“We can leave it to the literary small fry” Engels, Socialism, 36.
“The sun became black as sackcloth” Bible (KJV), Revelation 6:12.
“People [came] out wringing their hands” Wergland, ed., Visiting the Shakers, 14.
“A sheet of white paper” Miscellaneous Selections, 245.
Inside, they were surprised to discover a crowd Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 15.
These were the Shaking Quakers Andrews, People Called Shakers, 18–19.
The Shakers fed the two travelers Ibid., 18.
They brought their tale of an ethereal, blue-eyed woman Ibid.
As he called out the good news of the coming paradise Marini, Radical Sects, 52.
After hearing Bishop and Wright’s account Andrews, People Called Shakers, 19.
A few days later, Harlow returned Francis, Ann the Word, 127.
“Egyptian darkness” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 19.
“first-born son in America” Summary View, 35.
Within a decade, thousands of Americans Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 37.
“A map of the world that does not include” Wilde, Soul of Man, 40.
Francis Bacon is the most notable proponent Wiener, ed., Dictionary of the History of Ideas, vol. 4, 469.
“fresh, green breast” Fitzgerald, Great Gatsby, 180.
“We have it in our power” Paine, Common Sense, 32.
The notion that history, like the sun, travels east Lester, “A New Geography,” in Marcus and Sollors, eds., New Literary History of America, 2–6.
“God made me the messenger” Sargent, Schaer, and Claeys, eds., Utopia: The Search for the Ideal Society, 96.
“Thus in the beginning” Locke, Two Treatises, 226.
By the end of the 1840s, twenty-nine Fourierist Guarneri, Utopian Alternative, 408.
To their fellow citizens Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 47.
“The great utopians” Manuel and Manuel, Utopian Thought in the Western World, 27.
“the sole nexus of man with man” Carlyle, Past and Present, 180.
“only needed to be seen” Fellman, Unbounded Frame, 3.
“The only practical difficulty” Owen, New View of Society, 212.
Mocking Fourier, Owen, and Cabet Marx, Selected Writings, 262.
In volumes 1 and 2 Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 81.
“Though Marx had pointed out the naïveté” Wilson, Finland Station, 327.
“Even revolutionaries like to have ancestors” Hobsbawm, How to Change the World, 2.
“some practical joker” McCarthy, Oasis, 33.
“what comfort some have” Bellow, Augie March, 392.
“That which produces in the world” Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 71.
“as one man, afire with dedication” Sutton, Les Icariens, 146.
“Seating myself in the venerable orchard” Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 332.
“I expect the sun will rise and set” Trollope, Domestic Manners, 70.
“chilling cordiality of the world” Orvis, Letters from Brook Farm, 41.
“is not to imagine better worlds” Judt, Thinking the Twentieth Century, 304.
“I cannot overcome my fear” Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 759.
“There are men who will kill” Berlin, “Message to the 21st Century,” 37.
“when practice has shown its superiority” Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 12.
“a French Revolution in small” Emerson, “Historic Notes of Life and Letters in New England,” in Complete Works, vol. 10, 364.
They lived in a small apartment Dixon, New America, 96.
When Lee was little Francis, Ann the Word, 6.
Peasants who had previously Engels, Condition of the Working-Class, 4.
The plump little girl Summary View, 6.
This insolence earned her Ibid.
For a time she prepared Francis, Ann the Word, 15, 16.
The Wardleys believed Evans, Shaker Communism, 28.
Among those exiled to England Ibid., 25.
The French Prophets, as they came to be known Marini, Radical Sects, 75.
Slimy, stagnant creeks Engels, Condition of the Working-Class, 51.
The poorest workers Ibid., 49.
As one commentator later wrote Adam Ulam, “Socialism and Utopia,” in Manuel, ed., Utopias and Utopian Thought, 127.
“And there appeared a great wonder” Bible (KJV), Revelation 12:1.
“as if it were made of embers” Foster, Religion and Sexuality, 24.
On July 14, 1772 Manifesto, 193.
“ingenious system for combining” Ibid., 194.
Three months later Ibid., 193.
“for disturbing the congregation” Ibid.
“the most astonishing visions” Summary View, 9.
Lee later argued Marini, Radical Sects, 150.
“Unto the woman he said” Bible (KJV), Genesis 6:16.
“In the sweat of thy face” Ibid., 3:19.
