Chapter Eighteen

Lark’s day dragged terribly. Every time she looked at the clock, she swore the second hand was moving backward.

You look like you’ve got big plans tonight,” Sherry said from her desk.

Why, do I look antsy?” Lark asked.

You do. And you’ve been texting up a storm on your breaks.”

I’ve got a boyfriend.” Or at least that’s what she thought he was. They hadn’t really talked about being exclusive, but she knew that Evan felt the same way about her that she felt about him—falling fast and hard.

Oh, how nice! What’s his name, what’s he do?”

Evan, and he works at the Amazing Adventures Safari Park as a tour guide.”

I haven’t been to the park since my kids were little. When did you meet?”

Saturday. I took Rayanne to the park to check out the aviary, and I met Evan.” She told Sherry how Evan saved the day. “So he’s Rayanne’s new favorite person.”

I’ll bet. Well, I’m happy for you. What are you doing tonight?”

We’re having dinner and a movie marathon at his place. Or at least however many I can watch until I fall asleep. It’s been a long freaking day.”

It sure has. And it’s only Tuesday.”

Don’t remind me,” Lark said with a chuckle.

When the workday was done, Lark clocked out and walked out of the township building with Sherry, parting ways with her at their vehicles. “See you tomorrow, hon,” Sherry said.

Have a good night.”

You too.”

Lark waved at Sherry and sat behind the wheel. She lifted her phone to text Evan to see that he had already texted her.

I’m so glad it’s five. I thought it would never get here.

Me too! I’m on my way home.

See you soon.

She sent him a kissy face emoji and a red heart, and he sent her back a red heart.

With a happy little giggle, she headed for her apartment to get ready for their date. She hadn’t been with a guy like Evan before. Not only was he stacked like a bodybuilder and so sexy she couldn’t think straight when they were together, but he really cared about her. He was attentive in a way that wasn’t suffocating, and sweet beyond belief. Every time she thought about him, he’d seemed to have a sixth sense and messaged or called her.

And the sex.

Holy crap.

She’d never, ever been with a guy who made her feel like he did. Just thinking about being with him like that made pleasure zip down her spine and her skin prickle.

Well, it wasn’t sex, was it? She didn’t really think it was at this point. It was still early—they’d only been together for a few days—but she knew she was falling for him. It wouldn’t take long and she’d be all in, one hundred percent in love with him. He’d have her heart.

Pulling into her parking space, she hurried from her car and inside to get ready. This time, Evan had suggested she bring a change of clothes for work and said he’d drop her off and pick her up. She’d teased him about being her chauffeur, but really she liked how caring he was.

An hour later, they were on their way to his apartment.

This isn’t the SUV you usually drive,” she said as he turned onto the main road.

Uh, no. The park has unmarked vehicles for workers to use. The one I was driving before was in the shop for a tune-up.”

So you don’t have your own vehicle?”

Nope, I’ve never really needed one.”

She hummed. “That’s pretty cool.”

He linked their fingers and rested their joined hands on his thigh. “It is. There’s lots of perks working at the park.”

I’ll say. And here I was excited to get discount tickets to the state fair every summer. You get so much more.”

Maybe there’ll be an opening at the park, and you can work there too.”

That would be cool. Unless you’d get tired of seeing me all the time.”

He made a soft, snarling sound and his hand tightened on hers. “Why would you say that? I’m crazy about you. I’ll never get tired of being around you. I wish...well, I wish we were together more. I’m trying not to come off needy or be too clingy, but I want to be with you.”

I had a boyfriend once who said he needed space, that all guys needed space from their girlfriends. I feel the need to be with you too, but it’s only been a few days.”

Hey, I told you that you’re my soulmate, right?”


That means you’re my forever person. I don’t want anyone else, just you. Whatever you’re feeling, I guarantee I’m feeling it too.”

Oh?” she asked, feeling coy but also elated at his declarations. “You’re thinking about skipping dinner and the movies and going right to the bedroom?”

He glanced at her, and his eyes flashed to amber. He opened his mouth, then the navigation screen lit up with an incoming call that read “Javan.”

Damn it,” he said. He let go of her hand and pressed the button to answer the call. “Yeah?”

We’re being followed,” the male voice said.

Evan straightened in the seat and looked in the rearview. “We are? Where?”

Alfie’s been keeping tabs on a few trucks that have kept pace with us. They’re behind us but sticking close.”

Shit. What should I do?”

There’s an exit coming up,” another male voice said. “Take a right at the exit and keep going straight for a few miles. As soon as we’re off the parkway, use your GPS to get back to the park as quickly as possible. We’ll be on your tail, just don’t stop for anything.”

Did you call Joss or Caesar?”

Yes, both of them,” the first man said. “They’re sending reinforcements and they’ll be a little behind us but will do their best to catch up. Call Joss if anything else comes up.”

Will do. Thanks.”

The call ended, and Lark looked at Evan. “What’s going on?”

We’re being hunted, sweetheart. And I’m...really sorry that this is happening.”

Hunted? What are you talking about?”

He stared ahead, glancing frequently in the rearview. “I’ve...I’ve got to tell you something that’s going to seem too crazy for words, but you have to trust me. Do you trust me, Lark?”

He looked at her, and she saw his eyes were amber. “Of course I do.”

I mean it. This is me being the most serious I’ve ever been in my life. You won’t want to believe me, but you have to. And you can’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, ever. Not Dove or Rayanne, not a soul. It’s too dangerous.”

Well, if it’s a dangerous secret maybe I shouldn’t know?” she offered. Her stomach was filled with acid, her nerves kicking into high gear. Evan looked scared and angry, and she couldn’t get over that his eyes were amber.

You have to know. Because you’re my mate.”

Right. Soulmate.”

Yes, soulmate, but I mean you’re my mate. The one female on the planet perfect for me.”

She frowned. It sounded so serious. They were just having a conversation about boyfriends and dating and being each other’s forever person. But mate? That sounded animalistic.

Evan, you’re kind of freaking me out.”

Don’t be freaked out. Just listen to what I’m telling you. I’m being hunted because I pissed off an alpha wolf. I knew he’d retaliate, but I didn’t think it would happen so soon. I was hoping to have you living and working in the park with me before he struck again, but he moved fast.”

Whoa, hey, hold on a sec. You said an alpha wolf. What the hell are you talking about?”

He put on his blinker to exit and looked at her again.

There were fangs in his mouth, visible through his parted lips.

I’m a wolf shifter, Lark. And we’re both in trouble.”