
11/3 see Madrid bombings

7/7 see London bombings

9/11 xi, 12, 130, 140, 146, 155

‘Atta’s Document’ 149–51

Cunningham and 192–4

Abraham, Karl 82

Abu Ghraib 159–60, 163–5, 167

Abu-Nasser, Mohammed 133–4

Adorno, Theodor 173

African National Congress (ANC) 170

Aisha, Darine Abu 133

Akiba, Rabbi 226

Al-Ahram and Al-Hayat 193, 195

al-Akhras, Ayat 133, 134

al-Hams, Iman 216

Al-Nejar, Fatima 132

Al-Qaeda 130

al-Rantisi, Abdul Aziz 133

Algeria 206

Ali, Tariq 27

Amery, Jean 148, 155

Amichai, Yehuda 124

Amir, Yigal 94

Amnesty International 40–41, 57

ANC see African National Congress

anti-Semitism 101, 104, 120

anti-Zionism and 195

in France 40

Freud on 20, 63–4, 81–2, 87–8

racism and 40–41

Zweig on 19–20, 22

Antwerp 58

Appelfeld, Aharon 217

Aqeel, Kamal 128

Arabs 104–5

see also Iraq; Iran; Palestine; Shi’ites

Arafat, Yasir 115, 116, 127

Arendt, Hannah 3, 46, 140, 198, 205

on Eichmann 86–7, 142, 145–8, 150–51, 202

on Zionism 44–5, 220

Armenia 46

army 65–6, 159

Aronoff, Myron 95

Ascherman, Arik 83

Ascherson, Neil 22

Ashatiya, Rula 117

Ashrawi, Hanan 131

Assad, Hany Abu 129

Assman, Jan 80–81

Assyria 46

asylum seekers 41

Atta, Mohammed 149–52

Auschwitz 55, 204, 214, 221, 223–4, 227

Azi, Mahmed 94

B’nai Brith 74, 76

Balfour declaration (1917) 206

Barak, Ehud 11–2

Barghouti, Maroud 39

Beauvoir, Simone de 209–12

Beer, Gillian 144

Begin, Menachem 95, 220

Belgium 200–205

Bell, Mary 160

Ben-Gurion, David 49, 95, 119, 135, 218–9

Ben-Simon, Daniel 40–41, 56

Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak 26

Bernays, Martha 63

Bernays, Minna 165

Bersani, Leo 27–8

Bialik, Chaim Nachman 106

Blair, Tony 139, 163

attack on Iraq 23–4, 155, 166–7

Blair, Cherie 11, 126

Bollas, Christopher 20, 152, 164, 189, 215


in London see London bombings

in Madrid see Madrid bombings

suicide see suicide bombings

Bonaparte, Marie 7, 45, 47

Bowen, Elizabeth 56

Brecht, Bertolt 72, 196

Buber, Martin 39, 81, 198

Bulger, James 160

Bush, George W. 140, 155, 184

‘axis of evil’ speech 146

Blair and 166–7

Butler, Judith 6, 214–5, 219, 222

Butler-Sloss, Elizabeth 160

Callil, Carmen 11

Cameron, Edwin 177

capitalism 203, 205

Carr, Maxine 160

Carroll, Rory 173

Chikane, Moss 170

children 117

Chomsky, Noam 140, 146

church 65–6, 159

Churchill, Winston 22

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 160, 164

Clark, David 23–4

Clinton, Bill 184

clones 188

see also doubling

Coetzee, J.M. 9, 141, 142–6, 152–5

Cohen, Ya’acov 94

collaborators 52

colonialism 206

Comité de Defense des Juifs 204

Communism 23, 141, 201, 204

Corrie, Rachel 34, 216

Croatia 18, 39–40

Cunningham, Michael 182–9

Darwish, Mahmoud 127

Dayan, Moshe 220

demolitions 83

Derrida, Jacques 2, 31, 33

on secret Jews 17–18

deserters 112–3, 116

Deutscher, Isaac 8, 120

Dickey, Christopher 131–2

Dinur, Ben-Zion 6, 52, 217

displacement 42–3, 45

Dor, Daniel 219

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 23, 148–9

Druckman, Haim 41

Eder, David 85

Eichmann, Adolf 142

Arendt on 3, 142, 145–8, 150–51

trial of 3, 217–8, 220

Eitington, Max 7

El-Sarraj, Eyad 12, 128, 129, 134, 135

Ellis, Ruth 142

England, Lynndie 160

Eshkol, Levi 95

Esposito, John 151

ethics 227–8

ethnic cleansing 22

evil 139–55

exile (Galut) 48

Ezrahi, Sidra 219

Fackenheim, Emil 223

Fadlallah, Sheikh 130

Fahy, Sandra 198

fascism 211, 215

see also Nazism

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 149

fear 151–2

Feinstein, Dianne 160

Finkelstein, Norman 53

First, Ruth 41, 175

Fitzgerald, Frances 140

Flem, Lydia 77

Folsom, Ed 184

football 94

fortresses 57–8

Frear, Stephen 188

Freud, Anna 7

Freud, Sigmund 6, 145, 196

on anti-Semitism 63–4, 81–2, 87–8

Bollas on 189

Brecht and 72

Cunningham and 186–7

on displacement 42–3, 45

on evil 166

on fear 151–2

on Israel 7

on Judaism 74–88

letter to Koffler 48, 49

on mass psychology 62–8, 70–71, 75, 159, 161, 165–7

on Moses 75–88

on narcissism 161

on nationalism 23, 74–6

politics of 23

on religion 68–73, 150

on resistance 24–5, 31

on the uncanny 165

on war 67, 161–3, 166–7

on Zionism 17–18, 22, 48–9, 74, 76

Zweig and 18–25, 28–9, 31–36, 76

writings: ‘Analysis Terminable and Interminable’ 31, 33; Civilization and its Discontents 151–2; ‘A Difficulty in the Path of Psychoanalysis’ 23; ‘The Disillusionment of the War’ 79; The Ego and the Id 32; The Future of an Illusion 27, 65, 70–75, 166; Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety 31; ‘The Mystic Writing Pad’ 33; ‘A Religious Experience’ 74–5

