

Pâtés with Bacon & Bay Leaf

Salads Niçoise

Tomato Anchovy Sauce


Apple Currant Spoon Breads

Apple Ketchup

Apple Sausage Breakfast Cakes

Chicken Apple Hand Pies

Maple-Glazed Apples

Maytag Blue, Apple & Onion Compote Cakes

Molasses Apples

Savory Apple Tarts

Turkey, Apple & Sweet Potato Pies

Upside-Down Green Apple Ham Loaves

Welsh Rarebits with Apple Ketchup

Artichoke Mousse with Scallops & Mango

Asparagus Mushroom Terrines


Aspics with Roasted Peppers, Eggplant & Spinach

Herbed Vinaigrette Aspic

Lemon Aspic

Orange Aspic

Tomato Aspic

Aubergine Pasta Timbales with Beef Ragu


Artichoke Mousse with Scallops & Mango

Avocado Mousse with Shrimp & Mango

Chilled Chicken Salads with Grapes


Egg Mini Muffins

Pasta Bolognese al Forno with Canadian Bacon & Provolone

Pâtés with Bacon & Bay Leaf

Short Ribs Braised with Mushrooms, Onion & Bacon

Barbecue Dipping Sauce


Cannellini Bean Spread


Chicken Enchiladas with Andouille Sausage

Flank Steak Mexican Bake

Huevos Rancheros

Nacho Stacks

Poblano, Spinach & Black Bean Lasagnas with Goat Cheese


White Bean, Tomato & Sage Scones

Béchamel Sauce


Aubergine Pasta Timbales with Beef Ragu

Beef Empanadas

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Tamale Pies

Cornbread Chili Cheese Bakes

Flank Steak Mexican Bake

Mom’s Best Meat Loaf

Pasta Bolognese al Forno with Canadian Bacon & Provolone

Pasta Pies

Short Ribs Braised with Mushrooms, Onion & Bacon

Southwestern Beef Pies in Flour Tortillas


Biscuits & Gravy

Boiled Dressing

bread crumbs

Buttered Sage Bread Crumbs

broccoli: Salmon with Potato, Peas, Leeks & Broccoli Gratin

Brown Sugar-Mustard Glaze

Bucatini Pasta & Pumpkin Custard Tarts

Buttermilk Cornbread Corn Puddings

Cajun Meat Loaf-Stuffed Red Peppers



Carrot Halwa

Carrot Loaves with Jerk Chicken

Tandoori Carrot Scones



Cheddar Walnut Topping

Cheese & Nut Loaves

Cornbread Chili Cheese Bakes

Croque Madames

Fennel & Parmesan Gratins

Fig & Blue Cheese Tarts

Ham & Cheese in a Basket

Herb Goat Cheese & Honey Cakes


Oven-Roasted Tomato & Gruyère Tarts

Pasta Tarts with Smoked Cheese & Primavera Sauce

Pimento Cheese

Poblano, Spinach & Black Bean Lasagnas with Goat Cheese

Rice and Parmesan Crust

Sausage, Cheddar & Poached Egg Wafflinis

Three-Cheese Tarts

Welsh Rarebits with Apple Ketchup

Westphalian Ham & Gruyère Grilled Cheese

White Cheddar Béchamel


Barbecue Chicken Sandwiches with Chili-Spiced Cornbread & Pimento Cheese

Carrot Loaves with Jerk Chicken

Chicken & Vegetable Rice Vermicelli Cups in Szechuan Spices

Chicken Apple Hand Pies

Chicken Cutlet Variation

Chicken Enchiladas with Andouille Sausage

Chicken Tamale Pies

Chicken Timbales

Chilled Chicken Salads with Grapes

Curried Chicken Salads with Mango

Parslied Veloutés

Vermont Chicken Potpies


Chili-Spiced Cornbread

Cornbread Chili Cheese Bakes


Beef Tamale Pies

Buttermilk Cornbread Corn Puddings

Corn Pudding


Buttermilk Cornbread Corn Puddings

Chili-Spiced Cornbread

Cornbread Chili Cheese Bakes

Cornmeal and Currant Cake

Shrimp & Grits Soufflés

couscous: Grape-Leaf Purses with Couscous & Lamb Stuffing


Crab & Tomato Napoleons with Tomato Aspic

Crab Salad

Egg Rolls with Sweet & Sour Crab

Cream Sauce

Croque Madames


Apple Currant Spoon Breads

