I hope you have not been waiting long.”

“I have just now arrived.” Cassany said in her booming feminine voice. “Ah, Sir Danton. You have been a busy bee of late. If my Black Mage will not create the evil, I need to roam this land, I can certainly count on my one and only Sanquinator.”

Sir Danton bowed, “It has been... fun, my goddess.”

“My goddess? So you have decided to forsake your goddess, Benera, for me?”

“Benera is your ally. She will understand. You ways are more in line with mine. I like the power you have given me. Benera would never have granted me this power.”

“No, she would not have. She might even be a little cross with me for steeling you away from your Blue Mage father.”

“The fact is, I have not cared for her for years. I was lost until you found me, goddess.”

“You flatter.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Why couldn’t you be my Black Mage? This could have been so much easier. Had she not created you through me, I would have you kill her and take her place. But, alas, I am stuck with her for the time being. All I can hope is our plan is successful and we convert her in time to adequately train her.”

Tanyth rose from his bow, “Where is she? Is she still in Emlestra?”

“She is.” Cassany said. “Once she finds out that I tricked her to make you, she will surely seek you out. It is time for you two to go to Emlestra and confront her.”

“Forgive me, my goddess, but why would we risk going to her when by your own estimation she is seeking to Destroy Sir Danton? Wouldn’t that be unwise?” Tanyth asked.

“She will not kill him. I have guarded against such things in all my Black Mages. She will revere him. In fact, the sight and presence of him will ignite the fire inside her to begin her sacrifices to me. It will entice her to create more of the evil creatures and pit them against my brother and sister gods’ creations. She is close to the edge now; Sir Danton will send her over. I need him to go there.”

“I see.” Tanyth said.

“Have you procured the poison I asked for, Veridian?”

“The Green Mage would not make it for me.”

“You have to talk her into it. You can’t just ask her. You have to find a way to make her do it for you. I want dominance over her. She is the enemy and I need her to submit. Get her to make the poison.” Cassany’s face contorted into an evil grin, “I hear her sister is the apprentice to Ephaltus. I have seen her though the great lens. She is alone quite a lot these days, and she has a habit of not calibrating the machine. Ephaltus is home at the moment, but the last time he left for some time. Wait until he leaves again and go after her. That will convince the Green Mage to do what you say.”

“A brilliant plan, my goddess.” Tanyth bowed again.

“When you go to Emlestra, release your blood feeders and let them roam freely over the lands. Take none of them with you. Too many in Emlestra will bring unwanted attention. I just want you and Danton there.”

“We will travel at once.” Tanyth said.

“Wait, there is one more point of order.” Cassany raised her hand and Sarren, as a cat, appeared. Cassany returned her to her human form. “Bend the knee, Sarren.” Sarren went to her knees. “Report to me.”

Sarren coughed and cleared her throat, “Thessa just left the room!”

“So, she didn’t see my portal. Report!”

“Thessa’s mother, the Red Mage, is in Emlestra, and so is the Grey Mage. I thought perhaps they were just traveling though, but they have been in the city for a while now.”

“And Thessa?”

“She has not revealed herself to them. She believes it will cause her mother pain.”

“Hmm, Hana must have heard of a girl of Thessa’s former appearance in the city and is searching for her, not realizing she no longer has that visage.”

“There’s more. Thessa has met someone. A young man who seems to have taken quite a liking to her.”

“There you go, Tanyth. I told you she would get more attention. There is yet another path you may take.”

“Yes, my goddess. I may be able to use that information to our advantage. When do you want us to leave for Emlestra?”

“I want you to end up there, but I don’t want you to go there just yet. There is still work to be done.” She turned to Sarren, “I want you to keep Thessa in Emlestra at all costs. We need more time to prepare.”

“But, she is preparing to leave. She believes that the vampires Danton is creating need to be destroyed.” Sarren said.

Cassany became irritated, “Then it is your job to stop her. Keep her there.”

“Yes, Goddess.” Sarren said. Cassany returned her to a cat and dismissed her back through a portal. “Now, the two of you must continue with your work. I want an army of blood feeders and I want you to control and lead them.”

“Forgive me, goddess, but won’t the other gods get nervous with us building such an army?” Tanyth asked.

“More than likely, yes. By the time they realize what’s happening, it will be too late. I will handle the meddling of my brothers and sisters. You just keep building the army without rousing too much suspicion. We don’t want to alert anyone. Keep to the shadows and outer villages where news travels slowly. Remember, stay away from the bigger towns and cities.” Sir Danton stared off into the distance and did not seem to be paying much attention. “Come here, Danton.” Cassany commanded. He complied. “Since the Black Mage made you, I can now do this.” She touched his forehead and a sharp band of dark energy invaded his head. “There, the very next one you turn will be a Sanquinator like you. Choose wisely.” She addressed Tanyth, “With two of them, you should be able to build faster.”

“Thank you, goddess.”

“Now, find another Sanquinator, then continue your task. In a few days travel to Emlestra and carry out the plan. Don’t dawdle or wait too many days to go to Emlestra. I do not have faith in Sarren. She will not be able to keep Thessa there for long, and the opportunity to have the Red, Grey, and Black mages in one place is amazing. If you do well, you will uncover their plans too. Now go, do my bidding.”

The two bowed and thanked her before turning and leaving the overgrown castle.