
Experience has taught me that the laws of the material world truly do not apply in the presence of God-realization. And I know that I have the choice to live at this level of awareness and be successful and find inner peace. When I do so, it seems that the world changes: Animals behave differently than their biological genetics would seem to allow, people at a distance seem to hear me telepathically and respond to my highest thoughts, objects seem to materialize in defiance of what scientists say is possible, and healing takes place in spite of modern medicine saying otherwise. In other words, miracles seem to be ordinary.

The world looks like a place where everything is possible, where restrictions and limitations are non-existent, and where the power of our Creator seems to roll right up and land at my feet, begging me to hop on board and witness the infinite possibilities it offers. This is how I feel when I align myself to Spirit: Pleased with myself inside because I know something that so few ever come to realize, but humble and awestruck on the outside at the miraculousness of it all!

I’ve come to understand that when one thing appears to be going wrong, I can see clearly that 10 things are going right. For example, if my cell phone isn’t working, I can note that my health is fine, my family is safe, the ocean is calm for swimming, my bank account has a surplus, my electricity is fully functional, and on and on it goes. I automatically shift my attention away from what’s going wrong and onto what’s right—this then becomes my point of attraction and I attract more of what I’m focused on, whereas at an earlier time in my life, I’d attract more of what was going wrong because that was my point of attraction.

How sublimely beautiful the world now looks to me from this magnificent place! No longer do I stay focused on and attract more of what’s going wrong, for I’ve learned to place my attention on what’s right, what’s working, and what’s aligned with the All-Creating Spirit.

Rather than hoping, wishing, and even praying for an outcome, my inner world aligns with the idea that what I desire is feasible and on its way. This kind of inspired knowing frees me from anxiety and worry. I affirm: It’s on its way; there’s absolutely nothing to fuss about. And I leave the time of its arrival into my life in the hands of the All-Knowing, Always-Creative Spiritual Source. I find that I no longer question the Creator of the Universe because I’m at peace with the timing of everything. I know enough now not to push the river, not to demand that the timetable of my ego be the same as God’s.

What I so sincerely want to share here is that the feeling of being completely in harmony with our Source generates not only success and inner peace, but miracles everywhere. I have the delicious spine-tingling sensation of bliss as I observe and interact in this world from the wondrous vista of being inspired. These words from A Course in Miracles ring true for me: “All that must be recognized, however, is that birth was not the beginning, and death is not the end.” This is the knowing that I have from this infinite spiritual perspective.

It’s my intention to continue to live what my mind knows, rather than only what my eyes see. And my mind knows that we’re all in a universe that has a creative, organizing intelligence supporting it. I know that it flows through me, and God willing, I’ll assist you to live the life that you came here to live. There can be no greater blessing!

I send you love, I surround you with light, and I invite you to enjoy success and inner peace as you live your life aligned with Spirit.