This book began as a few notes and a hasty table of contents jotted down a dozen years ago, after many conversations with my mentor, Mary G. Enig, PhD. We agreed on the need for a popular book addressing the subject of saturated fats, one that would do more than acknowledge the notion that they “might not be so bad,” but explain why they are essential to life. Needless to say, the inspiration for this book, and the basic knowledge on fats and oils, came from her. Nourishing Fats is dedicated to the memory of this courageous biochemist, who sacrificed research grants and a prestigious career in order to warn the public about the dangers of trans fats.
Then along came Mary Evans, literary agent, who contacted me several years ago about doing the book Nourishing Broth. It was her vision and support that has made it possible to finally publish our original ideas, in the form of Nourishing Fats.
This book owes a great debt to the ongoing work of Chris Masterjohn, PhD, today’s foremost expert in the fat-soluble vitamins, one who has followed in the footsteps of Dr. Weston A. Price in showing the modern scientific validation of his original research.
Nina Teicholz’s book, The Big Fat Surprise, educated us all about the current science on toxic vegetable oils. Thanks to her persistent sleuthing, we are all a lot wiser about the dangers of processed foods, and I am grateful for her contribution to this effort and for providing key information for this book.
Sylvia Onusic, PhD, helped me track down a great many references, many of them obscure, often making special trips to the University of Pennsylvania library. Her sleuthing skills saved me hours of time and trouble.
What a pleasure it has been to work with Brittany McInerney at Hachette, who helped immensely with her expert editing skills, and with Karen Murgolo, editorial director; many thanks for her confidence in this book.
Mary Woodin’s wonderful illustrations greatly enhance the reader’s experience in Nourishing Fats. No one else has drawn such appealing fatty acid molecules!
Cheesemaker Tess Griebel lived with us the whole year while I worked on the draft, taking over all my farm duties, in the garden, making cheese, and even in the kitchen. I could not have written this book without her.
Finally, much thanks to my patient husband, Geoffrey Morell, whose support and loving presence make possible all the long hours sitting at a desk.