The name on the back of the snapshot,
written in longhand, has pressed through
to the front and appears in reverse
as if written in smoke, above a young man
in a jacket, pinching the brim of his hat,
smiling into the lens. He must have been
Richard, the letters more clearly defined
on the right, where the capital R
was pressed down more firmly, while the rest
of the letters grow progressively fainter,
swept backward, like a contrail becoming
a feather. Wind lifts a wisp of his hair,
whips his trousers around his thin legs.
Wind’s at work in the gray sky above him,
above somebody’s Richard, from somewhere,
a young man who looked happy that instant,
his name little more than a faint trace
on the sky as he posed for his picture,
but written in ballpoint, to last, on its back.