I can’t say enough about Regnery Publishing as a professional and loyal partner. I express my sincere gratitude to Marji Ross for her willingness to venture with me into the faith-based genre and for her continued support and encouragement. She has always been accessible, open-minded, and an invaluable resource at all stages of the process. Harry Crocker is without peer in his field, is dedicated to his profession, and has always been there for me. Alyssa Cordova is an extraordinary publicist, and I greatly appreciate her energy and expertise. Tom Spence does a great job handling the legal side of things and makes things smooth and seamless.
My longtime editor Jack Langer has become a special friend upon whom I absolutely rely to help maximize the readability of my books. This book is no exception. No matter how much I’ve learned about editing through the years, especially from Jack, and no matter how clean I believe my manuscript is, he always makes it so much better. He has a special gift for word economy and clarity, and he always asks the right questions when I have something that might be misconstrued or misunderstood. He places himself in the position of the reader and helps me clear up inadvertent ambiguities or seeming contradictions. I am continually amazed by his focus. Through it all, he performs his craft without a trace of ego—with the goal of making my books the best they can be and allowing me to have my voice and to say precisely what I want to say. I am proud that we work so well together and hope our relationship continues for as long as I’m blessed to be in this business.
As I’ve said before, my wife Lisa, my best friend and mother of our five children, was patient and prayerful during the early years that I would come to faith in Christ, and her confidence and persistence finally paid off. Her support throughout is impossible to adequately express. She is always understanding during the time-consuming process of book writing.
Once again, my friend Frank Turek read this book as he did my other Christian-themed books, vetting it for theological accuracy and making many helpful suggestions. Frank is always solid and if he doesn’t know the answer—which is rare—he’ll admit it and push me in the right direction to find it. I am proud to be a board member of his organization, CrossExamined.org, which is doing amazing apologetics work on our college campuses, combating the secular message that dominates America’s universities. I was blessed to go with Frank, his wife Stephanie, and his organization on my first trip to Israel last year. If you ever get a chance to visit Israel, don’t pass it up. If you get a chance to go with Frank—even better.
My longtime friend Sean Hannity has always been supportive of all my books and other professional endeavors. Sean remains a humble, kind, and generous man despite his celebrity and phenomenal success. I am proud to call him my close friend and am eternally appreciative of his encouragement. I couldn’t have a more loyal ally.
I greatly appreciate the friendship and steadfast support of Mark Levin, upon whom I can always depend. I am extremely grateful for his support of this project—as always.
My brother Rush is always at the top of my list. Rush is, above all, a loving brother—the best brother one could have. Again, sincere thanks to him for inspiring me, for opening doors for me directly and indirectly, and for doing wonderful work for this nation we both love from the bottom of our hearts. He has always supported me and my career pursuits, unfailingly encouraging me and cheering me on. I am blessed and grateful to have such a generous, caring, and thoughtful brother who makes a difference every day in his work to keep this nation true to its founding principles. He doesn’t get nearly the credit he deserves and takes way more heat than anyone should have to endure. From the beginning of his national radio show, Rush has been the tip of the spear for the modern conservative movement and remains so today, persevering through it all and always at the top of his field.
Most of all, I am grateful to God for patiently guiding me into His truth, blessing me with His love, and steering me into the saving faith in Jesus Christ. I am blessed beyond all measure.