Sunday, March 14

8:15 A.M.

“I fixed a surprise for breakfast,” Lizzie says, opening the curtains to let light into the room. “Just for you. Breakfast burritos.”

I pull the quilt over my head.

“Come on, Frankie Joe,” FJ says. “The boys are waiting for us.”

“I’m not hungry,” I say through the quilt. I hear FJ sigh.

“He just needs time, Frank,” Lizzie whispers. “Let’s give him some time.”

Creaking stairs tell me they’re gone. I slip out of bed and pull the curtains closed again.

12:30 P.M.

“Dad sent us up to get you,” Little Johnny says. “You have to come down to eat.” Luke and Mark are standing behind him.

“Go away,” I say.


“Tell them I’m not hungry.”

“But you gotta be hungry—”

“Just leave!” I pull the quilt over my head.

5:20 P.M.

FJ sticks a thermometer into my mouth. “Make sure you hold it under your tongue.”

“Could be he’s caught something,” Lizzie says. “He’s been working awfully hard, and this winter’s been a bad one. Might be the flu. There’s a new virus going around, too.”

FJ sighs as he reads the thermometer. “Ninety-eight point six. His temperature’s normal.”

I crawl back under the covers.