Kids’ Necklace

This sweet necklace is a great project for kids to help with. Let them choose the ribbon and dye colors, and then they can help with the stringing.

You will need:

* Power drill with 316" bit

* 7 or 8 corks

* Coping saw

* Sandpaper

* Rit powder dye, assorted colors

* 5 (1") unfinished wood beads

* Optional: Clear acrylic nontoxic sealer, brush-on or spray

*  38" ribbon, about 1 yard

  1. Drill holes through the entire length of the corks. Tap out any debris left in the holes.
  2. Use a coping saw to cut corks into coins varying in width from about 38"–34". Gently sand cut edges and wipe off any dust.
  3. Dye corks and beads different colors according to the instructions in Part 1. Let dry completely.

  4. Optional: Spray or brush on a couple of coats of acrylic sealer. Let dry completely.
  5. String the beads and cork discs onto the ribbon as shown in the photo, or however you prefer. Decide how long you’d like the necklace to be, and make sure this length will fit over the wearer’s head with a few inches to spare. Tie a strong knot at the proper length and trim away excess ribbon, leaving 12".

This necklace is not just for the little ones, mama! If you made this with a wide velvet ribbon and dyed the cork and wood deeper colors, this would be a statement necklace for you, too. Try adding some sparkly or metallic beads and tie the ribbon in a big flouncy bow for added interest in the back if you wear your hair up.