Chapter 8
IN THIS CHAPTER, WE WANT TO EXPLORE THE PERSONAL application of what we have been learning. Without question, we can say that the Passover Lamb was killed more than nineteen centuries ago. In a manner of speaking, the blood is in the basin. Jesus’ blood has been shed for us, but the blood in the basin doesn’t protect us. We have to transfer the blood from the basin to where we live.
Under the Old Covenant, we used hyssop to transfer the blood. But that is not what we use under the New Covenant. What do we use under the new? The answer is our testimony. It is our personal testimony that takes the blood out of the basin and applies it to our lives, to our situation, to our family, and to the place where we live.
Do you remember what we learned from Revelation 12:11? We could paraphrase it to say: “We overcome Satan when we use the hyssop.” What is the hyssop? It is our personal testimony. “We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word of God says the blood does for us.” That action takes the blood from the basin and sprinkles it upon ourselves, upon our lives, upon any situation where it is legitimate to apply it.
I would like to invite you to do this personally. It is your opportunity to appropriate the blood of Jesus into your life. Of all the truths I have learned from the Bible, if I had to choose one that is the most valuable and the most powerful, this would be it. You see, we didn’t really deal with the full significance of the statement we studied that Jesus “poured out His soul unto death.” In the blood of Jesus, there was God’s own life. It is the life of the One who created the whole universe—infinitely more powerful than anything He created. In the light of this truth there is no way the human mind can ever measure the power that was released in the blood of Jesus.
Years ago, when I was preaching in Zambia, I said, “There is more power in one drop of the blood of Jesus than there is in all the kingdom of Satan.” For brother Mahesh Chavda, who was with me, that statement ignited something in his spirit. He went on from Zambia to Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) to preach for a week in the capital. In Kinshasa, God moved in such a way that the crowds in that city grew in one week from 50,000 to 350,000 people. Many miracles took place, including a young boy who was raised from the dead. He had been in the hospital for several hours when he came back to life. But Mahesh said to me afterward, “The truth that gave me the faith was that one statement: ‘There is more power in one drop of the blood of Jesus than there is in the whole kingdom of Satan.’”
Unfortunately, it has become somewhat fashionable, in a way, to downplay the blood of Jesus—even for people who theoretically believe in it. I think some Christians tend to bow to academic prejudices. If people want to be considered knowledgeable, they don’t talk too much about the blood of Jesus because that is regarded as primitive.
I heard a preacher once say, “All that was accomplished for us by the blood of Jesus was negative.” I totally disagree!
The most positive thing in the universe is the life of God, and that life is released through the blood of Jesus.
You and I can learn how to appropriate what is in the blood of Jesus, the very life of God. There is nothing we will ever need that isn’t in it. How do we appropriate it? We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word says the blood does for us. It has to be personal. If you believe this truth, I would like you to say this phrase out loud right now:
We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word says the blood does for us.
Praise the Lord!