More OpenCV Documentation

The primary documentation for OpenCV is the HTML documentation that ships with the source code. In addition to this, the OpenCV Wiki and the older HTML documentation are available on the Web.

OpenCV ships with html-based user documentation in the …/opencv/docs subdirectory. Load the index.htm file, which contains the following links.

The …/opencv/docs directory also contains IPLMAN.pdf, which was the original manual for OpenCV. It is now defunct and should be used with caution, but it does include detailed descriptions of algorithms and of what image types may be used with a particular algorithm. Of course, the first stop for such image and algorithm details is the book you are reading now.

OpenCV's documentation Wiki is more up-to-date than the html pages that ship with OpenCV and it also features additional content as well. The Wiki is located at It includes information on:

Another Wiki, located at, is the only documentation of the auxiliary functions discussed in "OpenCV Structure and Content" (next section). CvAux includes the following functional areas:

  • Stereo correspondence

  • View point morphing of cameras

  • 3D tracking in stereo

  • Eigen object (PCA) functions for object recognition

  • Embedded hidden Markov models (HMMs)

This Wiki has been translated into Chinese at

Regardless of your documentation source, it is often hard to know:

One aim of this book is to address these problems.