- absenteeism
- ACTION program
- affective bond
- age-appropriate activities
- age-appropriate rewards
- aggression
- agoraphobia
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- anhedonia
- anxiety disorders
- and avoidant coping style
- and cognitive restructuring
- and conditioning
- and emotional liability
- and emotion regulation
- and environmental factors
- and family environment
- and internal factors
- and life events
- and negative thoughts
- and parenting styles
- and positive imagery
- and problem solving skills
- and self-talk
- and social skills training
- comorbidity
- competence in treating
- exposure therapy
- integrated model of
see also generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
- applied tension (AT)
- arousal
- “assertive imagery” technique
- assertiveness skills
- assertiveness training
- assessment
- consideration of different diagnosis
- developmental factors
- during treatment
- evidence-based (EBA)
- integration of data
- key features of competencies
- multi-informant
- multi-method
- multi-systemic
- obstacles to
- of self-harm risk
- of suicide risk
assessment tools
- attachment theory
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- and anxiety disorders
- and internalizing disorders
- and learning disorders
- and mood disorders
- and problem solving
- attributional bias
- Australian Psychological Society
- autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
- avoidance
- and anxiety
- and depression
- and fears
- and maladaptive thoughts
- and negative emotions
- and phobias
- and problem-solving behavior
- and self-talk
- and stress
- and therapy
- parental support of
- Barriers to Treatment Participation Scale
- Beck’s cognitive theory
- behavioral activation (BA)
- and cognitive behavioral therapy
- assessment
- case study
- core elements
- defined
- foundations
- implementation
- intervention
- key features of competencies
- obstacles to practice
- parental involvement
- steps
- behavioral approach tests
- behavioral experiments
- and anxiety disorders
- devising
- evaluation
- key features of competencies
- parental involvement
- rationale for
- behavioral therapy (BT)
- “behavior contracts”
- “best estimate” procedure
- blood–injection–injury (BII) phobia
- body language
- BRAVE program
- breathing re-training
- British Psychological Society (BPS)
- bullying
- bully-victims
- case formulation
- CAT Project
see cognitive behavioral therapy
- CBT competencies
- CBT Supervision Checklist
- childhood sexual abuse (CSA)
- Child Involvement Rating Scale
- child physical abuse
- chronic illness
- client-centered case consultation
- client-centered interventions
Clinical Versus Statistical Predictions
- cognition
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- and behavioral activation
- and child age
- and depression
- and developmental considerations
- and engagement
- and experiential strategies
- and flexibility
- and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
- and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- and social phobia (SoP)
- and social skills training
- and therapeutic relationship
- building collaboration
- communicating the rationale
- eliciting and responding to feedback
- ending sessions
- modular approach
- obstacles to
- setting session goals and agenda
- techniques
- theoretical framework
- therapists’ attitudes toward
- therapists’ competencies
see also CBT competencies; specific CBT techniques; therapeutic homework; therapeutic relationships; treatment manuals
- cognitive biases
- Cognitive Formulation Rating Scale
- cognitive model
- cognitive restructuring
- cognitive style
- cognitive therapy (CB)
- Cognitive Therapy Awareness Scale
- Cognitive Therapy Scale
- Cognitive Therapy Scale – Revised
- cognitive vulnerability
- communication skills
- comorbidity
- competence/competencies
- definition
- domains of
- evaluation
- in treating anxiety disorders and depression
- in treating children and adolescents
- in treating internalized disorders
- in working with different ages
- key features of
- professional
- therapists’ self-perception of
see also CBT competencies; generic competencies; meta-competencies; self-assessment
- competencies-based approach
- conditioning
- conduct disorder (CD)
- conduct problems
- confidentiality
- conflict resolution
- consent
- consultation
- contingency management
Cool Kids
- Coping Cat
- homework assignments
- manuals
- corrective feedback
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Credibility/Expectancies Questionnaire – Parent version
- crisis
- cultural context
- cyber-bullying
- decentering
- Delphi technique
- depression
- and adolescence
- and avoidance
- and CBT
- and emotion identification
- and family environment
- and gender
- and homework assignments
- and interpersonal skills
- and negative thoughts
- and parenting style
- and positive imagery
- and problem solving skills
- and rumination
- and self-talk
- and social skills training
- and therapist competence
- behavioral factors
- behavioral model
- cognitive factors
- comorbidity
- competence in treating
- environmental factors
- hopelessness theory
- integrated model of
- role of stressors
- transactional/developmental theories
see also behavioral activation (BA)
- “detective” activities
- developmental level
- and assessment
- and CBT
- and emotion expression
- and emotion identification
- and emotion regulation
- and exposure therapy
- and homework assignments
- developmental sensitivity
- diabetes
- dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- dissemination
- distress tolerance
- domestic violence
- downward arrowing technique
- dropout
- dyslexia
- dysthymia
- early experiences
- eating disorders
- education
see psycho-education
