- Labour First 1
- Labour Students 1
- Labovitch, Mark 1
- Lader, Linda 1
- Lader, Philip 1
- Lang, Ian 1
- Lanning, Hugh 1
- Lansman, Jon 1, 2, 3
- Lapsley, Angus 1
- Lavrov, Sergei 1
- Lawrence, Matthew 1
- Le Monde 1
- LeFroy, Jeremy 1, 2
- Leonard, Peter 1
- Lese, Dr Gail 1
- Leveson Inquiry 1
- Levin, Richard 1
- LeVine, Steve 1
- Levy, Lord 1
- Lewis, Ivan 1
- Liberal Conspiracy blog 1, 2
- Liberia 1, 2, 3
- Libya 1, 2
- TB’s dealings with 1, 2, 3, 4
- and WMD 1
- Lieberman, Joe 1
- Lineker, Gary 1
- Lisbon Treaty 1, 2
- Little, Arthur D. 1
- Livermore, Spencer 1
- Lockerbie 1, 2
- Louis Vuitton 1
- Lyon, David 1