

The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abramovich, Roman, 78, 89, 90, 92, 139, 284

Affirmative action programs, 160–61, 269–73

Africa, 95–122, 247

backlash against democracy in Sierra Leone, 147–51

backlash against markets in Zimbabwe, 127–31

colonialism and market-dominant minorities, 120–21

departure of Portuguese from Angola, 95–97

genocide in Rwanda, 165–70

globalization and, 121–22

Indians in East Africa, 112–15

Kenya, 103–8

Lebanese in West Africa, 115–20

market-dominant whites in Southern Africa, 97–103

Nigeria, 108–10

reaction to World Trade Center attack, 247

successful indigenous minorities, 104–12

Agency for International Development (AID), 20

Albanians, 174

Algeria, 213

American Dream, 195–97, 210

Americans as global market-dominant minority, 7, 229–58. See also United States

anti-Americanism in developing world, 244–49

anti-market backlash against Western investors, 249–54

European response to, 240–44

friendly anti-Americanism, 239–40

global backlash against, 234–39

World Trade Center attack, 229–31, 254–58

Amerindian majorities, 49–57, 72–76, 158–62. See also Latin America

Angola, 95–97

Anti-Americanism. See also Americans as global market-dominant minority

countering, 286–88

in developing world, 244–49

extent of, 229–31

friendly, 239–40

global, 7

Anti-Semitism, 80–82, 91–94, 138–42. See also Holocaust; Jews

Arab-Israeli conflict, 211–12, 217–27. See also Middle Eastern world

Arabs. See Middle Eastern world

Argentina, 15–16, 21, 58–59, 67, 67–69, 250

Assimilation, 177–85. See also Intermarriage

countries without market-dominant minorities, 177–79

forced, of Chinese in Thailand, 179–85

Austerity measures, 128, 150–51, 252

Australia, 239–40

Aven, Pyotr, 78, 85

Aymara, 49–52

Backlash against democracy, 10–11, 125, 147–62

Chinese-friendly dictatorships in Indonesia and the Philippines, 43–45, 151–57, 280

crony capitalism and, 30, 147–58, 164–65

crony capitalism in Kenya, 113–14, 157–58

countering, 279–82

political rule by market-dominant minorities, 158–62

in Sierra Leone, 147–51

Backlash against market-dominant minorities, 10, 11, 12, 125, 163–75, 254–58. See also Ethnic violence

against Americans, 254–58

expulsions and genocide as, 163

forced assimilation in Thailand, 181–84

genocide in former Yugoslavia, 170–75

genocide in Rwanda, 165–70

induced emigration and expulsions, 164–65

Backlash against markets, 10–11, 124–25, 127–45

anti-Semitism and nationalization in democratic Russia, 138–42

backlash against Western foreign investors, 249–54

ethnic confiscation in post-Suharto Indonesia, 136–38

history of nationalization in developing world, 131–35

in Venezuela, 142–45

in Zimbabwe, 127–31

Baganda, 112

Bahrain, 213

Bamiléké, 111–12, 281

Bean curd business, 38–42

Belgians, 15, 165–67

Belgium, 193

Benin, 110, 115, 119

Berezovsky, Boris, 78, 87–89, 90–91, 141

bin Laden, Osama, 255–57. See also World Trade Center attack

Black markets, 26, 83–84


in Brazil, 69–72, 74–75, 160–61

in post–Civil War U.S. South, 199–201

in South Africa, 99–100, 236 (see also Africa)

in U.S. inner cities, 207–9

U.S. racism and, 197–98

Bolivia, 49–57, 64, 65, 134, 159–60, 162

Bosnia, 173

Botswana, 178


affirmative action programs, 160–61

American culture and, 235

ethnic consciousness in, 69–75, 160–61

Jews in, 67

Portuguese in, 95

reaction in, to World Trade Center attack, 246–49

white dominance in, 65, 69–72

British. See also England

in Kenya, 103–4

in Southern Africa, 99, 101–2


backlash against Western investors in, 251

Chinese takeover of, 24–31

ethnic resentment against Chinese in, 30–31, 47–48, 238

ethnic violence against Indians in, 23

nationalizations in, 133

Burundi, 111, 158

Cambodia, 37

Cameroon, 111–12

Canada, 189, 239–40, 270


backlash against Western investors, 249–54

Chinese, 42

corporate equity programs, 268–69

human, 29, 99, 119, 221–22, 264–67

Jewish, in Russia, 78–79, 89–90

lending associations, 111

movement of, toward United States, 234

Capitalism. See also Crony capitalism; Free market democracy; Markets

globalization and, 20–21

laissez-faire, 14, 187, 195, 225, 267

softening, with redistribution, 194–95

Castas, 57–59

Chagga, 112

Chavez, Hugo, 76, 142–45, 160, 259–60, 273, 274

Chicken feed business, 40–42

Child labor, 280–81

Chile, 58, 68–69, 160, 251


absence of market-dominant minorities in, 15–16, 177–78

American culture and, 235

Communism in, 132

marketizing in, without democratizing, 275–76


forced assimilation of, in Thailand, 179–85

in Philippines, 1–5, 36–37 (see also Philippines)

in Southeast Asia (see Southeast Asia)

