May I Fulfill My Duty
Gen. Terry Allen had remarkable success leading two different divisions during World War II. British Field Marshal Sir Harold R. L. G. Alexander called him the “finest divisional commander he had seen in two wars.”149 When asked about the qualities of leadership that won such devotion from his troops, one of his officers replied: “It’s just because he’s so… honest.”150 He was honest about his affection for his men and his desire to keep casualties at a minimum. He knew that the combat infantrymen represented 20 percent of U.S. forces overseas, but suffered 70 percent of the casualties. He was a fierce combat leader, but was ever conscious of his responsibility to the men under him.
Terry Allen was also devoutly religious and prayed strenuously for his troops before every battle. He contributed the following prayer to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Prayer Book :
May I Fulfill My Duty
O Jesus, Prince of soldiers, through many terrible days thou hast protected me. For this I thank thee with all my heart but, all the while, I am thinking of the soldiers who fought valiantly with me and fell bravely at my side. Give them rest and peace and the rewards thou hast reserved for the brave. Comfort their loved ones by the sweetness of thy Grace.
But there are other battles ahead and I feel more than ever the need of being close to thee. However rigorous the task that awaits me, may I fulfill my duty faithfully. Give me strength to lead and inspire my soldiers with daring and courage.
May our tears and sweat and blood, in this struggle, be acceptable in thine eyes unto the remission of our sins, for the glory of thy Name and for the preservation of our beloved Country. Amen.151
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
—Ecclesiastes 12:13