“why did not the shame” Youngs, Testimony of Christ’s Second Appearing, 37.
“It may easily be determined” Ibid., 42.
In the afterglow of her vision Summary View, 9.
“saw at once that the candle of the Lord” Ibid.
“From this time she was received” Ibid.
“vessel to revive and bring to light” Ibid., 10.
“Here commenced the real manifestation” Ibid.
By the early 1770s Foster, Religion and Sexuality, 26.
“While I was sitting there” Summary View, 46.
The tree, the group decided Andrews, People Called Shakers, 13.
“God had a chosen people in America” Summary View, 46.
On May 10, 1774 Andrews, People Called Shakers, 13.
The Wardleys and Lee’s father Francis, Ann the Word, 80.
When, according to Shaker history Summary View, 19.
A slightly more plausible account Francis, Ann the Word, 83.
“with the wicked at public houses” Summary View, 15.
“She sat down upon the stone” Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 18, 19.
The following year, Lee moved upstate Andrews, People Called Shakers, 15.
The women slept on the ground floor Ibid.
Lee had seen their arrival Ibid., 21.
More people camped Ibid., 32.
One of the first accounts Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 15, 17.
“In the best part of their worship” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 28. [Note: Although Rathbun became an apostate, his account does not differ much from those of more sympathetic observers—for instance, the 1782 observations of William Plummer, as quoted in Francis, Ann the Word, 226.]
Eunice Stanton, who followed Marshall, Rise and Progress of the Serpent, 62.
“I have seen the Mother at Niskeuna” Mackie, The Gift of Tongues, 99.
Valentine Rathbun, the convert Campion, Mother Ann Lee, 105.
He left the sect to become Andrews, People Called Shakers, 47.
Rathbun published a pamphlet Ibid., 44.
In early July 1780 Ibid., 33.
Those who refused to sign Crain, “Tea and Antipathy,” 135.
“Frequent complaints have been made” Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 13.
The men were locked up Marini, Radical Sects, 78.
The state’s plan Andrews, People Called Shakers, 33.
Mother Ann was set free Ibid., 211.
Traveling by foot along the roads Francis, Ann the Word, 304.
Whittaker, who later succeeded Lee Summary View, 44.
During one of her longer stints Ibid., 12.
Some described a feeling of being dowsed Marini, Radical Sects, 79.
When Mother Ann and the other Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 23, 24.
The sect, which might more properly be called Ibid.
After he died in 1778 Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 3, 4.
A handful of them had traveled to Niskeyuna Francis, Ann the Word, 168.
Word of Lee’s presence in Harvard spread Marini, Radical Sects, 96.
Shaker carpenters reinforced the floors Francis, Ann the Word, 191.
The startled citizens of Harvard Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 60.
To the Shakers’ antagonists Andrews, People Called Shakers, 44.
Not long after the Shakers’ arrival Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 59.
On more than one occasion Ibid., 41.
Mother Ann may have been Andrews, People Called Shakers, 43.
Lee preached that the Revolution Francis, Ann the Word, 148.
During the summer of 1781 Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 61.
In August, the local militia came Francis, Ann the Word, 198.
That winter, the lead Shakers Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 41.
Later that night, when everyone Ibid., 42.
Back in Harvard that summer Ibid., 80.
A leader of the mob announced Ibid., 82.
Men on horseback whipped them Marini, Radical Sects, 93.
“one continued scene of cruelty” Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 87.
“We shall have one meeting together” Marini, Radical Sects, 112.
James Whittaker said that he wanted Shaker life Ibid.
“Of all the relations that ever I see” Kanter, Commitment and Community, 90.
An experienced Shaker would then be sent Marini, Radical Sects, 100.
Like the secular utopians they would soon inspire Foster, Religion and Sexuality, 30.
Their turbulent two-year odyssey Francis, Ann the Word, 304.
The believers gradually came to conceive Andrews, People Called Shakers, 56, 57.
The scriptural dichotomy Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 68.
Even the secular utopians Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 280.
Lee returned to Niskeyuna looking thin Francis, Ann the Word, 41.
“There are no slovens or sluts” Sears, ed., Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals, 46.
Before joining the Wardley prayer circle Summary View, 38, 52.
It is not clear what killed him Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 32.
“without a struggle or a groan” Summary View, 37.
The Albany Gazette carried the news Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 32.
“eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake” Marini, Radical Sects, 111.