Friedlander, Saul 219

Fruman, Rabbi 221

Furer, Lirer Ron 113, 114

Galileo 72

Galoot (Exile) 134

Galut (exile) 48

Gauss, Christian 198

Geisel, Eike 8

Geistigkeit (intellectuality/spirituality) 85

Geneva accord 118

Gilchrist, Anne 189

God 148, 201

Godard, Jean-Luc 196

Goldberg, David 94, 218

Goldstein, Baruch 131

Goldstein, Bluma 82

Gordimer, Nadine 12, 13, 168–80

Gramsci, Antonio 195, 198

Greenberg, Uri Zvi 220

Grossman, David 10, 13, 40, 111–24, 196, 217

Grubrich–Simitis, Ilse 215

Guantanamo 160, 169

Guardian 133, 141, 164, 169

Ha’aretz 10, 13, 17, 40, 83, 116, 117, 129, 131, 132

Haam, Ahad 198

Haan, Jacob Israel de 6, 25–6

Haganah 94

Halkin, Hillel 110

Halutz, Dan 216

Hamas 98–9, 127, 133, 216

Hamemdeh, Mahmoud 117

Hareven, Shulamith 6, 41, 45, 214, 219, 221

on Palestinian resistance 133–4

on Zionism 50–56

Hass, Amira 4, 129

Hausner, Gideon 53

Hebron 117, 131

Herald (Karachi) see Karachi Herald

Herzl, Theodor 44, 47, 93–4, 106, 113

Higgs, Marietta 142

Hill, Geoffrey 223

Hitler, Adolf 46, 143, 148, 214

HIV/Aids 176–9

Hizbollah 127–8

Holocaust 201, 214–5, 216–222

Grossman on 121

Israel and 5–6, 52–5, 214–22, 223–4

survivors 52, 217–9

see also anti-Semitism; Eichmann; Hitler; Nazism

Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Law (Yad Vashem) 52, 217

homosexuality 27

Hoon, Geoff 160

Huntley, Ian 160

Hussein, Saddam 130, 159

IDF see Israel Defense Force

Idris, Wada 133


first (1987–93) 128, 170

second (2000) 113, 116, 130

Iran 130, 168

Iraq 20, 184

attack on (2003) 23, 80, 125, 155, 166–7

Ishiguro 188

Islam see Shi’ites

Ismaeel, Donia ElAmal 129


criticised by Gillian Rose 227

deaths 116

founding of 43

Grossman on 111–5

Holocaust and 5–6, 52–5, 214–22, 223–4

imperialism and 47

invasion of Lebanon (1982) 127

Six-Day War (1967) 200

treatment of survivors 217–9

Israel Defense Force (IDF) 54, 116, 134, 216

Itzhaki, Arie 135

Jabotinsky, Ze’ev (Vladimir) 13–14, 26, 93–107, 126, 220

Jaffa Military Court 112–3, 116

Jaffe, L. 50

Jafri, Hasan M. 196

Jaradat, Hanadi 132


apartheid and 175

Derrida on 17–18

Marrano 17–18, 34

‘non-Jewish’ 120

in Russia 101–2

see also Holocaust; Israel; Judaism

Jones, Ernest 72

Josef, Franz 62

Jospa, Gert 204

Joyce, James 123


in Gordimer 171

versus postmodernism 224–7

Jung, Karl 68, 81

Kabbalah 81

Kadima 93

Kafka, Franz 120

Kaniuk, Yoram 215–6

Kaplan, Eran 94, 98

Karachi Herald 196

Katz, Michael 97

Keren Ha-Yesod 50

Khoumeini, Ayatollah 129–30

Kimmerling, Baruch 115

Kishinev pogrom 106

Koffler, Chaim 48, 76

Kohn, Hans 198

Krog, Antje 173

Lacan, Jacques 56

Laden, Osama Bin 130, 139

Laor, Yitzhak 10, 13

Lazare, Bernard 113

Le Bon, Gustave 64

leaders 67–8

