Use It or Lose It

We all have that basket or drawer full of free items that we have accumulated over the years: hand lotions, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, perfumes, and so forth. Either start using them or toss them out. This kind of purging can take place all over the house.

It’s time for a quiz! Give yourself one point every time you answer yes. Do you have enough space? Are things piling up in the closet? Are there stacks of unread magazines sitting around? Do certain items constantly get lost? Are things collecting on the top of your refrigerator? Are you finding stuff you haven’t used in over a year? Are you buying things you already have—because you can’t find them?

If you score zero to three, pretty good! If you score four to six, you could definitely use some improvement! Set aside one hour this week to think through solutions for these problem areas. Try to do this next month too.