One of the more extravagant libels Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 77.
In 1840, at the White Water Shaker Village Ohio History, 422.
George Darrow, whose brother David Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 34.
They pooled their money Marini, Radical Sects, 111.
A year after Lee’s death Ibid., 112.
“was as clean as a dining table” Lossing, “The Shakers,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 167.
“the wisest man that has been born” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 55.
“first in the female-line” Ibid., 61.
“it will be equal to gaining a nation” Francis, Ann the Word, 214.
“The man cannot gather and build the church” Marini, Radical Sects, 127.
During the twentieth century Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 256.
On Christmas Day 1787 Andrews, People Called Shakers, 56, 7.
“There can be no church in complete order” Youngs, Testimony of Christ’s Second Appearing, 506.
Within a decade, this verbal covenant Ibid., 507.
The Shakers found biblical precedent Ibid., 509.
“And all that believed were together” Bible (KJV), Acts 2:44, 45; 4:32, 34, 35.
“Le communisme, c’est le Christianisme” Cabet, Le vrai Christianisme, xii.
Using a metaphor that evoked Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 192.
“The first people in America” Morse, Shakers and the World’s People, 91.
The first communistic colony Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 277.
“And I John saw the holy city” Bible (KJV), Revelation 21:2.
When it was completed in 1787 Burks, ed., Shaker Design, 5.
Within seven years Ibid.
The village in New Lebanon Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 44.
By 1796, there were eleven Shaker communities Priscilla J. Brewer, “The Shakers of Mother Ann Lee,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 43.
Along with meetinghouses Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 44.
At the village in Canterbury Burks, ed., Shaker Design, 13.
Walls built over uneven ground Ibid., 12.
“The plan, the life, the thought of Mount Lebanon” Dixon, New America, 272.
“split and piled up as neat” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1.A., 154.
“the very dust in the road seemed pure” Lossing, “The Shakers,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 166.
During one episode Morin, ed., Heavenly Visions, 113.
“Order is the creation of beauty” Youth’s Guide to Zion, 12.
“The beauty and glory of the heavenly world” Promey, Spiritual Spectacles, 69.
“plain and without superfluity” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 60.
Stephen J. Stein opens his brilliant Ibid.
It is somewhat trite to say Stein, Shaker Experience in America, xiii.
“We walked into a grim room where several grim hats” Burks, ed., Shaker Design, 22.
Father Joseph, who reportedly had no “gift” Fluhman, “Early Mormon and Shaker Visions,” BYU Studies Quarterly, 99.
New “laboring exercises” Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 48.
Ranks of believers Burks, ed., Shaker Design, 35.
At each of these four levels Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 133, 134, 135.
Aristotle wrote that mutual familiarity Aristotle, Politics, 1326b.
Aristotle makes an allowance Ibid.
Robert Owen, who modeled his American utopia Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 56.
This put him very close to Plato Plato, Complete Works, 1419.
A Shaker brother named Angell Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 53.
The federal census of 1800 Brewer, “Shakers of Mother Ann Lee,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 43, 50.
The guarantee of three squares Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 43.
Because foundlings and winter Shakers Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 54.
In 1802, word arrived at New Lebanon Brewer, Shaker Communities, Shaker Lives, 32.
“I want you to go with me” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 71.
By late afternoon Medlicott, Issachar Bates, 67.
[Note: Various sources give different numbers of converts. For instance, Brewer, Shaker Communities, Shaker Lives, 32, reports twenty-five converts on that particular evening.]
“There was a bright road” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 71; Brewer, Shaker Communities, Shaker Lives, 32.
Later that same year Andrews, People Called Shakers, 72.
At a camp meeting in Cane Ridge McNemar, Kentucky Revival, 26.
On the day of the Pentecost Bible (KJV), Acts 2:13–14.
In the summer of 1801 McNemar, Kentucky Revival, 25.
The more people who showed up Ibid., 26.
“Before he began to speak” Seldes, Stammering Century, 46.
In the frozen predawn blackness Andrews, People Called Shakers, 72.
He was probably sent west Medlicott, Issachar Bates, 62.
The three men traveled on foot Andrews, People Called Shakers, 72.
They were dressed in brown overalls Ibid., 75.
“Since the falling away of the Apostolic order” Ohio History, 253.
It would be two decades Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 105.
When they asked to address his congregation McNemar, Kentucky Revival, 75.
