For a while, Carla dated a man named The Amazing Chet who guessed people’s weight at the science museum. The Amazing Chet was his real name, given to him by his mother. Twenty years before he had traveled with a circus. The science museum liked the novelty and The Amazing Chet was very good, guessing within the half-pound, and exactly more often than not. He used to sit at a folding table and write the weight down on a note card for the person, but the exhibit grew in popularity and the science museum made a special booth for him, with electronic output so that, when a patron stepped on the platform, he could enter their weight and have it be digitally displayed above their head. The Amazing Chet’s exhibit became the most popular in the museum, and scientists of various disciplines came to record and study his accuracy.
The Amazing Chet would come home, tired but happy, and lift Carla in the air to greet her. “You’ve dropped three ounces since yesterday,” he would say. “Are you drinking enough water?”
Eventually his divining career grew too important, and the science museum gathered the funds to turn him into a traveling exhibit. They hosted a gallery party to kick off the tour, and The Amazing Chet invited all his old friends from the circus. Carla was surprised to see so many people. The Amazing Chet was a dull man, in her eyes.