Cartesian method 18
Cartesian obsession 80
Carvaka 74
Castle, The 56
Chandidas, Vaddera 70 – 89, 93
Chattopadhyaya, Bankim Chandra 2
childhood 28, 29, 31, 40, 59, 75
Christianity 59
Citizen Kane 62
civil liberty 53
collective value 57
colonial modernity 1
Confessions 37
Coward, H. G. 36
Deleuze, Gilles 55 – 69, 74 – 78, 86, 93
Derrida, Jacques 34, 36, 91; word, forms 35 – 54
Descartes, Rene 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29, 33, 40, 59 – 61, 67, 81
Desire and Liberation: The Fundamentals of Cosmicontology 7, 83, 93
deterritorialization of language 57, 58
dialogue, transformation 36
Diderot 13
Discipline and Punish 35
Discourse on Method 40, 59, 80
Dumont, Louis 71
Durkheim, Emile 22
Eco, Umberto 45
egalitarian theory 71
Enduring Colonialism 84
English language 57
Essay on the Origin of Languages 37
eurocentrism 2
Gandhi, Harilal 67
Gandhi, M. K. 50, 55, 65 – 67, 92
Gandhism 64
Gauguin, Paul 62
Gauthier, David 30
Gourevitch, Victor 16
Grimsley, Ronald 15
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali 67
Mahadevan, T. M. P. 8
major literatures 92
Marxists 3
Matilal, B. K. 8
Mind 4
modern Indian philosophy 1
modernity 31, 32, 41, 60, 63, 68, 92
modern morality 27
modern Western philosophy 1
Montesquieu 13
Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad 73
Murti, T. R. V. 36
parent/child relations 27
Peyre, Henri M. 19
philosophical traditions 8
Plato 36, 38 – 40, 42, 48, 51, 71, 85, 91
Prague German 57
proletarian literature 58
Radhakrishnan, S. 4
radicalism 12, 18, 33; breach of 19; waxing of 13
rationalism 60
Rawls, John 26
Republic 71
Riley, Patrick 12 – 15, 18, 33
Rimbaud, Arthur 19
Roberts, Robert C. 82
romantic writers 64
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 70, 71, 87, 90, 91; freedom and slavery 20 – 23; master and slave, relation 23 – 24; modernity, slavery in 24 – 26; old age home institution, founder 12 – 35; political philosophy 22
Russell, Bertrand 94
Said, Edward 35
secularism 14
Shklar, Judith 12 – 15, 18, 33
Skaria, Ajay 3
Social Contract, The 12, 15, 16, 33, 91
Social Contract Philosophy 28
social realism 2
Socrates 36, 38, 39, 42, 47, 48, 91
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 35, 51
state of bondage 21