Chapter Twenty-Five

Friday was Lark’s last day of work at the township office. When she’d turned her notice in earlier that week, her boss told her she could be finished on Friday and they’d pay her out any unused vacation time. She was looking forward to the bonus in her final paycheck. It had been a long day, but it had been a nice one. Bittersweet, since she’d been at the job for a few years and enjoyed the work.

But she’d enjoy being at the park even more.

Each day Evan dropped her off for work, she’d hated being away from him. She hadn’t been assigned a job in the park yet, but she was going to ask if it was okay to work with Evan doing his custodial duties for the month and then being assigned somewhere else in the park.

When Evan picked her up at five, she couldn’t stop thinking about Saturday.

The full moon.

It literally meant nothing to her before she met Evan and found out the truth, but now it was significant. While Evan said they’d be fully mated once he bit her during sex, in the eyes of the pack she wouldn’t be a member of the group until they participated in the ceremony, which had to happen on the full moon. The problem? Evan didn’t want to rush her. He was okay with waiting until the September full moon to have the ceremony.

Every day she fell a little bit more in love with Evan. Hell, she’d probably been half in love with him after spending that very first day with him. Now, a week later? She was head over heels for the guy, but she hadn’t told him yet.

He wanted to wait a full month for them to officially become mates, but she didn’t want to wait.

When he parked in the employee lot and they went down to the marketplace under the park to grab dinner, she said, “We need to talk.”

Okay,” he said, drawing the word out. “Is something wrong?”

She stopped in front of the wolves’ private living quarters and looked up at him.

I love you.”

His eyes lit up. “I love you too, baby.” He leaned in to kiss her, and she backed away.

Hold those lips for a second,” she said. “I want us to have the mating ceremony during tomorrow’s full moon.”

We can,” he said. “I just thought you might like to get to know more about me and my people before we go through the ceremony. I didn’t want you to feel rushed.”

I don’t, I promise,” she said. “I want to be part of the pack. I want to be your mate in truth.”

You’re already mine, Lark.” His eyes went amber, and she caught the scent of his wolf, all fall and woods.

I know, but it’s different.”

I get it,” he said. He hooked an arm around her waist and drew her close. “I’d love to mate you tomorrow night. I...have a great idea, actually. Will you let me plan something special for after the ceremony?”


Then leave it all to me. My mom will come and get you an hour before the ceremony, which will happen after the park is closed and has been cleared of visitors.”

We have to be apart?”

Yep, but only for an hour. I’ll explain everything later, I just need to get some things rolling first. Now, how about that kiss?”

Oh, this one?” She went onto her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips met and her insides went molten, her heart pounding and her body heating. She loved kissing him. Loved touching him. Loved everything about her mate.

They went to the accounting office near the marketplace and spoke to Joss, who was happy to have the ceremony happen the following night. After grabbing dinner, they met with Evan’s parents to discuss the ceremony, and then Evan left her with his mom and went with his dad to discuss whatever special thing he was planning for after the ceremony.

I’m so excited for you,” Delilah said with a grin. “I’m so thankful Evan found you.”

Thanks, I am too. It’s hard to believe that I came here to see an eagle and I found my soulmate.”

Fate’s funny like that.”



* * *


Evan stretched out a lightweight blanket over the air mattress inside the tent near the maintenance shed within the wolves’ paddock. A portable air conditioner was running on low to keep the temperature within the tent comfortable. He’d borrowed the tent from one of the pack members who’d been an avid camper in his younger years. A cooler sat in one corner with snacks and drinks, and there was a bathroom for them to use in the maintenance shed if they needed one overnight.

He hadn’t camped out in the paddock since he was a teenager; he and some of the younger wolves would shift and run around all night, then sleep out under the stars.

This was different, though. He was going to be officially mated to Lark at the ceremony, then once they were alone in the tent, he’d mate her properly and bite her while they made love. He couldn’t wait.

He sat back on his heels and looked at the space, from the twinkle lights hanging off the support poles to the vase of flowers on the tiny camping table.

It looked perfect. Excitement coursed through him as he rose to his feet and left the tent, stopping to zip up the entrance.

He walked through the paddock to the fire pit that he and his dad had dug earlier that day. It was set a ways back from the fence so that they could work during the safari tours that continued throughout the afternoon. Wood was stacked next to the pit, ready to be lit before the ceremony. The bonfire was symbolic. It was lit before the ceremony and had to last throughout, burning just as brightly at the start of the ceremony as it did at the end. A bright, big bonfire was a foreteller of a passionate mating.

