I AM BLESSED TO BE SURROUNDED BY THE LOVE and support of family, friends, and colleagues. Special thanks to Kobi, my brother and best critic, and to my parents, whose belief in me has never wavered.

Thanks to my friends, who faithfully cheer my successes and whose enthusiasm helps me persevere, including: Katherine Gebhardt, Kerry Land, Stephanie Nichols, Sarah and Christos Badavas, Ruth and Julian Schroeder, Pamela Harkins, and Kristina Leonardi.

Thanks to my writers groups for many valuable insights and indispensable advice; and to the faculty and students of Vermont College of Fine Arts, who nurtured this book from the very beginning, especially Ellen Levine, Tim Wynne-Jones, Liza Ketchum, Jane Resh Thomas, Bethany Hegedus, and my fellow MVPs of the July 2005 graduating class.

Finally, deepest thanks to Kate Angelella for embracing this story and giving it a home at Simon & Schuster.