The next Sunday, Bates and Youngs Ibid., 76.
“The power of God, revealed in this day” Summary View, 99.
To regain the innocence of Paradise McNemar, Kentucky Revival, 76.
Malcolm Worley, a wealthy local farmer Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 59.
Worley’s confession was soon followed Andrews, People Called Shakers, 75.
Although he was an avid revivalist MacLean, Richard McNemar, 4.
“For upwards of 15 years” Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 59.
According to one account MacLean, Richard McNemar, 22, 28.
“We have news of a Zion” McNemar, Kentucky Revival, 80.
By the end of May 1805 Ibid., 85.
He had been selected by Lucy Wright Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 60.
The six elders from New Lebanon Ibid., 61.
They taught the westerners how to dance Andrews, People Called Shakers, 76, 77.
At $3.00 an acre Ibid., 79.
Within a year, there were Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 62.
Over the next six years Ibid., 61.
People threw rocks Andrews, People Called Shakers, 81.
Their horses were branded Ibid.
“fruits of their unlawful embraces” Ibid., 91.
All of this abuse Ibid., 86.
An 1807 Shaker mission Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 62.
Within a decade of the three missionaries’ arrival Ibid., 64.
A decade later, at the time of Wright’s death Foster, Religion and Sexuality, 44.
The Ohio villages, in order of their founding Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 114.
Even as Zion sprawled Marini, Radical Sects, 134.
When a draft of Shaker regulations Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 114.
Within six months they authorized Ibid., 95.
Shakers “should not slip their feet” Harrison, Second Coming, 175.
In fact, there should not be any rugs Ibid.
No gathering of nuts Andrews, People Called Shakers, 268.
When praying, a Shaker should fold Ibid., 246.
“My stars!” “My gracious!” Ibid., 268.
“When you take a piece of bread” Harrison, Second Coming, 175.
“cross your knife & fork” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 183.
Some are laughably obvious Ibid., 267.
Men and women should not pass Ibid., 266.
Men’s clothes should never be hung Ibid., 267.
No watching animals have sex Harrison, Second Coming, 168.
“If you commit sin with beasts” Francis, Ann the Word, 263.
“attending to the amour of two flies” Harrison, Second Coming, 168.
By the middle of the 1820s Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 40.
When they counted themselves in 1823 Ibid., 87.
Stephen J. Stein, the leading contemporary historian Ibid.
Two years later, on thirteen hundred acres Andrews, People Called Shakers, 89.
The population of Zion Brewer, “Shakers of Mother Ann Lee,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 37.
In the coming decades Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 41.
“We are the people who turned the world” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 18.
“I will bow and be simple” Stein, Shaker Experience in America, 192.
“The change has come upon the world like a thief in the night!” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1.A., 137.
A little before noon William Owen, Diary of William Owen, 9.
Navigating the rough road Ibid.
Elder Seth Wells greeted the three men Ibid.
Two hundred and fifty believers Ibid., 12.
The women wore long brown gowns Ibid., 10.
The Shakers were used to visitors Ibid., 9.
They probably did not know Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 95.
In Albany, he and his son William William Owen, Diary of William Owen, 9, 51; Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 105, 113.
When he sailed into New York Harbor Feller, Jacksonian Promise, 1.
Lafayette, the last living general Ibid., 2; Howe, What Hath God Wrought, 304.
On New Year’s Day 1824 Howe, What Hath God Wrought, 304.
“What ideas individuals may attach” Owen, New View of Society, 120.
Arthur Bestor, the most influential historian Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 3.
Starting in 1818, when he printed Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 53.
“neutralize family loyalties” Ibid., 92.
“conclusive argument against the system” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1.A., 145.
The word socialism Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 45.
“their idle peculiarities” Andrews, People Called Shakers, 132.
“how much sooner must it be feasible” Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 39.
“Let us, then, profit by the lessons” Evans, Shaker Communism, 118.
To Greeley, the Shakers’ most unpardonable Ibid.
“The objection [to communism] supposes” Nordhoff, American Utopias, 19.
“uncommonly neat and clean” William Owen, Diary of William Owen, 11.
After a thorough tour of the village Ibid.
“of Quakers? or Jews? or what?” Ibid., 14.
Around four in the afternoon Ibid.
“Then,” the Shaker said Ibid., 15.
“I do not know when” Ibid., 13.
