Able SeamanA crew member with more than two years’ experience, who is considered well acquainted with his duties
AftTowards the stern
AmidshipsThe middle section of a ship
BosunA crew member who oversees equipment and other crew members
BowThe forward section of a ship
BreakwaterA barrier built to protect a harbour or stretch of coast from strong waves
BridgeA forward-facing platform, typically enclosed, which houses most of a ship’s navigation instruments
BulkheadA partition wall in a ship’s interior
Crow’s NestA ship’s lookout post, usually positioned near the top of the forward mast
DavitA curved on-deck crane used for the raising and lowering of lifeboats. This was manually operated on the Titanic
Double BottomTwo complete layers of watertight hull surface
EnsignA national flag, as it is flown at sea. Some countries, like the United Kingdom, have a variant of their usual flag that serves as their ensign
FiremanOn board, a crew member attached to the Engine Department tasked with monitoring the boiler fires and their steam pressure
ForecastleSometimes pronounced ‘foke-sil’ by crew members, it is the section of deck ahead of the forward mast
ForemastThe forward mast
GalleyA ship’s kitchen
Morse LightAn electric light on open deck used for the transmission of Morse Code to other ships
Poop DeckExterior deck at the stern
PortFacing forward, the left side of a ship
QuartermasterA petty officer who steers the ship
RivetAn iron or steel pin used to hold together plates of metal in the ship’s hull
RudderA device at the stern used for steering
StarboardFacing forward, the right side of a ship
SternTowards the back end of a ship
SurgeonOn ship, the equivalent to a doctor
Well DeckA space of open deck lying on a lower level between the Forecastle and Poop decks