He glanced at his watch as he opened the maintenance shed. Sunset was at nine twenty-seven. He had to say goodbye to Lark at eight thirty. The tradition was for the couple to be apart for one hour while the male lit the bonfire and waited for his mate with the alpha. The female would be with her own family, but since Lark’s family couldn’t participate, Evan’s family stepped in, with his mom and Jess helping her get ready.

He’d been to a few mating ceremonies over the years and knew what to expect, but he was mostly just looking forward to sneaking his sweetheart away to their little love nest for the night.

Lark was in the marketplace with Sarah, the two of them finishing up at the nail salon run by Zane’s mate Adriana and Celeste, who was mated to Jupiter.

How’s it going, ladies?” Evan asked as he leaned over and kissed Lark.

Almost done,” Lark said. She wiggled her fingers at him, coated with a pale pink gloss with white tips.

Looks great,” he said.

So when do you two have to part ways?” Adriana asked.

Eight thirty,” he said.

I’m glad I didn’t have to be away from Zane before we mated,” she said. “I don’t know if his beast would’ve allowed it.”

My dad said a couple decades ago the couple had to be apart for twelve hours. It was considered good luck if a male could control himself enough for that time not to shift and hunt down his female.”

What was it like for you?” Lark asked Celeste.

The lions get together at night like the wolves do, and then they set a rabbit free, and the male has to hunt and kill it.”

What?” Lark asked, her mouth dropping open.

Celeste chuckled. “It’s definitely not something you’d expect. But it’s supposed to show the male’s ability to provide for his mate. After he kills it, he preps it and it’s roasted on a skewer at the bonfire. It’s pretty cool.”

I’m kinda glad you don’t have to hunt for me,” Lark said.

Evan chuckled.

Sarah’s phone buzzed, and she lifted it to look at the screen. “I gotta go. They’re starting to carry the food up for the party.”

Can I help?” Lark asked.

Sarah, who apparently only got her toes done, stood and shook her head. “No thanks, hon. It’s the pack females’ job to put it together. You get to hang out with Delilah and Jess before the ceremony.”

Thanks for hanging out with me,” Lark said. “I hope Tris feels better.”

Evan frowned. “Is she sick?”

Sarah shook her head. “She’s been feeling off since she got here, and she’s been really distracted. She said her wolf is acting up. I’ve offered to take her for a walk topside a dozen times, but she’s afraid to leave our private area.”

Afraid of what?” Evan asked. “Alphonse’s males are dead.”

But he’s not,” Sarah said with a shrug. “I think she’s still getting used to being free to make her own choices. It would be tough for anyone in her spot to relax.”

Evan felt bad for her and hoped she’d come to the ceremony that night. And trust that the pack would keep her safe here in the park.

He listened to Lark and the two females discuss nail polish and other girly things, and then when she was finished, he and Lark headed to the pack’s private area to visit with his folks.

I wish my sister could be here,” Lark said as they walked into his parents’ home.

Me too, sweetheart. I hate that you have to keep this from her.”

I was wondering about our kids,” she said, pausing with her hand on the doorknob.

His heart skipped a beat. Kids! He couldn’t wait to start a family with her.

What about them?”

Well, tonight we’re not using protection and I’m not on birth control. If I get pregnant, will our baby be able to shift?” Last night they’d had a long discussion about whether to wait a certain time before trying to start a family. He was excited to start a family with her, but he was also willing to wait until she was ready. It turned out she was as ready to start their family as he was, and they’d decided their official mating night would be the first night they’d go protection-free.

It’s possible, but we won’t know until they’re old enough to try. Novi is a hybrid human and polar bear and has some traits of her polar bear father, like her eyes change and she can grow fangs when she’s emotional, but she can’t shift. I suppose it depends on how our DNA mixes up.”

And it doesn’t matter, right?”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

I mean, our kids will still be able to be part of the pack, right? Even if they can’t shift?”

He smiled, touched by his mate’s sweet heart, already worried about their future children being accepted. “One hundred percent. Our pack is built on inclusivity. They’ll be part of the pack because we are. It won’t matter if they can shift, because they’ll be pack members regardless.”

She blew out a breath and gave him one of her thousand-watt smiles. “Good.”

He leaned down and kissed her gently. “Sweetheart, I love you.”

She smiled against his lips. “I love you too.”


