


Decorative Art

Asmaldyk camel armour


Bowl with geometric decoration

Buddha and monks from Fayaz-Tepe

Buddist carvings

Carpet (Bechkete)

Carpet (Chirdak)

Carpet (Khaly)      1, 2



Cauldron decorated with goats in the round

Ceiling decoration, saodat tea house

Ceramic plates

Ceremonial plate       1, 2, 3

Ceremonial plate with the inscription Barakat (happiness)

Ceremonial tray bearing the name Abu Ibrahim

Ceremonial tray from the Fergana Valley


Crowned head

Daggar      1, 2

Divine warrior

Earrings (Bibischak)

Earrings from northern Tajikistan

Earrings from Surxondaryo Province

Egar saddle

Ensi door covering

Ewer        1, 2, 3, 4

Ewer with a dashtoi bowl

Ewer with pomegranate shaped spout


Governor seated on his throne

Gozluk horse browband

Guliaka brooch

Head of a Kushan prince

Head of a lion

Head of a warrior from Toprak-Kala

Headpiece (Kochtillo)

Headpiece (Pechonaband)

Interior view of a yurt

Jewellery from the Tolkuchka Bazaar

Jewellery from Turkmenistan

Kamar man’s belt

Kultyk-Tumor (amulet holder)


Mask from the valley of the Tchou

Miniature, Combat between the Persians and Turanians

Miniature, Experts Discussing the Hunt

Miniature, Farkhad and the Stonemasons

Miniature, Flight of Sultan Mohammed Khan Bohadur

Miniature, Ghazan Khan in Urdjaine

Miniature, The Lovers

Miniature, Siavouch under Fire

Miniature, A Young Beauty and an Old Man

Mural detail, Tale of the Goose

Mural fragment, Ambassadors Carrying Gifts to the King of Samarkand

Mural fragment, Offering Bearers

Mural fragment, Procession of Ambassadors

Musical instruments

Obdon gourd

Ornamental female coping hood

Ossuary in the form of a seated person


Pitcher     1, 2, 3, 4

Pottery plate

Reversible chapan


The Ribbon Dance

Rui-Djo bridal bed covering

Sacrificial table leg     1, 2

Snuff boxes

Soeko breast plate

Statue of a dignitary


Tchang cither

Tissa-koptchik purse and Tchyny-kap wallet

Toy dragon

Traditional cloth manufacturing technique

Traditional Uzbek cloth.


Tunic, festival

Vase, pitcher, and bowl

Water vessel





Abdul Aziz Madrasa. fresco

Abdul Aziz Madrasa, vault

Almshouse, Khanqah Faizabad

The Ark, fortress

The Ark, fortress portal     1, 2

The Ark, fortress exterior view

The Ark, fortress walls

Bolo-khauz Mosque

Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum

Chor-Minor Madrasah

Iwan leading to the maqsoura of the grand mosque

Magoki-Attari Mosque

Mir-i Arab Madrasah

Mir-i Arab Madrasah, main iwan vault

Mir-i Arab Madrasah with Kalyan Minaret

Nadir Divan-Begi Madrasah, main façade

Poi-Kalon Mosque and Minaret

Samanid Mausoleum

Tak-i-Sarrafan, interior view of dome

Ulugh Beg Madrasah courtyard, façade detail

Ulugh Beg Madrasah, exterior view



Islam Khoja Complex

Islam Khoja Minaret

Islam Khoja Minaret overlooking Itchan Kala

Islam Khoja Minaret, portal view

Islam Khoja, view from outside the walls

Itchan Kala, City walls

Kunya-Ark Citadel, portal and Kalta Minor

Kunya-Ark Citadel, view from outside featuring the unfinished Kalta Minor Minaret

Muhammad Rahim Khan Madrasah

Muhammad Rahimkhan Madrasah, perimeter dome

Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum      1, 2

Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum and Islam-Khoja Minaret

Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum and Kalta Minor Minaret, aerial view

Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum, courtyard entrance

Palvan-Darvaza gate with Tash-Hauli Complex

View of Khiva      1, 2



Dome of a mosque with Oriental decoration     1, 2

Guir-e Amir, rear view of the tomb of Tamerlane

Gur-e Amir Complex, exterior entrance to the tomb of Tamerlane

Gur-e Amir Complex, tomb of Tamerlane

Gur-e Amir Mausoleum     1, 2

Gur-e Amir, interior

Kazi Zade Rumi Mausoleum

Khoja-Akhmad Mausoleum

Kusam-ibn-Abbas Mausoleum

Registan Ensemble     1, 2

Registan Ensemble, aerial view

Registan Ensemble, road leading to

Religious complex


Shah-i-Zinda Ensemble, entrance detail

Shah-i-Zinda Mausoleum

Shah-i-Zinda Mausoleum, chartak

Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis portal

Sher-Dor Madrasah      1, 2

Sher-Dor Madrasah, architechtural details

Tilya-Kori Madrasah

Tilya-Kori Madrasah, exterior view

Tilya-Kori Madrasah, mausoleum interior

Ulugh Beg Madrasah, main portal


On the Silk Road

Fakhr al-Din al-Razi Mausoleum

Reconstructed yurt

Summer emcampment

Turabek-Khanym Mausoleum, portal

Ulug Depe