Cornmeal and Currant Cake

Curried Chicken Salads with Mango

Curried Vegetable Hand Pies

duck: Cassoulets


Aspics with Roasted Peppers, Eggplant & Spinach

Aubergine Pasta Timbales with Beef Ragu


Eggplant Lasagna

Roasted Eggplant Cups with Ricotta & Tomato

Egg Rolls with Sweet & Sour Crab


Croque Madames

Egg Mini Muffins

Huevos Rancheros

Mushroom & Potato Charlottes Topped with a Fried Egg


Sausage, Cheddar & Poached Egg Wafflinis

Shrimp & Grits Soufflés

Smoked Salmon Egg Salad Sandwiches on Pumpernickel

Spanish Tortillas

Spinach & Mushroom Quiches

Empanadas, Beef

Fennel & Parmesan Gratins

Feta Cheese Spread


Fig & Blue Cheese Tarts

Pear & Fig Compote

Flank Steak Mexican Bake

flowers, edible

French Toasters

Goat Cheese Cream

Grape-Leaf Purses with Couscous & Lamb Stuffing


Croque Madames

Ham & Cheese in a Basket


Prosciutto Pockets with Zucchini, Tomato Confit & Buffalo Mozzarella

Upside-Down Green Apple Ham Loaves

Westphalian Ham & Gruyère Grilled Cheese

Herbed Vinaigrette Aspic

Herb Goat Cheese & Honey Cakes

Herb Salt

Herb Sauce

Huevos Rancheros

Jalapeño Lime Bites with Shrimp



Grape-Leaf Purses with Couscous & Lamb Stuffing

Lamb Tagine Hand Pies


Salmon with Potato, Peas, Leeks & Broccoli Gratin

as wrappers

Lemon Aspic

Lemon-Scented Cakes with Salmon, Caper & Lemon Topping

Lemon Vinaigrette

Lime Almond Bread


Artichoke Mousse with Scallops & Mango

Avocado Mousse with Shrimp & Mango

Curried Chicken Salads with Mango

Maple Butter

Maple-Glazed Apples

Mascarpone Basil Spread

Maytag Blue, Apple & Onion Compote Cakes

Mexican Breakfast Rolls

Molasses Apples

Mom’s Best Meat Loaf

Mornay Sauce


Asparagus Mushroom Terrines

Mushroom & Potato Charlottes

Mushroom and Potato Hash

Mushroom Cakes with Mornay Sauce

Mushroom Tarts

Risotto Cakes with Porcini Mushroom Ragu

Short Ribs Braised with Mushrooms, Onion & Bacon

Spinach & Mushroom Quiches

Nacho Stacks



Maytag Blue, Apple & Onion Compote Cakes

Pineapple Upside-Down Cakes

Short Ribs Braised with Mushrooms, Onion & Bacon

Orange Aspic

Parmesan & Basil Loaves with Tomato Jam

Parsley and Caper Salsa

Parslied Veloutés


Aubergine Pasta Timbales with Beef Ragu

Bucatini Pasta & Pumpkin Custard Tarts

Chicken & Vegetable Rice Vermicelli Cups in Szechuan Spices

Classic Lasagnas

Eggplant Lasagna

Pasta Bolognese al Forno with Canadian Bacon & Provolone

Pasta Pies

Pasta Tarts with Smoked Cheese & Primavera Sauce

Penne Pasta Gratins

Poblano, Spinach & Black Bean Lasagnas with Goat Cheese

Pâtés with Bacon & Bay Leaf

Peanut Dipping Sauce

Pear & Fig Compote

Penne Pasta Gratins


Aspics with Roasted Peppers, Eggplant & Spinach

Cajun Meat Loaf-Stuffed Red Peppers

Fire-Roasted Peppers

Jalapeño Lime Bites with Shrimp


Poblano, Spinach & Black Bean Lasagnas with Goat Cheese

Sweet Red Pepper Sauce

Pimento Cheese

Pineapple Upside-Down Cakes

Poblano, Spinach & Black Bean Lasagnas with Goat Cheese


Barbecued Pork Hand Pies

Pork Pot Stickers in Egg Roll Wrappers


Mushroom & Potato Charlottes

Mushroom and Potato Hash

Salads Niçoise

Salmon with Potato, Peas, Leeks & Broccoli Gratin

Spanish Tortillas

Thanksgiving Dinner

Prosciutto Pockets with Zucchini, Tomato Confit & Buffalo Mozzarella


Bucatini Pasta & Pumpkin Custard Tarts

Pumpkin Risottos