* * *


Evan stood next to the roaring bonfire between his father and his alpha. He was wearing black trousers and dark shoes, but no shirt. He rocked on his heels, watching the maintenance shed for when his mom and sister-in-law would bring Lark to him.

He heard the large door creak. The interior light was off so it didn’t spoil the fun of him seeing her for the first time in the firelight. He inhaled, wanting to pick up her sweet scent, but there wasn’t any breeze so he could get even a hint of her. His wolf let out a curious hum.

The pack rose to their feet as the sound of footsteps drew near. He could pick out the silhouettes of the females from the moonlight, and when they reached the light of the bonfire, Evan’s heart stopped beating for a second.

She was breathtaking.

Wearing a form-fitting strapless black dress, every curve was highlighted by the tight fabric. His mom and Jess hugged her and then joined the pack. Lark walked the last few feet alone, her eyes on Evan, her cheeks wet with fresh tears.

She met him at the bonfire, and they linked hands. His wolf settled as he caught her sweet scent and was soothed by her touch. The hour had been torture.

Joss cleared his throat. The pack sat in the metal chairs arranged in short rows in front of the bonfire. “When a wolf finds his soulmate, it’s with joy that the pack comes together to celebrate, not only in the finding of the mate but also in the hope that others will soon follow in their footsteps. As alpha, I approve of this mating and give my blessing. Evan and Lark, mark each other with our sacred oil.”

Eugene handed Evan a glass container. He let go of Lark’s hands and opened the container, pouring the contents on both of their fingers. Then he drew a short, straight line over her heart. “I claim this as my own,” Evan said.

Lark mimicked his actions and words, giving him a sweet smile as she drew the line on his skin.

Then he drew two fingers across her right biceps, promising to lend her his strength. Then he drew two fingers across her temple, giving her his wolf. She promised him her strength and her mind, since she didn’t have a wolf to share with him. With each stroke of his fingers, he could smell how turned on she was, how her body heated just for him.

Evan gave the container back to his father, and then Joss picked up a leather pouch and dumped a handful of ash into his hand. With his free hand, he used the ash to draw marks across his and Lark’s biceps and wrists, then tossed the ash into the fire.

You’re marked with the ash from the bonfire you created,” Joss said to Evan. “Do you swear to protect your soulmate with every fiber of your being? To be her everything?”

I swear,” Evan said, his voice growing thick with emotion. Had a male ever loved a female as much as he loved Lark? He didn’t think so.

Joss looked at Lark. “Do you swear to love your soulmate with every fiber of your being and to be his everything?”

I swear.”

Mark your mate,” Joss commanded.

Evan slowly turned Lark to face the pack and swept her hair off her shoulders to bare her neck. He wrapped one arm around her waist, drawing her back against him. He slid his hand up her throat and brushed it lightly across her pulse. He could feel her heart pounding in excitement.

I will mark you fully later,” he whispered as he lowered his head to her throat. “But you’re mine, Lark. I give you all of myself for all of my days.”

He bit her skin, hard enough to leave a red mark but not enough to break the skin. She let out a soft sigh, and he grinned inwardly.

He lifted from her throat and howled, his wolf overjoyed at marking their soulmate.

If there are any who know why these two shouldn’t be welcomed into the pack, speak now or remain silent for eternity,” Joss shouted.

When the pack was silent, Joss clapped Evan on the shoulder. “Congratulations to Evan and Lark in their mating. Lark, welcome to the pack!”

The pack howled in happiness at their mating, the sound echoing in the night sky.

Let’s eat and shift!” Joss said with a grin.

The pack cheered, every member coming up to congratulate them on their mating. When the last pack member had offered their congratulations, Evan turned to his dad. “Thanks for being here with me.”

Of course, it’s my honor. Welcome to the family, Lark.”

Thank you,” she said.

Now,” Evan said, taking her hand and walking away from the bonfire. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

You do?” she asked. “Where are we going?”

To a little place I set up for us.”

Oh?” She hummed and squeezed his hand. “I can’t see where I’m going in the dark, you know.”

Oops,” he chuckled and turned, lifting her into his arms. “I can see well enough for both of us.”

Good.” She snuggled against him. “I want to bite you tonight too.”

I’d love that.”

Even if I don’t have fangs?”

You bet. You can bite me anytime you want. My wolf will love it.”

She kissed his neck, and he felt the graze of her teeth against his skin. He let out a little growl of happiness, and she chuckled.

Love you, my sweet wolf.”

I love you too, baby.”