Whatever it is that you envision for yourself—no matter how lofty or impossible it may seem to you right now—I encourage you to begin acting as if what you would like to become is already your reality. This is our topic for today, and it’s a wonderful way to set into motion the forces that will collaborate with you to make your dreams come true.
To activate the creative forces that lie dormant in your life, you must go to the unseen world, the world beyond your form. Here is where what doesn’t exist for you in your world of form will be created. You might think of it in this way: In form, you receive in-formation. When you move to Spirit, you receive in-spiration. It is this world of inspiration that will guide you to access anything that you would like to have in your life.
Some of the most significant advice I’ve ever read was written more than 2,000 years ago by an ancient teacher named Patanjali. He instructed his devotees to become inspired. You may recall that the word “inspire” originates from the words “in” and “spirit.” Patanjali suggested that inspiration involves a mind that transcends all limitations, thoughts that break all their bonds, and a consciousness that expands in every direction. Here is how you can become inspired.
Place your thoughts on what it is you’d like to become—an artist, a musician, a computer programmer, a dentist, or whatever. In your thoughts, begin to picture yourself having the skills to do these things. No doubts. Only a knowing. Then begin acting as if these things were already your reality. As an artist, your vision allows you to draw, to visit art museums, to talk with famous artists, and to immerse yourself in the art world. In other words, you begin to act as an artist in all aspects of your life. In this way, you’re getting out in front of yourself and taking charge of your own destiny at the same time that you’re cultivating inspiration.
The more you see yourself as what you’d like to become, the more inspired you are. The dormant forces that Patanjali described come alive, and you discover that you’re a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. Imagine that—dormant forces that were dead or non-existent, springing into being and collaborating with you as a result of your becoming inspired and acting as if what you want is already here!
By having the courage to declare yourself as already being where you want to be, you will almost force yourself to act in a new, exciting, and spiritual fashion. You can also apply this principle to areas other than your chosen vocation. If you’re living a life of scarcity, and all of the nice things that many people have are not coming your way, perhaps it’s time to change your thinking and act as if what you enjoy having is already here.
Visualize the beautiful automobile that’s your dream car and paste it on your bedroom door, as well as on the refrigerator. While you’re at it, paste it on the dashboard of the car you’re now driving! Visit a showroom, sit in your car, and note the beautiful new-car aroma. Run your hands over the seats, and grip the steering wheel. Walk all around your car, appreciating the lines of it. Take your car for a test drive, and visualize that you’re entitled to drive this car, that you’re inspired by its beauty, and that it’s going to find a way into your life. In some way, somehow, this is your car. Talk to others about your love for this car. Read about it. Bring up a picture on your computer screen, and leave it there to view each time you’re near that computer.
All of this may seem silly to you, but when you become inspired and act as if what you want is already here, you’ll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to make this your reality.
Treating yourself in the manner described above can become a habitual way of life. This doesn’t involve deception, arrogance, or hurting others. This is a silent agreement between you and God in which you discreetly work in harmony with the forces of the universe to make your dreams become a reality. This involves a knowing on your part that success and inner peace are your birthright; that you are a child of God; and as such, you are entitled to a life of joy, love, and happiness.
In your relationships with your lovers, co-workers, and family, act as if what you would like to materialize in these relationships is already here. If you want a sense of harmony in the workplace, maintain a clear vision and expectation of this harmony. Then, you’re out in front of your day, seeing 5 p.m. arriving peacefully for everyone when it’s still 7:30 a.m. Each time you have an encounter with someone, your 5 p.m. vision pops into your head, and you act in a peaceful, harmonious way so as not to nullify what you know is coming. Furthermore, you act toward everyone else as if they, too, are all that they are capable of becoming.
These kinds of expectations lead you to say, “I’m sure you’ll have everything ready this afternoon,” rather than, “You’re always late with everything, and I wish you would get on the ball.” When you treat others in this way, they also fulfill the destiny that you’ve reminded them is there for them.
In your family, particularly with your children, it’s important to always have this little thought in mind: Catch them doing things right. Remind them often of their inherent brilliance, their capacity for being responsible, their innate talents, and their fantastic abilities. Treat them as if they’re already responsible, bright, attractive, and honorable. “You are so terrific. I’m positive you’ll feel great about your interview.” “You’re so smart, I know you’ll study and do well on that exam.” “You are always connected to God, and God doesn’t do sickness. You’re going to feel much better tomorrow at this time.”
When you act toward your children, parents, siblings, and even more distant relatives as if the relationship is great and going to stay that way, and you point out their greatness rather than their goofiness, it is their greatness that you will see. In your relationship to your significant other, whoever that may be, be sure to apply this principle as frequently as you can. If things aren’t going well, ask yourself, “Am I treating this relationship as it is, or as I would like it to be?” So how do you want it to be? Peaceful? Harmonious? Mutually satisfying? Respectful? Loving? Of course you do. As such, before your next encounter, see it in those ways. Have expectations that focus on the qualities of inner peace and success.
You’ll find yourself pointing out what you love about that person rather than what they’re doing wrong. You’ll also see the other person responding to you in love and harmony rather than in an embittered way. Your ability to get out in front of yourself and see the outcome before it transpires will cause you to act in ways that bring about these results.
This strategy for living works for virtually everything. Before I speak to an audience, I always see them as loving, supportive, and having a terrific experience. Before writing, I see myself with no writer’s block, being inspired and having spiritual guidance available to me at all times. As A Course in Miracles reminds us, “If you knew who walked beside you at all times, you could never experience fear again.” This is the essence of inspiration, as well as seeing the future in terms of how you want it to be—and then acting exactly in that manner.