“The character of man” Owen, New View of Society, 43.
At ten, Owen left home Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 14.
From there, he went to Stamford Manuel and Manuel, Utopian Thought in the Western World, 676.
Owen spent his nonworking hours Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1, 14.
McGuffog was a Presbyterian Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 23.
“Before my investigations were concluded” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1, 16.
“religious feelings were immediately replaced” Ibid.
“more varied, extended and singular” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 70.
At age five, he was so eager Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 11.
“habit of close observation” Ibid.
In 1788, when Owen was seventeen Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 152.
In the final three decades Ibid., 153.
In the slums, the smell of putrefaction Engels, Condition of the Working-Class, 49.
Moldy bread and rancid meat Ibid., 70.
Flour was cut with gypsum Ibid.
Bitter gin and “Port wine” Ibid.
“From this foul drain the greatest stream” Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 27.
“Hell upon Earth” Ibid., 53.
In 1819, a British parliamentarian Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 247.
By 1791, at the age of nineteen Ibid., 35.
A pound of raw cotton Ibid., 38.
As Owen began to make money Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 97.
He began to wonder Muravchik, Heaven on Earth, 34.
In 1799, Owen corralled a group Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 52.
David Dale, a pious man Ibid., 47.
“indolent, dirty, imbecile” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 25.
“lived in idleness, in poverty” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1, 277.
One contemporaneous biographer Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 64.
Although the mill Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 28.
He established strict curfews Owen, New View of Society, x.
At every workstation Ibid.
Bentham and Owen were friends Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 48.
When mills throughout the nation Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 74.
When he returned to New Lanark Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 157.
“men and women of a new race” Muravchik, Heaven on Earth, 28.
In 1816, to begin the work Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 31.
“without exception, passive” Owen, New View of Society, 19.
Despite Owen’s self-proclaimed passion Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1, 140.
Reports of Owen’s progress Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 152.
Between 1815 and 1825 Ibid.
“is not, I apprehend, to be found” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 51.
“Mr. Owen the Philanthropist” Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 11; Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 31.
Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia Muravchik, Heaven on Earth, 36.
“the most popular man in Europe” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 43.
In 1815, he drafted a bill Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 15.
“The employments of these Children” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1.A., 27.
A coalition of mill owners Ibid., 29.
As for the outlandish notion Ibid., 28.
“heads of families of their natural control” Ibid., 30.
“had not the least doubt” Emerson, “Historic Notes of Life and Letters in New England,” in Complete Works, vol. 10, 346.
“As soon as they understand the plan” Owen, New View of Society, 212.
In March 1817, while Owen’s child labor bill Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 127.
When Owen sat down to testify Ibid.
When the session ended Ibid., 129.
Eventually someone stepped out Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 70; Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 34.
He resolved to bring his plan Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 70, 71.
“all the mail-coaches in the kingdom” Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 134.
In August 1817, in front of several thousand Ibid., 135.
“the fundamental notion of every religion” Ibid., 139.
By the fall Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 70.
On September 6 Owen, New View of Society, 204.
The letter begins with an ambitious proposal Ibid.
“You may shut yourselves up in your parks as usual” Muravchik, Heaven on Earth, 39.
“The change from the OLD system” Ibid., 213.
“To resist the introduction of this plan” Ibid.
The transition into the New Moral World Ibid.
“Every social movement, every real advance” Engels, Socialism, 43.
“one of the few born leaders” Ibid., 40.
“The only real practical difficulty” Owen, New View of Society, 212.
“In the day and hour when I disclaimed” Ibid., 220.
This letter includes a postscript Ibid., 226.
“Ere long there shall be” Ibid., 220.
“Even now, the time is near at hand” Ibid., 222.
“TRUTH,” Owen declares Ibid., 220.
“THE WORLD APPROVES” Ibid., 225, 226.
“Not only men of his own class” Engels, Socialism, 42.
“the most amiable, sanguine, and candid of men” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 12.
At the 1818 Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1, 186.
“fitted so tightly to his person” Ibid., 185.
Owen convinced John Quincy Adams Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 150.
“do as much for peace as he had previously” Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1, 202.
“Mr. Owen is the first philosopher” Hazlitt, Collected Works, 124.
“Lord Wellington,” the critic extrapolated Ibid., 125.
“marked as a Jacobin, a leveler” Ibid., 126.
In August 1824, a man named Richard Flower Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 101.