Christians, 214

Colombia, 66


in Africa, 95–97, 103–4, 120–21, 165–67

in Latin America, 55, 63–65, 158–60

market-dominant minorities and, 120–21

Communism, 20–21, 132, 134, 135, 154, 159, 205, 232, 251

Confiscation. See Backlash against markets


American market dominance and, 233

attempts by United Nations to regulate, 238–39

critics of, 12

equity programs, 268–69, 270–72

objectionable practices, 280–81

philanthropy, 284–85

Côte d’Ivoire, 119

Croats, 6, 11–12, 170–75

Crony capitalism, 11, 147–58, 279–80. See also Backlash against democracy

Crown jewels, 10, 47, 78

Cuba, 132, 159

Cultural dominance, 237–38, 240–44

Culture, market success and, 265–66

Demagogues, 10, 124, 128, 174, 187, 223–24, 255. See also Ethnonationalism


backlash against (see Backlash against democracy)

concepts of, 14, 259–60, 273–76

defined, 14

free market, 8–9 (see also Free market democracy)

globalization and, 7–13, 123–25

markets vs., 190–93, 198, 260–64

as more than majority rule, 273–76

Diamond market, 101, 116–17, 118, 149

Disenfranchisement. See also Universal suffrage

of blacks in post–Civil War U.S. South, 199–201

of poor in the West, 193–94

Drug traffic, 26, 108

Dutch, 99, 101, 132

East Africa, 103–8, 112–15, 157–58, 283–84. See also Kenya

Eastern Europe, 178. See also Russia, post-Communist; Yugoslavia, former

Economic impact of globalization, 9–10, 16, 19–21. See also Market-dominant minorities

Ecuador, 56–57, 66–67, 73–74, 159–61

Education, 264–66

Egypt, 213, 218–20, 221, 257, 260, 278

Elections. See Universal suffrage

Emigration, 163–65, 222. See also Backlash against market-dominant minorities

England, 193, 194, 239–40, 243–44. See also British

Enron, 253–54

Eritreans, 10, 20, 111–12, 164–65

Ethiopia, 10, 20, 111–12, 164–65

Ethnic confiscations. See Backlash against markets


defined, 14–15

global, 236–37

indigenous majorities and, 160–62

in Latin America, 49–50, 54, 57–59, 69–75, 160–62

pigmentocracy and, 57–59

Ethnic organizations, 281–82

Ethnic resentment. See also Ethnic violence; Ethnonationalism

in Africa, 95–97, 106–8, 110, 112, 113–15, 118, 149–50, 164

against Americans (see Anti-Americanism)

in Bolivia, 49–51, 162

in Latin America, 72–76, 160–62

in Philippines, 1–5, 47

in Russia against Jews, 91–94, 138–42

in Southeast Asia against Chinese, 30–31, 36, 43–45, 47–48

Ethnic violence. See also Backlash against market-dominated minorities; Ethnonationalism

against Americans, 254–58

in Burma against Indians, 23

in Indonesia against Chinese, 44–45, 136

market-dominant minorities and global, 6–7, 9–10, 11–12, 16, 125, 163–75

murder of author’s aunt in Philippines, 1–5

in Rwanda, 163, 165–70

in Weimar Germany against Jews, 201–6

in former Yugoslavia, 163, 170–75


Arab, 223–25

democracy and, 10, 124

market-dominant minorities as leaders against, 278–88

in Nazi Germany, 205–6

in the West, 7, 16–17, 187–88 (see also Americans as global market-dominant minority; Free market democracy, future of; Free market democracy, Western; Middle Eastern world)

in United States, 209–10

in former Yugoslavia, 172–75


as colonizers in Africa, 95–97, 103–4, 120–21, 165–67

dominant minorities in Latin America descended from, 64–66

response of, to American market dominance, 240–44

Ewe, 111

Expulsions, 163–65. See also Backlash against market-dominant minorities

Fiji, 20

Ford Foundation, 20

Foreign aid, U.S., 221–22, 235–36, 287–88

Foreign policy, U.S., 20–21, 123–24, 168

France, 168, 193, 234, 241–43

Free market democracy. See also Democracy; Markets

future of (see also Free market democracy, future of)

globalization and, 7–13 (see also globalization)

market-dominant minorities and, 6–7 (see also Market-dominant minorities)

in Middle Eastern world, 225–27

tension inherent in, 190–93, 198, 260–64

Western (see Free market democracy, Western)

