
Chapter 19: Black Mage


Thessa felt the hunger within her magnify, but she would show Cassany that she would do things her way and not follow the directives of the goddess. She would create blood feeders on her own, but they would be people who deserved the punishment. Being a blood feeder in her mind was a curse and she would only curse those she deemed appropriate; buy how would she find these people? She hesitated, but finally relented that this problem was something she could share with Sarren. The former Black Mage would know where to find the worst of the worst people. Cities like Emlestra and Riverview must have unsavory areas where these people would congregate. If Cassany wanted a Black Mage, she was about to get one!

“Sarren, I want you to lead me in to the worst areas of Emlestra where the criminals and murderers hang around. Can you do that?”

Yes, but why?

“I’ll tell you why. If I am to be the Black Mage and release such abominations into the world, I want to curse those who really deserve it.”

No, I know your reasoning. I mean, why are you bent on bad people? You do realize that if you make murderers and criminals into blood fiends and blood feeders, they will still retain their natures. You will create an army of undead who are difficult to control.

“I will not condemn innocent people to that kind of life. I know what that life is like.”

Yes, I know.

“Sarcasm? Really? Do you know where to go in this stinking city or not?”

I know where to go.

“Take me there.”

It would be better to go under the cover of night where you can use the shadows.

“How do I tell who the bad guys are?”

You will know. Bad guys are not like good guys, they cannot act civil forever. They may start out charming and seem like they are upstanding, but they are never able to hold on to that illusion forever. They will eventually begin showing their true colors. In fact, you can speed up the process by not falling for their charms and countering their machinations. The more they try to blend in, the more you expose them and they will crack like eggs.

“Do you know all the places these people frequent in all the big cities?”

Naturally, some of the best blood feeders come from such places. I just never used them much because, as I said, they can be difficult to control. Once you give a murderer, the tools to get away with murdering people, they tend to stop listening to you and start murdering indiscriminately.

“What do you do if that happens?”

It is a chore to rein them in, but it can be done. She swished her tail. You won’t like what I am about to say.

“Get on with it.”

They will kill and kill until they realize that the blood is the life and they are overfilling themselves. They will eventually begin to realize the thrill of killing is gone and is just a means to an end. It becomes a necessity and that curbs their want and need to kill. When it becomes less fun and more of a way to live, they lose interest and began killing only for sustenance.

“So they reach a limit? How long does that take? How many do they need to kill to realize it?”

There is the problem. Only a few reach that point because either the townsfolk have discovered them and dispatched them as vampires due to their over killing, or they kill for years before it finally seeks in if they survive long enough. I have only had two blood feeders who were murderers who survived to the point they stopped killing for fun.

“Perfect!” Thessa said. “Don’t you see, that solves my problem. I can alert the townsfolk and expose them before they can do too much damage. I can use their death to further my power and then have them eliminated.”

You forget they will be like your children. You will have a hard time bringing yourself to get rid of them.

“I won’t be killing them. The townsfolk will.”

You can’t see it’s the same thing? What about the people the blood feeder kills before the townsfolk takes an interest?

“If you do your job, they will probably go after other criminals.”

We will go later tonight.

Thessa thought about it for a moment, “No, we will leave now, but not to the bad places in Emlestra. I don’t want to stay here any longer. What is the most corrupt city you have ever visited?”

That’s easily King’s Cross.

“Yes, but that is the capital city with the king and his guards, I would rather not go there.”

There is the capital of Vestia, Talt. It’s almost as corrupt as King’s Cross. Then, once we visit there, we can go north to Ironhold. It’s an old fort city in Adendalind rumored to be a hideout for thieves with easy access to the Vesta river.

“Could you describe it to me? I think we will travel there by spell.”

Cassany will know and will probably intercept you for a meeting.

“She can do that anytime she wants. Besides, I hope she does. Maybe if she thinks I am finally going to start obeying her murderous agenda, she will stop with the likes of Tanyth Veridian. I know what she is doing. If she thinks what she is doing has worked, maybe she will be satisfied.”

Sarren stretched and yawned, all right. I am ready when you are. I would caution you to be careful manipulating a goddess, but it would do no good, would it?