In 1791, Rapp, a Pietist weaver Berry, America’s Utopian Experiments, 44.
Like Ann Lee Karl J. R. Arndt, “George Rapp’s Harmony Society,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 61.
He claimed that his church Ibid., 62.
Between 1803 and 1805 Berry, America’s Utopian Experiments, 45.
Eight hundred Rappites Arndt, “George Rapp’s Harmony Society,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 67.
Their industries thrived Pitzer and Jones, New Harmony Then and Now, 28.
Rapp may also have sensed Arndt, “George Rapp’s Harmony Society,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 73, 74.
With $250,000 Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 164.
He was already well aware Arndt, “George Rapp’s Harmony Society,” in Pitzer, ed., America’s Communal Utopias, 91.
Flower offered Owen a bargain Nordhoff, American Utopias, 77. [Note: Accounts of how much Owen paid for Harmonie vary. Harrison (Quest for the New Moral World, 174) says that Owen spent $125,000 on the estate and another $75,000 once the community was established. Bestor (Backwoods Utopias, 180) reports that Owen paid Rapp $95,000 in April 1825 and then spent a further $30,000 on the “Preliminary Society” and $15,000 on supplies for the New Harmony store.]
“the cradle of the future liberty” Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 139.
“Here it is,” he wrote Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 70.
After five weeks at sea Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 101.
Less than a month after that William Owen, Diary of William Owen, 92.
The second day of 1825 was cold Ibid.
Afterward, father and son Ibid.
From the top of a low, conical hill Ibid., 93.
The Rappites had planted orchards Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 116.
On the gentle slopes Ibid.
Near the center of the village Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 42.
“We contemplated with pleasure” William Owen, Diary of William Owen, 93.
The next morning, Owen sat down Ibid., 94.
That same day he left Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 111.
“the industrious and well disposed” Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 164.
A month after buying the village Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 111.
President-elect John Quincy Adams Ibid., 113.
At a meeting at the Dennison Hotel Ibid., 109.
To satisfy local curiosity Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 26.
Even outgoing president James Monroe Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 111.
“Changes [are] at hand” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 21.
He explained that he had come Ibid., 32.
“the degrading and pernicious practice” Ibid.
“the gigantic superiority of union” Ibid.
Owen explained his belief Ibid., 31.
“give and secure liberty” Ibid., 30.
“manfully and promptly step forward” Ibid., 29.
“unmeaning phrases, forms, and ceremonies” Ibid., 28, 29.
To preempt charges of blasphemy Ibid., 45.
Despite this impiety Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 112.
“The gentle tone of his voice” Trollope, Domestic Manners, 127.
During Owen’s second speech Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 47.
“every domestic arrangement” Ibid., 48.
“the future habitation of the human race” Ibid., 47.
“cultivated like a garden” Ibid., 49.
“a new machine for performing” Ibid., 47.
Late in 1825, Owen brought Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 129.
While Owen traveled through the East Ibid., 114, 161.
By the time Owen returned to the community Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 122.
A group of hatters Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 96.
The chandlery was producing Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 163.
Packed though it was Ibid.
Unskilled laborers, many of whom Ibid., 165.
Owen returned to find the Rappite-built Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 135.
While the colony was underwritten Ibid.
A shortage of housing Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 162.
Rather than laying foundations Ibid.
He had already picked out a nice flat plot Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 50.
“Mechanism and Science,” he announced Owen, Life of Robert Owen, Written by Himself, vol. 1.A., 124.
In 1855, Owen’s hopes for a mechanically induced Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 100.
“When the new arrangements shall be” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 33.
“So soon as we have over-supplied” Feller, Jacksonian Promise, 30.
During the spring of 1825 Pitzer and Jones, New Harmony Then and Now, 56.
“The Society is instituted generally” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 84.
To get the ball rolling Sutton, Communal Utopias, 6.
As it turned out, pious, wellborn Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 122.
Caroline and her other two daughters Ibid.
During the spring and summer of 1825 Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 165.
They did manage to put in a field Ibid.
Some of the Rappites’ well-fertilized fields Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 126.
The New Harmonites were forced Ibid.
Many of them, including Owen Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 218.
Soon after his triumphal trip to Washington Ibid., 114.
“persons of all ages and descriptions” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 85.
Some utopian socialists Guarneri, Utopian Alternative, 375.
To the shame (presumably) Wilson, Patriotic Gore, 341.
