A purebred dog as versatile and talented as the Labrador Retriever attracts many admirers. Whether you are seeking a puppy simply as a home companion and family pet, as a show dog, as a field dog, or as a competition dog, there are many serious factors governing your choice. Will you have enough time to devote to your new Labrador? Even a pet Lab will require considerable time to train. Naturally, a field dog or obedience/agility dog will require hours of daily attention and special training. Do not take the acquisition of a Labrador Retriever lightly. This is a demanding dog that will want to share his whole life with you. The Labrador Retriever usually lives ten to fourteen years. Do you know where you will be in a decade? You have to plan for your Labrador Retriever to be a part of that picture.
A dog as active as the Labrador will require a lot of exercise. You must have a fenced yard, so there is no worry that your curious pup will go wandering down the lane to find your neighbors and their dogs, cats, and horses! If you are not committed to the welfare and whole existence of this energetic, purposeful animal; if, in the simplest, most basic example, you are not willing to walk your dog daily, despite the weather or how tired you are, do not choose a Labrador Retriever as a companion.
it’s a Fact
The optimal weight of a healthy, adult Lab, according to the breed standard, is sixty-five to eighty pounds for a male and fifty-five to seventy pounds for a female.
Labs are generally happy dogs, and come in three colors: yellow, chocolate, or black.
Space is another important consideration. As a puppy, a Labrador Retriever may be well accommodated in a corner of your kitchen but, after just six months, your dog will likely be more than sixty pounds, and will need more space. You will have to train your Labrador to understand the house rules so that you can trust him in every room of your house. Of course, puppyproofing is vital.
Along with exercise and space, a smart owner will need to consider the usual problems associated with puppies of any breed, such as the damages likely to be sustained by your floors, furniture, flowers, and, not least of all, restrictions to your freedom (of movement), as in vacations or weekend trips. This union is a serious affair and should not be rushed into, but, once decided, a Labrador Retriever is, perhaps, the most rewarding of all dog breeds. A few suggestions will help in the purchase of your Lab.
Just as in the human population, personalities differ among individuals and not along color lines. A Lab is a Lab no matter what color he is.
—Robin Anderson, a Labrador Retriever breeder in Seekonk, Mass.
The best place to obtain your puppy is from a reputable breeder. This is suggested even if you are not looking for a show specimen or a top contender in field work. Novice breeders and pet owners who advertise puppies at attractive prices in local newspapers are probably kind enough toward their dogs, but likely lack the expertise or facilities required to successfully raise these animals. A lack of proper feeding can cause indigestion, rickets, weak bones, poor teeth, and other problems. Veterinary bills may soon distort initial savings into financial loss, or worse, emotional loss.
Did You know?
Signs of a Good Breeder When you visit a breeder, be on the lookout for:
• a clean, well-maintained facility
• no overwhelming odors
• overall impression of cleanliness
• socialized dogs and puppies
Inquire about vaccinations and when the puppy was last dewormed. Check the ears. Ear-mite infestation is very common in young puppies. Left untreated, mite infestation can damage a pup’s hearing. Keep on guard for the pup’s scratching or shaking his head.
Color is a matter of personal choice, but whichever color you prefer, your puppy should have good pigmentation. In black Labradors, everything is black; in chocolates, the dog’s nose and paws should match his color. Yellow Labs have black noses. The shades of yellows and chocolates can vary considerably, but avoid white markings, tan marks on chocolates and patches of brindle (combination of brown and black hairs). While no importance is placed on color in the breed, only the three colors—yellow, black, and chocolate—are recognized as true Labrador Retrievers.
Note the way your puppy of choice moves. The Labrador Retriever, even in puppyhood, should show light and swift movement with no tendency to stumble or drag the hind feet. Look at the mouth to make sure that the bite is fairly even, although maturity can often correct errors present at puppyhood. If you have any doubts, ask to see the parents’ mouths. This brings up an important point. Do not purchase a puppy without first seeing at least one of the parents.
Be sure you’re ready for a puppy before you bring one home. Pick up all small things that the pup can get to.
