
Rachel returned to the White Spear. She was heading back to her quarters to freshen up when Jake Harris stepped out of the Air Route in front of her.

'Ah, Rachel,' he said.

Rachel nodded. She hadn't yet shaken off the melancholy of her visit to Tower Four.

'Are you okay?'

'Yes, I'm fine. I was trying to find out which detention cell Riser Trent has been taken too. Do you know where he's being held?'

Jake shook his head and looked at her for a long time. 'Sorry, Rachel. I don't know where he is. I know I'm going to regret saying this, but...'

Rachel stared back blankly. 'What is it?'

'You've worked with me on many combat operations. I've always considered you to be part of my team, even though you are now a commander yourself. I don't do so many combat operations these days. We probably won't be working on any joint operations in the future... Look, what I wanted to say was, I always considered you to be a friend.'

'Thanks, Jake. I think of you as a friend too.'

'I'm at that age where I worry about you sometimes.'

Rachel smiled. 'There's no need. Really.'

'Be careful, Rachel.'

'I'm always careful.'

'No.' Jake glanced over his shoulder before continuing. 'I mean watch your back in here.'

'Why? Is there something I should know?'

Jake hesitated, looking uncomfortable. 'I think Lord Hades is investigating you.'

'What? Why would he do that?'

'I don't know. He accesses our systems sometimes. I've seen a few traces of where he's been and what he's been looking at. Rachel, he's been looking at your profile almost every day.'

Rachel felt cold. Her mother had told her to stay away from the lords, but that didn't mean they would always stay away from her. She had seen Lord Hades watching her. She had managed to avoid him so far, but she knew that she was fooling herself if she thought that he would go away. The people of Cinnamon City had been waiting for the lords to go away for hundreds of years. It hadn't happened yet. The lords were still running the Orange Zone. She wondered whether Rickworth had spoken to Lord Hades. Who else would have the motive to make trouble for her? Maybe she was reading too much into it? Maybe Lord Hades was investigating everyone.


Rachel looked into Jake's concerned eyes.

'Just watch your back,' he said. 'That's all I'm saying.'

Rachel nodded.

'Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.'

'Thanks, Jake.'