Chapter 5

December 1629

Samuel’s mother and uncle had come to celebrate Christmastide with him and his wife. He had decided to wait to have the rest of his family come to New Berwick. The villagers had welcomed him, but he still didn’t quite trust them. His mother had insisted she be allowed to come, and Daniel wouldn’t allow her to come on her own. He adored Samuel’s mother and would protect her with his life. Their marriage had been necessary, but they had grown to love each other over time.

Much like Samuel had begun to feel for his own wife...

Temperance had been forced to be demure and obedient her entire life. Now that she had the freedom to make her own choices, she’d begun to thrive. Her entire face lit with happiness, and her aura was as bright as sunshine. Samuel didn’t want to do anything that might make her revert to her former self. What if he told her how he felt and she rejected him?

He couldn’t think of that.

If Temperance didn’t love him, he would respect that. He hadn’t married her because he loved her, and he wouldn’t force her to do something she didn’t feel comfortable with.

They were friends, and that would have to be enough. Before he had found out, he would have to marry to regain his land and title, he hadn’t wanted a wife or family. He could be content having a companionship with her.

“Why are ye brooding?” Daniel asked.

Samuel glanced up and met his uncle’s gaze. “I’m not.”

“Dinna think ye are fooling me,” he chastised. “I raised ye and I know when ye are wallowing in yer own misery. Tell me what is bothering ye.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. Should he explain it to Daniel?

He might have some excellent advice regarding Temperance. Samuel didn’t know how to explain his frustration. His wife’s aura had changed gradually as she’d grown more comfortable with him, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be a real wife. She did care for him, and that shown through; however, there were different versions of love. He couldn’t be certain if she loved him in the same way he did her.

“I don’t know where to begin.” He sighed. “This journey to regain my title took me in a direction I did not expect.”

“With yer wife, ye mean,” he said in a solemn tone.

Samuel should have realized Daniel would go right to the heart of the matter. He had never been able to hide anything from his uncle. Daniel didn’t need any gifts or abilities to read a situation. He had a keen insight all his own. “Yes,” he admitted. “I never expected...”

“Tae love her?” Daniel finished for him. “Love is no something one can plan fer. Ye either feel it or ye never do. It’s a gift one should never dismiss, at least no lightly.”

“I know.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Samuel had nothing else to say to that. Daniel spoke the absolute truth. “She’s important to me.”

“Have ye told her that?” Daniel said in a quiet tone.

He shook his head. “I didn’t wish to frighten her.” He met his uncle’s gaze. “Her father isn’t a good man. He mistreated her, and it left deep emotional scars. I’ve been giving her space to find herself and what she wants.”

Daniel was quiet for several moments. “That was wise of ye.” His lips curved into a smile. “Yer mother likes her. They have been spending a lot of time together.”

“I have noticed.” His wife seemed to prefer his mother’s company to his. Samuel didn’t blame Temperance. Ailis Noble had a gentle but fierce soul. She protected those she cared about, and she had come to care for Samuel’s wife in the short time they had been acquainted. “I’m glad. Temperance doesn’t have many people she can rely upon. My mother will be good for her. She never knew her own mother.”

“As ye never knew yer father.” Daniel nodded. “She probably understands yer pain, as ye do hers. This also is good.”

“It has helped us,” Samuel agreed. “But that isn’t enough to build a marriage on.”

“Yer right in that, but dinna ye think ye have more than that?” Daniel lifted a brow. “Ye have love and respect even if ye haven’t admitted that to each other. It is time that ye told her how ye feel. Take a leap of faith, lad, and ye will be rewarded for yer efforts.”

Samuel wanted to believe that, he did. He took risks every day of his life, but somehow this one seemed inherently more precarious. His heart had never been so full of love and anxiety. Telling Temperance he loved her would be the biggest risk he’d ever undertaken. She alone had the ability to break him, as no one ever had. If she turned away from him, he might never fully recover from her rejection. He took a deep breath. “What if she doesn’t love me?”

“Then at least ye will no the truth of it.” His uncle placed his hand on Samuel’s shoulder. “Isn’t it better tae know how she feels instead of all the worrying and wondering? Once ye have her answer, ye can move forward. Staying in the same place all yer life is no a good place to reside. Change can be a wondrous thing.”

Samuel nodded. “Then I’ll take a chance that she loves me.” He had to stop being afraid of rejection and finally tell her how he felt. Love was a good thing, and even if she did not feel the same way, he didn’t regret loving her. Opening his heart to others had always been difficult for him. She’d opened him up to new possibilities, and he hoped that as they spent their life together they would each continue to grow.

“Good fer ye,” Daniel said. “Now go find yer wife and declare your love.”