Male dogs of this breed are equally devoted and loyal but have the drawback of being in season all year and, therefore, prone to possible wandering. This is the central reason why females are always chosen as guide dogs for the blind. Of course, good breeders will require that pet puppies be neutered or spayed, thus eliminating problems related to sexual behavior.
Don’t be in a hurry to take a new Lab puppy home. The best age for Lab puppies to embark on their new lives is about at eight weeks.
After considering all of these factors, you have most likely already made some very important decisions about selecting your puppy. You have chosen a Labrador Retriever, which means that you have decided which characteristics you want in a dog and what type of dog will best fit into your family and lifestyle. If you have selected a breeder, you have gone a step further—you have done your research and found a responsible, conscientious person who breeds quality Labs and who should be a reliable source of help as you and your puppy adjust to life together. If you have observed a litter in action, you have obtained a firsthand look at the dynamics of a puppy pack and, thus, you have learned about each pup’s individual personality—perhaps you have even found one that particularly appeals to you.
However, even if you have not yet found the Labrador Retriever of your dreams, observing pups will help you recognize certain behaviors and determine what a pup’s behaviors indicate about his temperament. You will be able to pick out which pups are the leaders, which ones are less outgoing, which ones are confident, which ones are shy, playful, friendly, aggressive, etc. Equally important, you will learn to recognize what a healthy pup looks and acts like. All of these things will help you in your search, and when you find the Lab that was meant for you, you will know it.
Researching your breed, selecting a responsible breeder, and observing as many pups as possible are all important steps on the way to dog ownership. It may seem like a lot of effort; and you have not even brought the pup home yet! Remember, though, you cannot be too careful when it comes to deciding on the type of dog you want and finding out about your prospective pup’s background. Buying a puppy is not—or should not be—a whimsical purchase. In fact, this is one instance in which you actually do get to choose your own family! You may be thinking that buying a puppy should be fun—it should not be so serious and so much work. Keep in mind that your puppy is not a cuddly stuffed toy or decorative lawn ornament, but instead will become a real member of your family, you will realize that while buying a puppy is a pleasurable and exciting endeavor, it is not something to be taken lightly. Relax…the fun will start when your Lab comes home! If the breeder has young puppies, he may not allow you to visit for a few weeks to ensure their safety. Whether he has puppies when you visit or not, never go from one kennel to another without going home, showering, and changing clothes, including your shoes (or clean them thoroughly, and spray the bottoms and sides with a ten-percent bleach solution). It is extremely easy to transmit deadly infectious disease and parasites from one kennel to another, even if everything looks clean.
Q&A for Owners Be prepared for the breeder to ask you some questions.
1. Have you previously owned a Labrador Retriever?
The breeder is trying to gauge how familiar you are with the breed. If you have never owned one, illustrate your knowledge of Labs by telling the breeder about your research.
2. How many hours are you away from home during the week?
Labrador Retrievers need lots of attention. They are not dogs that can just live in the backyard by themselves. The breeder is trying to see if you have enough time to spend each day with your new best friend, because there aren’t many things sadder than a lonely Lab.
3. How long have you wanted a Labrador Retriever?
This helps a breeder know if this purchase is an impulse buy, or a carefully thought-out decision. Buying on impulse is one of the biggest mistakes owners can make. Be patient. It may take a week to find the right dog, or even a year.
Join Club Lab to get a complete list of questions a breeder should ask you. Click on “downloads” at

Temperaments can vary according to the aims and knowledge of the breeder. Stock selected for high performance requirements can have more exercise and training demands and may not be suitable for a less structured environment where the family is gone all day. Conversely, a low-activity, low-demand puppy may prove frustrating for the family with competition aspirations.
—breeder Marianne Foote of Livermore, Calif.
With the popularity of Labs, shelters and rescue groups across the country are often inundated with sweet, loving examples of the breed— from the tiniest puppies to majestic senior dogs, petite females to blocky males, yellow to black to chocolate. Often, to get the Lab of your dreams, it takes just a journey to the local shelter. Or perhaps you could find your ideal dog waiting patiently in the arms of a foster parent at a nearby rescue group. It just takes a bit of effort, patience and a willingness to find the right dog for your family, not just the cutest dog on the block.
