

While pursuing this project, I accumulated more debts to friends and colleagues than I can possibly acknowledge. I owe special thanks to Richard M. Hopper, vice president and general manager of Scholarly Resources, for his patience and enthusiasm. Also I am grateful for the friendship, good counsel, and hilarity of William H. Beezley of the University of Arizona and Judith Ewell of the College of William and Mary, the series editors. We go back many years. Don Coerver, former History Department chair, and Michael McCracken, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at my new base, Texas Christian University, allowed me the time and opportunity to complete this book. Most significant, my wife, Nancy, urged me in times of lethargy “to get the damn thing done” and accepted some wrenching but happy changes in our personal lives during the final stages. Of course, I alone have responsibility for errors and misconceptions.

—Mark Gilderhus


First and foremost we would like to thank Susan McEachern of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. She offered us the opportunity to update and revise Professor Gilderhus’s 2000 text. Professor Bill Beezley supported the project. At the University of Texas at Arlington, the Center for Mexican American Studies and the History Department provided important research support. At Rhodes College, dean Milton Moreland offered funding for research. Lance Ingwersen, at Vanderbilt, reviewed an early prospectus and offered advice. Mr. Weldon (Tat) Whitley provided technical support at Rhodes College. Timothy Garton worked with us for the duration of the project as researcher and editor; he helped compile the bibliography and wrote the final index. Photographer Bill LaFevor helped with photo selection and cover design. Paul Angelo assisted with research as the project neared completion. We appreciate the comments and excellent advice of the reviewers who supported this project both at the initial prospectus and final manuscript stages.

—David C. LaFevor and Michael J. LaRosa