He nodded at his uncle, but did not say another word. Instead, he left his uncle’s side and went in search of his wife.

Temperance had been anxious ever since Samuel told her he was inviting his family to come stay with them. It hadn’t taken long to realize she’d been apprehensive for no reason. Ailis had embraced her immediately and treated her like part of her family. It was something Temperance had never felt before, and at first she hadn’t known how to handle her acceptance.

Samuel had been acting strangely, too. He kept staring at her as if he expected something from her, but she didn’t know what he wanted. She knew what she would like from him, but he hadn’t come forth to claim her as his wife, and Temperance was starting to believe he never would.

“Temperance,” Samuel called to her.

She turned to meet his gaze. He seemed anxious, but what could make him feel that way? “What is it?” she asked in a concerned tone.

“There is something I wish to speak to you about.” He pulled her hand into his. “Can you join me in my study?”

What could he possibly have to say to her? Her heart started to beat heavily. He was usually so calm and it comforted her that he could be so steadfast. For him to be the one distressed by something unnerved her. “Of course,” she readily agreed.

He kept her hand in his as they walked down the corridor to his study. Samuel remained silent the entire trek there. His silence proved to make her emotions spike with each step they took. They went inside his study, and he shut the door with a soft click.

“Come sit down,” he said. She settled onto the settee, and he joined her there. “There has been something I have wished to discuss with you for a while, but first I have something for you.” He reached over and pulled a small box off a nearby table. “I want you to have this.”

She took the box from him and opened it. Inside nestled on black velvet, was a broach. It was a flower of delicate gold with three intricately crafted petals. In the center was a sapphire stone that shimmered in the candlelight, and along the stem nestled five tiny diamonds. It was gorgeous. Temperance glanced up at him. “Why do you want me to have this?”

He smiled. “My father gave it to my mother when they married. It was his wedding gift to her, and one of the few items my mother was able to save when she fled Scotland before my birth. She gave it to me years ago to give to my bride on our wedding day.”

He took the broach out of the box and pinned it to her dress. “I never planned to marry. The reasons my family fled were not completely a lie.”

“I do not understand.” Were they really witches? Was that what he was trying to tell her?

Samuel frowned. “We do not worship evil. My family believes in God and attends church like any other person here.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I am not trying to frighten you. There are things you need to understand and I think I can trust you with the truth.”

“You can,” she insisted. Temperance wanted to be a part of his family. Whatever his truth turned out to be. She loved him. “Tell me everything.”

“My father, and my two aunts were convicted as witches and burned on a pyre,” he began. “That part, you know. What you do not know is that they had gifts. What some of us have considered a curse.”

She swallowed a lump in her throat. “What are these gifts?”

He met her gaze. “Aunt Caitriona had visions, Aunt Sorcha could experience other’s feelings—an empath, and my father...” He paused a moment and looked away from her. “He saw colors...the truth of a person can be seen in their aura.” Samuel turned to her. “It isn’t infallible, but it helps discern a person’s intentions. My father passed his gift to me.”

She stared at him, startled by his admission. “What can you see in me?”

Samuel smiled. “Kindness, honesty, and loyalty.” He cupped her cheek in his hand. “I know that I can rely on your discretion and that you would never willingly harm anyone.”

He couldn’t see how much she loved him... “Why are you telling me this now?”

“Because I love you, and I do not believe a husband and wife should have any secrets from each other.” He leaned closer to her. “I never wanted to marry, but in my dismissal of marriage, I never imagined I could have a wife like you. Every day I’m surprised by my love for you and I do not want to live another day without having a true marriage. I’m done denying what I feel” He ran his thumb across her lips. “Will you have me knowing my curse?”

“You’re not cursed,” she told him. Her love for him grew more fierce with every breath she took. “You’re blessed. What happened to your father and aunts is a tragedy, but do not allow their misfortune to guide your entire life.” She pressed her lips to his in a quick kiss. “I love you too, and I do not want this distance between us.”

“Thank heaven,” he said, then pulled her into his arms. He pressed his lips to hers in a more passionate kiss. When she opened her mouth on a sigh of pleasure, he deepened the kiss. His tongue touched hers, delicately at first, then with unyielding desire.

Temperance moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. His kisses grew more fervent with each pass of his lips over hers, and she relished the passion between them.

Samuel pulled back. “This is not the place to explore our need for each other. My mother expects us for the evening meal shortly.” His breathing was heavy. “We can celebrate tonight, and for the rest of our lives the love we share.”

“Yes,” she said in a hoarse tone. Temperance hadn’t believed she could be loved or find happiness. Her marriage was a gift she never expected to have. She adored Samuel and would always be thankful fate had brought him into her life. Samuel’s love enchanted her, and she fully intended to enjoy living happily-ever-after by his side.