The perks of owning a Lab are plentiful: companionship, unconditional love, loyalty, laughter, and a constant exercise pal, just to name a few. So why choose the adoption option? You literally are saving a life!
Owners of adopted dogs swear they’re more grateful and loving than any dog they’ve owned before. It’s almost as if they knew what dire fate awaited them, and they are so thankful. Labs, known for their people-pleasing personalities, seem to embody this mentality wholeheartedly when they’re rescued. And they want to give something back.
Another perk: Almost all adopted dogs come fully vetted, with proper medical treatment, vaccinations, medicine, as well as being spayed or neutered. Some are even licensed and microchipped.
Don’t disregard older dogs, thinking the only good pair-up is between you and a puppy. Adult Labs are more established behaviorally and with their personalities, helping to better mesh their characteristics with yours in this matchmaking game. Puppies are always high in demand, so if you open your options to include adult dogs, you’ll have a better chance of adopting quickly. Plus, adult dogs are often housetrained, more calm, chew-proof, and don’t need to be taken outside in the middle of the night. Five times. In the rain.
The Labrador Retriever Club offers rescue support information ( or you can log onto a national pet adoption website such as ( The site’s searchable database enables you to find a Lab puppy in your area who needs a break in the form of a compassionate owner like you.

Ask to see the puppies’ mother and father. They will give you an idea of how your future pup will look and act.
Meet as many of your potential puppy’s relatives as possible. You should be able to meet the mother unless the puppies are very young. Don’t expect her to look her best while she’s nursing—puppy care is a big job for canine moms. Pay attention to her temperament. It is normal for a female dog to be protective of her babies, but she should accept your presence if her owner vouches for you. If the sire (father) is on the property, ask to meet him. He may not be present, because serious breeders often breed their bitches to stud dogs owned by other people. You should be able to see pictures of him, though. If you don’t like the parents—either the body type or temperament—don’t buy the puppy. Pups tend to look and act like their parents.

Quick Breeder Q&A Here are some questions you should ask a breeder and the preferred answers you want.
Q: What color of Labrador Retrievers do you raise?
A: There is no right or wrong answer to this question. You just want to make sure the breeder has the color of Lab you want. Chocolate, yellow, or black are the three acceptable Lab colors.
Q. How often do you have litters available?
A. The answer that you want to hear from the breeder is: “once or twice a year” or “occasionally” because a breeder who doesn’t have litters all that often is probably more concerned with the quality of his puppies, rather than with producing a lot of Lab puppies solely to make money.
Q. What is the goal of your breeding program?
A. A good answer is “to improve the breed” or “to breed for temperament.”
Q. What kinds of health problems have you had with your Labs?
A. Beware of a breeder who says, “none.” Every breed has health issues. For Labs, common problems include chronic hip dysplasia and idiopathic epilepsy.
You can get a complete list of questions to ask a Lab breeder—and the correct answers—on Club Lab. Log onto

Take a look around. Is the environment reasonably clean? Do all the dogs appear to be healthy, with clear eyes, trimmed toenails and reasonably groomed coats? Do they have fresh water to drink and room to move and play? Are they friendly? Does the breeder know every dog by name and each puppy as an individual? If the answer to any of these questions is no, look elsewhere. If the answers are yes, though, and you feel comfortable with this breeder and like his dogs, and he feels comfortable with you, you may soon be owned by a Labrador pup.
Did You know?
An average Labrador Retriever litter contains six to eight puppies. Thoughtful breeders space out their litters, so they don’t always have puppies available. A six-month wait is not unusual, and some breeders have waiting lists of up to two years.
Make sure the breeder has proper papers to go with the puppy of your choice.
CONTRACT: You should receive a copy of the purchase contract you signed when you bought your puppy. The contract should specify the purchase price, health guarantee, spay/neuter requirements by a certain age, and conditions to return the pup if you find you can’t keep her for any reason.