“We propose a radical and universal reform” Codman, Brook Farm, 42.
Aside from placing a single notice Robert Dale Owen, To Holland and to New Harmony, 232.
A lithograph Owen printed Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 85 (illustration).
By the time Owen arrived in Philadelphia Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 100.
Exercising his strong instinct Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 138.
Along with a heavy cargo of books Robert Dale Owen, To Holland and to New Harmony, 237.
Like Owen, Maclure took a radical view Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 38.
Along with lending his considerable Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 138.
He agreed to take charge Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 37.
Other members of the Boatload of Knowledge Robert Dale Owen, To Holland and to New Harmony, 237.
“one of the significant intellectual migrations” Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 133.
“If everybody alleged to have traveled” Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 137.
A judge in one Pennsylvania river town Robert Dale Owen, To Holland and to New Harmony, 259.
Twenty-four-year-old Robert Dale Owen Ibid.
Some American towns strung chains Seldes, Stammering Century, 116, 206.
In the evenings Robert Dale Owen, To Holland and to New Harmony, 246.
On January 24, 1826 Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 137.
Owen, who had traveled most of the way Ibid.
With their benefactor and his brainy retinue Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 170.
“a certain degree of pecuniary inequality” Ibid., 173; Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 148.
Now it was happening Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 171.
“Equality of rights, uninfluenced by sex” Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 129.
Community of property Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 173.
Workers within each department Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 150.
Everyone already living Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 168.
A notice in the New Harmony Gazette Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 98.
A ring of benches Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 120.
The colonists even invented Ibid., 118.
Josiah Warren, an accomplished bandleader Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 135.
They called one another Ibid., 136.
One visitor recalled Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 117.
“There was something especially taking” Robert Dale Owen, Threading My Way, 245.
Lectures and debates were offered Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 168.
Under the editorship of William Owen Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 147.
On Sunday mornings Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 116.
During these Sunday talks Ibid.
“a general desire throughout society” Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 12.
“from Community to Community” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 75.
During 1825 and 1826 Berry, America’s Utopian Experiments, 57.
A decade after the collapse Ibid.
She and Lafayette were so close Feller, Jacksonian Promise, 11.
Annoyed by such rumors Ibid.
Her interest in communalism Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 57.
After hearing Owen’s speech Feller, Jacksonian Promise, 12.
At New Harmony, she struck upon Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 219.
The colony would purchase slaves Seldes, Stammering Century, 342.
“an establishment where affection” Lane, Frances Wright, 25.
With Nashoba falling apart Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 71.
In Wright’s continued absence Feller, Jacksonian Promise, 81, 82.
Wright gave up on the community Wright, “Establishment at Nashoba,” New Harmony Gazette, 164, 165.
“a perpetual trust for the benefit” Ibid.
The money was spent mostly Ibid.
“unsexed herself and become” Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 108.
“the priestess of Beelzebub” Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 221.
For a time, antebellum conservatives Ibid.
Meanwhile at New Harmony Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 174.
Just two weeks after the colonists Ibid.
New Harmony had operated for a year Ibid., 164.
“He would be responsible” Ibid.
“aspiring aristocratical spirits” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 137.
To some, the fact that New Harmony Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 165.
“aversion to serious duties” Brown, Twelve Months in New Harmony, 25.
Even though Owen lived modestly Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 137, 145.
Brown, a living parody Brown, Twelve Months in New Harmony, 101.
The Gazette, which was published by Owen Sutton, Communal Utopias, 11.
“Babel-like confusion” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 142.
“Ere long,” he had prophesied in 1817 Owen, New View of Society, 220.
“lazy worthless persons” Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 117.
“ladies and gentlemen of quality” Ibid., 118.
He was dismayed, for instance Ibid., 116.
“in spite of the principles of equality” Ibid., 110.
En route to Nashoba Trollope, Domestic Manners, 41.
“all the Americans seem to consider” William Owen, Diary of William Owen, 16.
“was to look back all his life on a dancing school” Wilson, Finland Station, 89.
Marie Fretageot, a French educator Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 116, 119.
He recalled the saga Ibid., 117.
“No one is to be favored” Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 152.
“Some of the married women” Seldes, Stammering Century, 85.
His quarrel was with sectarianism Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 86.
“gradually and imperceptibly die away” Owen, New View of Society, 208.
On any given Sunday Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 118, 130.
Robert Jennings, a former Universalist Bernhard, Travels Through North America, 122; Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 130.