Okay, I am ready to go. There is a clearing in the trees outside of Salt on the southern side. If you take us there, we should be safe to travel into the city relatively easily. No one would even look twice at us. I would not suggest you wear your new clothes, the ones with the straps and leafy top though. We want to blend in, not give the guards reasons to chase after you with their tongues wagging.

Thessa chuckled, “Good point. She gathered her things and used the Black Mage travel spell to get them to Talt quickly.

With a whoosh of cool air, Thessa arrived in the clearing near Talt intact with her bag and Sarren close by her side. The area surrounding them was covered in thick clusters of various sized trees, bushes and shrubs. Ahead in the distance were the spires of the city of Talt, the capital city of Vestia, and their destination. The air was colder here and far less humid. A light breeze blew in from the west.

“Where should we stay here?”

The best inn for us would be the Hunter and Hound. I had you come to this clearing because I have a chest of coin nearby. We can visit it to pad our purse before we go into the city.

“You don’ have a single coin here like Emlestra?”

No, for one there is not a coin shop here and second, I would rather take coin in with us than procure it with the city walls. What happened to you in Emlestra is far more common place here. Keep your money hidden at all times and do not give any indication of the amount you have on you.

Thessa and Sarren walked the mile or so it took to get to the southern gate of Talt. The city was much different from Emlestra. Where the river port city of Emlestra was largely an open city without walls or too many guards, Talt was walled and at least a couple of miles away from the city docks on the Vesta River. The buildings were taller, and it had several towers and spires reaching up to the sky like great pointed fingers. The city was surrounded by woods, so the gates were wooden while the walls were a combination of wood and stone. Compared to Emlestra, the city of Talt looked cold and uninviting. She hopped inside the walls would improve her first impression of the place. There were two guards who greeted them at the gate. They were chain mail with the blue and white herald of the Taltian Eagle embroidered on the front of their tabards. They beckoned to Thessa to stop.

“What business do you have in Talt young lady? The largest of the two guards asked.

Thessa set down her bag, “I am a traveler just passing through. I thought I might patron one of your inns, the Hunter and Hound?”

“So, you are just traveling through for a day and night’s stay?”

“I have never been to Talt before. I thought I might explore the shops and see what the city has to offer. I could stay a few days.”

“If you plan to stay more than one day, I need to take down your name.”

“My name is Zarina Deshane, and this is my cat, Sarren.”

Oh, you couldn’t change my name?

“Well now, I had not noticed the kitty. You might want to carry her through the streets to the inn. We have many dogs roaming the city that might chase it.” He reached down and pat Sarren on the head.

“She will take her chances.” Thessa said cheerfully. She imagined Sarren scowled at her, but the cat said nothing to her.

“Suit yourself, miss. The Hunter and Hound is down the Main Street to your left; you can’t miss it.”

“Thank you kind sir.” She said with a slight genuflect.

“Now, don’t go gettin’ into trouble or I will have to come after you.” He said.

“I won’t.” She said back, wondering if the guard was flirting with her. She couldn’t tell. She would have to ask Sarren about it at the inn if she was paying attention. She might have been too upset at her to notice.

Sarren stayed unusually close to her legs as Thessa made her way up the street to the Hunter and Hound Inn. The guard was right, it was not difficult to find. She went in, set up her payment for her accommodations, and a entered the room. It was pleasant and not at all dusty or stuffy. There was a table with two chairs, a chest of drawers with a water pitcher on top, a bed large enough for two people to sleep on comfortably, and a window with a pane big enough for Sarren to sit on and stare out. She put her things on the bed.

You could have carried me.

“You killed a man, I doubt a dog will be a challenge for you.”

Sarren went to the window pane and hopped up on it. It will be dark in a couple of hours. Are you sure you want to do this?

“I have to stop Tanyth and appease Cassany, and I have a few reasons of my own. Yes, I want to do this. Are you going to be able to come along with me or are you scared of street dogs?”

Ha, you’re funny. I will come along with you, but I expect you to take care of me should there be any trouble with canines of any type.

“It’s a deal.”