REGISTRATION PAPERS: If the breeder said that the puppy’s parents were registered with the American Kennel Club or United Kennel Club, you should receive an application form to register your puppy—or at the very least, a signed bill of sale that you can use to register the puppy. The bill of sale should include the puppy’s breed, date of birth, sex, registered names of the parents, litter number, breeder’s name, date of sale, and the seller’s signature. Registration allows your Lab puppy to compete in kennel club-sanctioned events, such as agility and obedience. Registration fees support research and other activities sponsored by the organization.
PEDIGREE: The breeder should include a copy of your puppy’s family tree, listing your puppy’s parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and beyond, depending on how many generations the pedigree includes. It also lists any degrees and/or titles that those relatives have earned. Look for indications that the dog’s ancestors were active, successful achievers in various areas of the dog sport. The information that a pedigree provides can help you understand more about the physical conformation and/or behavioral accomplishments of your pup’s family. Usually the quality of the pedigree dictates the price of the puppy, so expect to pay a higher price for a higher quality pup. Chances are that you will be rewarded by the quality of life that you and your pedigreed pup will enjoy!
Finding a healthy puppy starts with finding a quality breeder.
HEALTH RECORDS: You should receive a copy of your puppy’s health records, including his date of birth, visits to the veterinarian and immunizations. Bring the health records to your veterinarian when you take your puppy in for his first checkup, which should take place within a few days of his arrival in your household. The records will become part of your puppy’s permanent health file.
CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Finally, the breeder should provide written instructions on basic puppy care, including when and how much to feed your Lab.
Signs of a Healthy Puppy Here are a few things you should look for when selecting a puppy from a litter.
1. NOSE: It should be slightly moist to the touch, but there shouldn’t be excessive discharge. The puppy should not be sneezing or sniffling persistently.
2. SKIN AND COAT:The puppy’s coat should be soft and shiny, without flakes or excessive shedding. Watch out for patches of missing hair, redness, bumps, or sores. The pup should have a pleasant smell.
3. BEHAVIOR: A healthy puppy may be sleepy, but should not be lethargic. A healthy pup will be playful at times, not isolated in a corner. You should see occasional bursts of energy and interaction with littermates.
There are more signs to look for when picking out the perfect Labrador Retriever puppy for you. Download the list at
True Tails
Maybe rescue is what you are searching for.
When Dianne Marcinizyn and her husband, Rob McMahon, of Scottsdale, Ariz., began looking for a dog, they immediately turned to rescue. “We have several friends who have dogs and through talking with them, learned of the over-population problem and just how many dogs are on the euthanasia list because of something as simple as a shortage of housing,” Marcinizyn says.
She found Lola, a loveable Lab with a goofy grin, on the Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue website ( “It wasn’t until later that we would learn that she had been living in a crate for six years, and the silly look on her face was actually fear,” she says. “We were told she was a puppy mill dog and had been dumped at the pound by her breeder. After she served her purpose for profit, she was left for dead.”
Lola melted their hearts from the get-go. She displayed a gentle energy and love that could only be manifested in a happily wagging tail as she ran to greet Marcinizyn. “Her belly swung from side to side and she couldn’t have been more beautiful to us,” she says. “We burst into tears and adopted her on the spot. Belly or no belly, she was six-year-old baby from that moment forward.”
Even though she was rescued physically, Lola’s soul still needed saving. She was so shy at first, allowing hardly any physical contact. The tattoo in her ear proved she was never more than a number. Sure, Lola was happy to be home, but she seemed uncomfortable with too much love and attention.
“If we got too close for too long, she would get up and move away from us,” Marcinizyn says. “All we could assume was that it was probably her first experience with human contact.”
Hand-feeding, love, patience and more love helped Lola experience the beauty of family within a few weeks. Marcinizyn worked with her on walks and through training, even adopting a second Lab, two-yearold Luigi, who has helped Lola gain confidence and really blossom.
And as this pack grew, so did Marcinizyn’s desire to do more. She saw first-hand the benefits of adoption, and wanted to help others experience the joy she and McMahon experienced daily with their Labs. In 2006, they became a foster family to other Labs in need.