Lebanon 12, 127, 130

Leclaire, Serge 187

Leibowitz, Yeshayahu 44

Lekota, Mosiuoa 170

Lenin, Vladimir Ilych 196–7, 200, 205

Levi, Primo 214

Levin, Harry 179

Levinas, Emmanuel 226

Levy, Gideon 13, 117–8

Levy, Rachel 134

Levy-Hass, Hannah 4, 8

Lewinsky, Monica 184

Liebman, Marcel 3, 4, 8, 200–207, 221–2

Likud 93

Lincoln, Bruce 150–51

London bombings (7/7; 7 July 2005) 182

love 66–8

Low, Barbara 85

Lueger, Karl 62

MacNamara, Robert 127

Madrid train bombings (11 March 2004) 182

Makiya, Kanan 149–50

Malines 204–5

Mandela, Nelson 177

Mandelson, Peter 182

Marcuse, Herbert 72

Margalit, Avishai 129

Marrano Jews 17–8, 34

Marxism 200

see also socialism; Stalinism

Masalqa, Shalfic 129

McCarthy, Rory 133

McDougall, W. 68

Mda, Zakes 172

Meir, Golda 51

Meitlis, Jacob 87

Menninger, Karl 125

messianism 219

Meyer, Eduard 78

Midrash 226

Miliband, Ralph 200, 206

Mneimneh, Hassan 149–50

Molefe, Pop 170

morality 227–8

Moses 75–88

Murray, Braham 223

Musa, Imad 150

Muslims see Shi’ites

Mussolini, Benito 211

Nakhimovsky, Alice 97

narcissism 63

nationalism 23, 66, 205–6

biology and 44–5

Freud on 74–6

Nazism 75–6, 201, 204, 217

see also Eichmann; Hitler; Holocaust

Neiman, Susan 141, 148, 151

Némirovsky, Irène 1–2

Netanyahu, Benjamin 114

Nkoli, Simon 177

Norman, Edward A. 105

Northern Ireland 160

nuclear weapons 168

Obeidi, Yasser 132

Overy, Richard 167

Oz, Amos 111, 116, 120


deaths 115, 117, 118

Liebman on 207

the occupation 12–13, 34, 115, 118

Zionism and 193–9

Paole Zion (Socialist Zionist Party) 6–7, 30

Pape, Robert 126, 130

Pappe, Ilan 118, 193

Parekh, Bhikhu 44

Peace Now 50

Perry, Yaakov 196

Peru 18

Plath, Sylvia 215, 223

Poe, Edgar Allan 97

postmodernism 225–6

Poussin, Nicolas 225

psychoanalysis 7, 19, 31–2

Rabin, Yitzhak 84, 114, 127–8

racism 40–41, 201

see also Holocaust; ethnic cleansing

Ramallah 115, 116

Rath, Matthias 177

Rawls, John 45

refugees 7–8, 46, 118

refuseniks 112–3, 116

Reich, Wilhelm 72

religion 65–6, 68–73

repression 55

resistance 1–2, 204

Derrida on 35

Freud on 24–5, 31

Reuter, Christopher 127, 129–31, 133

revolution see Russian Revolution

Rivière, Joan 20

Robert, Marthe 82

Rolnik, Eran 7

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 45, 46

Rose, Alison 224

Rose, Gillian 223–8

Roth, Malki 134

Rousseau, Jean–Jacques 148

Roy, Sara 3–4, 8, 58, 193

Rumsfeld, Donald 140, 159

Rushdie, Salman 194

Russia 101–2

Russian Revolution (1917) 101, 200, 205

Ryce, Rosalind 20

Sachs, Wulf 85

Sadat, Anwar 200

Safouan, Moustapha 167

Said, Edward 10–11, 30, 58, 80, 85, 115

posthumous letter to 193–9

Samuels, Herbert 106

Sarraj see El-Sarraj, Eyad

Schatz, Adam 25

Schmidt, Anton 5

Scholem, Gershom 86–7, 147, 219