- effectiveness
- efficacy
- emotional lability
- emotion expression
- emotion identification
- emotion regulation
- “emotion trains”
- empirically supported treatment (EST)
- dissemination
- family and parent involvement
- for anxiety disorders
- for depression
- for internalizing disorders
- for obsessive–compulsive disorder
- for sexual abuse
- implementation
- therapists’ attitudes toward
- treatment manuals
- environmental factors
- ethical guidelines
- ethical practice
- ethics
- ethnicity
- European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations
- evidence
- evidence-based assessment (EBA)
- evidence-based practice (EBP)
- and ethics
- and legal issues
- and manualized treatment
- and organizational characteristics
- and professional practice
- and supervision
- experience versus evidence
- obstacles to
- provider attitudes
- therapists as evidence consumers
- therapists’ attitudes to
- therapists’ competence
- therapists’ fidelity
- Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS)
- evidence consumers
- experience
- experiential strategies
- experts
- expert supervision
- “exposure lifestyle”
- exposure tasks
- and alliance rupture
- and consultation
- and therapist–client alliance
- developmentally appropriate
- failed
- out-of-session
- therapists’ attitudes toward
see also “exposure lifestyle”; exposure therapy
- exposure therapy
- and motivation
- and psycho-education
- competent delivering
- developmental considerations
- imaginal exposure
- interoceptive exposures
in vivo
- obstacles to delivering
- response prevention
see also “exposure lifestyle”; exposure tasks
- externalizing disorders
- fainting
- familial culture
- family communication and conflict resolution
- family conflict
- family disruption
- family environment
- family problem-solving skills training
- family structure
- fear
- functional analysis
- hierarchy
- FEAR acronym
- feedback
- corrective
- eliciting and responding to
- measurement of client outcomes
- nonverbal
- therapeutic relationship
- “feelings thermometer”
- fire alarm metaphor
- Five Ps of Problem Solving
- “flexibility within fidelity”
- flooding
- friendship skills
- FRIENDS program
From Timid to Tiger
- future most developed self (FMDS) image
- games
- generalization of skills
- generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
- consideration of differential diagnosis
- homework assignments
- presentation in youth
- treatment
see also anxiety disorders
- generic assessment
- generic therapeutic competencies
- grounding technique
see present-focused thinking
- group supervision
health issues
- homework
see therapeutic homework
- hopelessness depression
- hopelessness theory
- humor
- hyperventilation
- imaginal exposure
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
- individual differences
- internalizing disorders
- and childhood sexual abuse
- and chronic illness
- and empirically supported treatment
- and ethnicity
- and learning disorders
- and parental conflict
- and risk of harm/suicide
- and socioeconomic status
- and stressful life events
- assessment
- comorbidity
- internal working model (IWM)
- International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)
- Internet resources
- interoceptive exposure
- interpersonal engagement
- interpersonal skills
- interpersonal withdrawal
- interviews
- intolerance of uncertainty
in vivo exposure
- irritability
- knowledge
- assessment of
- of child’s characteristics
- of developmental issues
- of mandatory guidelines
- language
- body
- collaborative
- developmentally appropriate
- expressing emotional experiences
- learning disorders (LDs)
- legal practice
- life events
- and anxiety disorders
- and internalizing disorders
- dependent
- independent
see also life transitions
- life transitions
- Likert scale
- LISTSERV mailing lists
- maintaining factors
- maintenance cycle
- maladaptive behaviors
- maladaptive mood
- mandatory reporting
- “matching” activities
- metacognition
- meta-competencies
- metaphors
- mindfulness
- mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
- modeling
- mood disorders
- and gender
- comorbidity
- presentation
- motivation
- and exposure therapy
- and therapeutic relationship
- motivational interviewing
- multi-informant assessment
- multi-informant reports
- multi-method assessment
- narrative exposure
- “nasty parrot” metaphor
- needs
- negative thoughts
- challenging
- identifying
- managing
- working with
- negotiation skills
- nightmares
- observational methods
- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- and exposure therapy
- and thought acceptance
- homework assignments
- presentation
- symptoms
- treatment
- online training (OLT)
- oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
- organizational cultures
- organizational readiness for change (ORC)
- outcomes
- and comorbidity
- and socioeconomic status
- measurement
- response rates
- overbreathing
- panic control treatment for adolescents (PCT-A)
- panic disorder
- parental anxiety
- parental conflict
- parental contingency management
- parental control
- parental depression
- parental intrusiveness
- parental narrative styles
- parental overprotection
- parental psychopathology
- parental responses
- parent emotion management
- parent expectation management
- Parent Expectations for Treatment Scale
- parenting styles
- and depression
- and anxiety disorders
- Parent Motivation Inventory
- parents
- and behavioral activation
- and behavioral experiments
- and motivation for treatment
- and self-talk strategies
- building alliance with
- collaboration with
- contribution to therapy
- discrepancy with children
- involvement in exposure therapy
- involvement in homework tasks
- modeling of adaptive behavior
- therapists as