Although Jennings did not name Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 131.
After leaving New Harmony Ibid.
The Philadelphia Gazette Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 103.
During the winter of 1826 Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 176.
To avoid a prolonged conflict Sutton, Communal Utopias, 10.
They called their settlement Macluria Ibid.
Since the Maclurians did not have Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 153.
A month after the Maclurians left Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 177.
“rational system of nomenclature” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 115.
The results tend toward the tongue-twisting Ibid., 115.
John Quincy Adams even identified Feller, Jacksonian Promise, 70.
For a time, the New Harmony Gazette Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 27.
Perhaps the most disruptive faction Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 179.
The women wore knee-length dresses Holloway, Heavens on Earth, 112.
“a featherbed tied in the middle” Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 147.
Adopted by diehards Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 179.
By contrast, the Literati sought Ibid.
At New Harmony, while a heavy summer Brown, Twelve Months in New Harmony, 33.
“This event is likely to prove” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 67.
“the arts and mysteries by which the few” Ibid., 69.
“a trinity of the most monstrous evils” Ibid., 71.
“the world in continual wars” Ibid.
“keep their children apart from the multitude” Ibid.
“The revolution…to be now effected” Ibid., 72.
“I have calmly and deliberately” Ibid., 70.
“beyond the power of recall” Ibid., 74.
“This light is now set upon a hill” Ibid.
In the words of one historian Seldes, Stammering Century, 83.
For a time, each person’s working hours Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 120.
This plan was thrown out Ibid.
During the Preliminary Society Carmony and Elliott, “Seedbed for Utopia,” 168.
In the middle of March 1826 Sutton, Communal Utopias, 10; Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 181.
As a compromise, Owen selected twenty-four Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 182.
Artisans, whose skills brought in cash Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 160.
He had successfully created Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 183.
In May 1826 Sutton, Communal Utopias, 11.
A newly formed “Pastoral Society” Ibid.
They would barter their services Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 185.
Creating alternative currencies Ibid.
Buckminster Fuller advocated Burton, Paradise Planters, ix.
It didn’t take long for the three groups Ibid., 186.
People called for him to give up control Ibid., 187.
Eager to accommodate Ibid., 186.
“the most obstinate man” Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 187.
He paid Owen for the land Sutton, Communal Utopias, 12.
“ ‘Hope deferred maketh the heart sick’ ” Letter from Thomas Pears to B. Bakewell (March 21, 1826), University of California, Davis, online archive, http://historyproject.ucdavis.edu/lessons/view_lesson.php?id=10.
While Owen refused to admit defeat Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 162.
At one point, the Gazette claimed Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 195.
An Ohio operator Ibid.
“Matters were drawing to a close” Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 41.
Owen had paid $95,000 Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 180.
When Frederick Rapp came to collect Sutton, Communal Utopias, 13.
Maclure, seeing an opportunity Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 197.
A court-ordered settlement Ibid.
“a pilfering disposition” Lockwood, New Harmony Movement, 149.
“swine ranged at pleasure” Ibid.
“Ten of [the Rappites’] best years” Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 33.
The most determined communitarians Barkun, Crucible of the Millennium, 96; Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 166.
Influenced by his time at New Harmony Andrews, People Called Shakers, 233.
In three years, Owen had poured Robert Dale Owen, Threading My Way, 346.
“the social system is now firmly established” Wilson, Angel and the Serpent, 162.
At a time when the rift between science and faith Ibid., 191.
In 1846, a visiting Scottish scientist Ibid.
Two decades later, he wrote Letter from Robert Dale Owen to Abraham Lincoln (September 17, 1862), University of Evansville online archive, http://faculty.evansville.edu/ck6/bstud/lincoln.xhtmll.
“I was cautioned not to speak” Noyes, History of American Socialisms, 42.
By one count Bestor, Backwoods Utopias, 227.
“In a firing squad, if all the guns are loaded” Ibid., 228.
“all religions are erroneous” Howe, What Hath God Wrought, 446.
In his eighties, like so many veterans Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 232.
Even his mysticism Morton, Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, 145.
One of Owen’s last tracts Owen, Future of the Human Race, 1.
At the age of eighty-seven Harrison, Quest for the New Moral World, 7.
“My life was not useless” Johnson, Robert Owen in the United States, 15.
On the morning of November 17, 1858 Packard, Life of Robert Owen, 239.