Sebald, W.G. 45, 56–8, 127

Segal, Elitzur 131

Seligman, Adam 219

Sellin, Emat 77

Shahak, Israel 194

Shakespeare, William 30–31, 196, 223

Sharon, Ariel 39, 93, 139, 214

Grossman on 115–7

Sharrett, Moshe 5

Shehadeh, Raja 49, 121

Shehadeh, Saleh 216

Shepherd, John 131

Shi’ites 127, 130

Shiffer, Varda 40–41

shifters 139–40

Shklovsky, Viktor 77

Shlaim, Avi 93

Shoah see Holocaust

Shragai, Nadav 131

Sicarii 126

Silvers, Bob 170

Sisulu, Walter 169

Six-Day War (1967) 200

Slezkine, Yuri 101, 103

Slovo, Gillian 41, 141–2

Slovo, Joe 41

Smith, Jane 151

socialism 200–207, 212

Soueif, Ahdaf 164

South Africa 141–2, 146–7, 154, 169–80

Spanish Inquisition 17

Stalinism 200, 206

Stanislawski, Michael 97, 102, 106

Stone, Diana 224

Strauss, Leo 226

suicide 125–6

suicide bombings 11, 41, 55, 115, 117, 126–35, 147, 182

Suresh Roberts, Ronald 170, 172

survivors 52, 217–9

Svi, Shabtai 81

Tabenkin, Moshe 218

Tamari, Salim 118

terrorism 11–12, 54, 170

see also 9/11; London bombings; Madrid bombings; suicide bombings; War against Terror

The Times 175

Thompson, Dorothy 7, 45–7

Thompson, Robert 160

Tlalim, Asher 134

Toit, Bettie du 175–6

Tolstoy, Leo 125

Tomachevsky, Boris 140

Tonge, Jenny 11, 126

Toolis, Kevin 132

torture 164

trauma 215

Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) 176–7

Tutu, Desmond 141

uncanny (unheimlich) 74, 78, 165

Venables, Jon 160

Victor, Barbara 129, 131–3

Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet 148

war 20, 66, 161–4

capitalism and 205

Freud on 79–80

see also refuseniks

War against Terror 12

Warsaw Uprising 3, 5, 204, 217, 220

Warschawski, Michael 35

Weil, Simone 10–11, 12

Weizmann, Chaim 43, 48, 95, 104, 107

Wertzberger, Naftali 131

West, Paul 9, 143–5

West, Rebecca 166

White, Katherine 171, 176

Whitman, Walt 9, 182–6, 188–9

Winnicott, D.W. 163–4

Woolf, Virginia 120, 174, 184, 211

Wulff, Moshe 7

Yad Vashem see Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Law

Yaday, Maayan 39–40, 41, 45

Yediot Ahronot 58

Yerushalmi, Yosef 76, 79, 83, 85

Yizhar, S. 47

Zangwill, Israel 49

Zealots 126

Zertal, Idith 3, 6, 52, 217, 222

Zionism 193–9, 219–22

anti-Semitism and 195

Arendt on 44–5, 220

as flawed 13–14

Freud on 17–18, 22, 48–9, 74, 76

Hareven on 50–56

Jacob de Haan and 6–7

Labor 95

Liebman on 200–202, 204, 206–7

London Zionist Conference (1945) 5

Palestine and 193–9

socialists and 204

Zangwill on 49

Zweig on 27, 30, 34

see also Israel; Jabotinsky; Judaism; Moses

Žižek, Slavoj 32

Zuckerman, Anton 4–5

Zuckerman, Yitzhak 3

Zuckerman, Zivia Lubetkin 3

Zweig, Arnold 6–9, 17

on de Haan 25–6

De Vriendt Goes Home 26–8, 33

Freud and 18–25, 28–9, 31–36, 76

on Zionism 27, 30, 34