Ok, you’re up and awake! You’ve enjoyed a little early morning meditation, a spot of breakfast and perhaps even dipped into your quote book for a bit of inspiration. Now it’s time to get washed and dressed with care and attention.
Although you might be pressed for time, it’s best to avoid rushing: if you can stay calm and unflustered, you’ll start the day firmly in ‘The Middle’ and feeling fully able to make the most of whatever the next few hours might bring.
Apparently designer Tom Ford takes four baths a day, and two of those are before 9.15 a.m. That man is living his life.
(20 minutes)
Step into the shower as though you were stepping off the plane onto foreign terrain.
(5 minutes)
You might be in a rush and you might be busy, but if you’ve decided to shower you may as well go with it. Pay full attention, take some Easy Breaths and immerse yourself in the experience even if it’s just for a few minutes.
You’ve geared yourself up physically and mentally, and now you’re ready to step out of the door and greet the day. However, some things remain out of our control – the weather, the commute, our family and colleagues.
Expectations always involve a projection of our thoughts and hopes onto the future, and can foster inflexible relations with the moment, followed by disappointment if things don’t go our way. Whereas if you head off into your day with an attitude of embracing everything you encounter, you’ll be better placed to respond to each situation uniquely as it arises.
A regular meditation practice helps us to make this embrace more easily. It helps us to go out of that front door with tenacity and a loving spirit – knowing full well that it’s like setting out on an adventure without a map. This sort of welcoming attitude is true liberation and can be a perfect tonic to frustration and stress. After all, who’s to say our way was right, anyway?
Approaching each moment with presence, or ‘Being Ready’ as I call it, will spark your ability to be truly inventive with the scenarios you encounter. You’ll solve problems, feel courageous, and your spontaneity, sense of fun and bold nature will come out and shine.