We all make purchase mistakes. Food our family won’t touch. A movie or game that everyone ignores. The latest brand or color of makeup. You name it, we’ll try it—right? But that isn’t always the secret to success. Be thankful for the brands you love and trust no matter what. However, when you venture out, try a new product, and discover you don’t like it, don’t waste the new item. Find another use for it.
Don’t throw out sample size shampoos or those you tried and didn’t like. Instead, use them to wash your combs and brushes. Shampoos are specially formulated to remove oils from your hair—they work equally well on those same oils on your combs and brushes.
You could also pass that new, unwanted product along to a friend. Chances are she was just thinking about trying that very same shampoo, workout DVD, book, or cereal.