Lamb Tagine Hand Pies

Parslied Veloutés

Pumpkin Risottos

Rice and Parmesan Crust

Risotto Cakes with Porcini Mushroom Ragu

Risottos with Green Vegetables

Ricotta al Forno Charlottes


Chilled Chicken Salads with Grapes

Crab Salad

Curried Chicken Salads with Mango

Salads Niçoise

Smoked Salmon Egg Salad Sandwiches on Pumpernickel


Lemon-Scented Cakes with Salmon, Caper & Lemon Topping

Salmon Cakes

Salmon with Potato, Peas, Leeks & Broccoli Gratin

Smoked Salmon Egg Salad Sandwiches on Pumpernickel

Smoked Salmon Sandwiches


Apple Ketchup

Asparagus Mushroom Sauce

Barbecue Dipping Sauce

Barbecue Sauce

Béchamel Sauce

Beef Ragu

Boiled Dressing

Bolognese Sauce

Cannellini Bean Spread

Cheese Sauce

Cherry Tomato Jam

Cream Sauce

Curry Sauce

Dijon Honey Dill Dipping Sauce

Feta Cheese Spread

Goat Cheese-Honey Butter

Goat Cheese Sauce

Herb Sauce

Jalapeño Butter

Lemon Vinaigrette

Mascarpone Basil Spread

Mornay Sauce

Mushroom Sauce

Parslied Cream Sauce

Peanut Dipping Sauce

Porcini Mushroom Ragu

Primavera Sauce

Soybean Dipping Sauce

Sweet Red Pepper Sauce

Szechuan Spice Sauce

Tahini Yogurt Sauce

Tomato Anchovy Sauce

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Vinaigrette

White Cheddar Béchamel

Yogurt Sauce


Apple Sausage Breakfast Cakes

Biscuits & Gravy

Cajun Meat Loaf-Stuffed Red Peppers

Chicken Enchiladas with Andouille Sausage

Sausage, Cheddar & Poached Egg Wafflinis

Savory Apple Tarts

Savory Pudding Charlottes

scallops: Artichoke Mousse with Scallops & Mango

Short Ribs Braised with Mushrooms, Onion & Bacon


Avocado Mousse with Shrimp & Mango

Jalapeño Lime Bites with Shrimp

Shrimp & Grits Soufflés

Southwestern Beef Pies in Flour Tortillas

Soybean Dipping Sauce

Spanish Tortillas


Aspics with Roasted Peppers, Eggplant & Spinach

Poblano, Spinach & Black Bean Lasagnas with Goat Cheese

Spinach & Mushroom Quiches

squash: Beef Tamale Pies

sweet potatoes: Turkey, Apple & Sweet Potato Pies


Tahini Yogurt Sauce

Tandoori Carrot Scones


Asparagus Mushroom Terrines

Chilled Terrines with Roasted Vegetables

Thanksgiving Dinner

Three-Cheese Tarts


Barbecue Dipping Sauce

Beef Ragu

Cherry Tomato Jam

Crab & Tomato Napoleons with Tomato Aspic

Oven-Roasted Tomato & Gruyère Tarts

Parmesan & Basil Loaves with Tomato Jam

Prosciutto Pockets with Zucchini, Tomato Confit & Buffalo Mozzarella

Roasted Eggplant Cups with Ricotta & Tomato

Tomato Anchovy Sauce

Tomato Aspic

Tomato-Basil Charlottes

Tomato Confit

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Vinaigrette

White Bean, Tomato & Sage Scones

Tortillas, Spanish


Salads Niçoise

Tuna Summer Rolls


Thanksgiving Dinner

Turkey, Apple & Sweet Potato Pies


Chicken & Vegetable Rice Vermicelli Cups in Szechuan Spices

Chilled Terrines with Roasted Vegetables

Curried Vegetable Hand Pies

Primavera Sauce

Risottos with Green Vegetables

Vermont Chicken Potpies


Sausage, Cheddar & Poached Egg

Welsh Rarebits with Apple Ketchup

Westphalian Ham & Gruyère Grilled Cheese


bacon and Canadian bacon




egg roll

empanada dough

grape leaves



pie dough


puff pastry

rice paper

sausage patties

smoked salmon




Prosciutto Pockets with Zucchini, Tomato Confit & Buffalo Mozzarella

Zucchini Breads with Caponata

Zucchini Ribbons