
Before moving on to the next chapter, we should take a moment to take stock of where we are and look ahead to what is coming. We have seen that the OpenCV API provides us with a variety of easy-to-use tools for loading still images from files, reading video from disk, or capturing video from cameras. We have also seen that the library contains primitive functions for manipulating these images. What we have not yet seen are the powerful elements of the library, which allow for more sophisticated manipulation of the entire set of abstract data types that are important to practical vision problem solving.

In the next few chapters we will delve more deeply into the basics and come to understand in greater detail both the interface-related functions and the image data types. We will investigate the primitive image manipulation operators and, later, some much more advanced ones. Thereafter, we will be ready to explore the many specialized services that the API provides for tasks as diverse as camera calibration, tracking, and recognition. Ready? Let's go!