Edited by Raimond Gaita

Huge questions remain unanswered about the war in Iraq. Why were we lied to about the existence of weapons of mass destruction? Why do we still not know how many Iraqis died in the invasion? Why was John Howard so eager to commit Australian troops? Was the invasion legal under international law? And how can we reconcile this critical questioning with the knowledge of how Iraqis suffered under Saddam Hussein? Edited and introduced by Raimond Gaita, Why the War Was Wrong includes the work of leading Australian writers lawyers, historian and philosophers. This is a book of paramount importance.

‘In essay after essay, Why the War Was Wrong argues its case both powerfully and persuasively.’

‘Far from the glitz of photo-ops and sound-grabs, a humanist, anti-war movement has rationally analysed the rights and wrongs of the war…With moderate and rigorous reasoning, Why the War Was Wrong traverses many facets of the debate.’
Big Issue

paperback rrp$23.00 ISBN 1 920885 12 9, 208pp