see also family environment
- peer support network
- peer victimization
- performance deficits
- phobias
- Pink Elephant experiment
- play-based activities
- pleasant events scheduling (PES)
- “positive affirmations”
- positive imagery
- and anxiety disorders
- and depression
- key features of competencies
- obstacles to using
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- and family environment
- and homework assignments
- exposure therapy
- parental involvement in therapy
- presentation
- therapists’ training
- treatment
- utilizing research evidence
- preferences
- present-focused thinking
- privacy issues
problem-solving skills
- and anxiety disorders
- and depression
- key features
- obstacles to practice
- treating adolescents
- treating children
- professional competence
- professional development
- professional practice
- progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
- conducting
- obstacles to practice
- psycho-education
- psychopathology
- and parental conflict
- comorbidity
- differential diagnosis
- internalizing
- parental
see post-traumatic stress disorder
- real world
- reflective practice
- reinforcement
- relapse
- reliability
- response styles theory
- rewards
- adolescent-friendly
- age-appropriate
- and homework assignments
- for task completion
- RIBEYE acronym
- role-playing
- and assertiveness training
- and social skills training
- routine clinical practice (RCP)
- “rude guest” metaphor
- rumination
- safety behaviors
- school
- selective mutism
- self-assessment
- and access to training
- and client feedback
- and monitoring client progress
- and reflective practice
- and supervision
- and treating anxiety disorders
- and treating depression
- and use of audio and video recording
- assessment tools
- competency guidelines
- definition
- key features of competencies
- methods
- obstacles to
- self-compassion
- self-criticism
- self-efficacy
- self-harm
- self-monitoring
- self-perception
- self-reflection
- self-report alliance measures
- self-report emotion identification
- self-report questionnaires
- self-talk
- and treating anxiety disorders
- and treating depression
- collaborative approach
- directive approach
- key features of competencies
- maladaptive
- obstacles to using
- semi-structured interviews
- separation anxiety disorder (SAD)
- consideration of differential diagnosis
- homework assignments
- treatment
- Show-That-I-Can (STIC) tasks
- single-parent households
- skill-building interventions
- skill deficits
“skilling up”
- social anxiety
- social–behavioral deficits
- social effectiveness therapy
- social networks
- social phobia (SoP)
- and family environment
- and homework assignments
- presentation
- treatment
- social skills training (SST)
- adolescents
- and anxiety
- and depression
- obstacles to practice
- social support
- socioeconomic status (SES)
- Socratic approach
- somatic complaints
- specific CBT techniques
- dosage
- flexible implementation
- rationale for
- selecting
- sequencing
- use of experiential strategies
- specific phobia (SP)
Stand Up, Speak Out manual
- STEPS acronym
- STIC tasks
see Show-That-I-Can (STIC) tasks
- stressors
- structured interviews
- Subjective Units of Distress (SUDs)
- suicidal behavior
- suicidal ideation
- suicidality
- suicide risk
- supervision
- and evidence-based practice (EBPs)
- and therapeutic relationship
- and therapist self-assessment
- expert
- group
- individual
- supervisors
- “take-home projects”
- teachers
- teasing
- technology
- tele-health
- temperamental style
- therapeutic alliance
- Therapeutic Alliance Scale for Children
- therapeutic homework
- and specific disorders
- developmental considerations
- for adolescents
- for adults
- key features of competencies
- non-compliance
- obstacles to
- parental involvement
- therapeutic relationship
- alliance building
- alliance measures
- alliance ruptures
- and adolescents
- and children
- and exposure tasks
- and motivation
- and parents
- and treating anxiety disorders
- and treating depression
- and treatment expectations
- assessment
- data on
- instilling hope and optimism
- key features of competencies
- obstacles to building
- training and supervision issues
see also therapeutic alliance
- therapists
- Therapy Process Observational Scale for Child Psychotherapy – Alliance
- thought acceptance
- thought diaries
- thought interruption
- thought stopping
- thought substitution
- thought suppression
see thought stopping
- “tool boxes”
- trainees
- training
- active strategies
- and motivational interviewing
- and supervision
- approaches
- computer-assisted
- cotherapy model
- DPR model
- duration
- in child and adolescent CBT
- key features of competencies
- multi-component
- obstacles to
- online
- passive strategies
- types of
- transactional theories
- trauma
- “treasure-chest” metaphor
- treatment
- acceptability/credibility of
- assessment during
- dropout
- expectations
- fostering maintenance of gains
- generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
- initiating
- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- obstacles to
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- resistance to
- separation anxiety disorder (SAD)
- social phobia (SoP)
- termination
see also therapists; treatment goals; treatment manuals; treatment planning
- Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS)
- treatment goals
- and treating adolescents
- discrepancies between parents and children
- setting
- treatment manuals
- and empirically supported treatment
- and evidence-based practice
- “flexibility within fidelity”
- treatment planning
- presenting the plan
- reviewing the plan
- “turning down the volume” metaphor
- validity
- vasovagal syncope
- web conferencing
- “worry box”