Free market democracy, future of, 16–17, 259–88

addressing the causes of market dominance, 264–67

democracy as more than majority rule, 273–76

democracy vs. markets, 260–64

market-dominant minorities and democracy, 259–60

market-dominant minorities as leaders against ethnonationalism, 278–88

in Middle Eastern world, 225–27, 277–78

objectionable practices of market-dominant minorities, 279–82

stakeholding and spreading the benefits of markets, 267–73

voluntary generosity by market-dominant minorities, 283–88

Free market democracy, Western, 189–210

absence of market-dominant ethnic minorities in, 189–90

American racism, 197–98

American South and disenfranchisement of blacks, 199–201

“browning of America,” 209–10

disenfranchisement of poor in, 193–94

idiosyncracy of American Dream, 195–97

inherent tension between markets and democracy, 190–93

market-dominant minorities in U.S. inner cities, 207–9

softening of capitalism and rise of welfare state, 194–95

Weimar Germany and Nazi Holocaust, 201–6

French Huguenots, 99

Friedman, Mikhail, 78, 84–85, 92, 139

Friendly anti-Americanism, 239–40

Fundamentalism, 224, 226

Future. See Free market democracy, future of

Gambia, The, 119

Gates, Bill, 19–20, 189, 197, 232–33

GATT, 20, 232

Gems, 28–29

Generosity by market-dominant minorities, 283–88

Genocide, 163–75. See also Backlash against market-dominant minorities; Ethnic violence

Germans, 100

Germany, 194, 201–6, 221, 242–43

Ghana, 119

Globalization, 1–17

Africa and, 121–22

critics of, 12–13

definition of markets, democracy, and ethnicity, 13–15 (see also Democracy; Ethnicity; Markets)

economic impact of, 9–10, 16, 19–21

and ethnic resentment in Latin America, 72–76 (see also Ethnic resentment)

ethnic violence and, 1–6, 9–10 (see also Ethnic violence)

ethnonationalism and the West, 16–17, 187–88 (see also Americans as global market-dominant minority; Free market democracy, future of; Free market democracy, Western; Middle Eastern world)

explosion of Chinese wealth and, 35–38

as free market democracy, 7–8 (see also Free market democracy)

Latin America vs. Southeast Asia, 75–76

market-dominant minorities and, 6–7 (see also Market-dominant minorities)

murder of author’s aunt and, 1–5

political consequences of, 10–12, 16, 123–25 (see also Assimilation; Backlash against democracy; Backlash against market-dominant minorities; Backlash against markets)

role of United States in, 7–9, 20–21, 123–24, 231–34

structure of this book about, 16–17

thesis of this book about, 9–10, 15–16, 263–64

Global market-dominant minority. See Americans as global market-dominant minority

Great Britain. See England; British

Guatemala, 56–57, 159–60

Guinea, 111–12

Gulf States, 212–14. See also Middle Eastern world

Gusinsky, Vladimir, 78, 85–86, 91, 141

Haiti, 124

Hazardous conditions, 280–81

Holocaust, 201–6, 221

Honduras, 281

Hong Kong, 178

Human capital, 29, 99, 119, 221–22, 264–67

Human rights, 14, 170, 259

Humiliation, 9–10, 256–58

Hungarians, 10

Hungary, 80

Hutus, 5, 13, 15, 111, 163, 165–70

Hypocrisy, 273–74

Ibo, 6, 108–10, 282

Identity, ethnic, 14–15, 160. See also Ethnicity

Immigrant entrepreneurs

in Africa, 95, 109, 112–20

in Latin America, 66–68

Income disparity. See Wealth disparities

India, 21, 46, 252, 253–54


in Burma, 23

in East Africa, 95, 112–15, 157–58, 283–84

in Fiji, 20

Indigenous majorities. See also Backlash against market-dominant minorities; Ethnonationalism

Amerindian, in Latin America, 51–57

Arab, as self-perceived, 223–25

benefits of globalization for, 37–38, 120, 187, 267

ethnic identity and, 14–15, 160

Indonesian, 43

market-dominant minorities vs., 6–7, 11

Indigenous minorities in Africa, successful, 95, 104–10

Indios. See Amerindians


backlash against markets in, 132, 135–38, 251

bean curd business in, 38–42

benefits of globalization, 43, 187

Chinese-friendly dictatorship of

Suharto in, 151–53, 280

ethnic violence against Chinese in, 5, 43–45, 47, 136, 164

Malaysia vs., 272

reaction to World Trade Center attack in, 246

Singapore vs., 45–46

Information technology, 233–34

Inner cities, market-dominant minorities in U.S., 207–9

Insularity, 237, 282


ethnic identity and, 15

in Israel, 217

in Latin America, 54, 57, 75–76, 185

in South Africa, 99

in Thailand, 179–80, 185

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 8, 20–21, 128, 150, 151, 232, 242, 252

Investors, anti-market backlash against Western, 249–54. See also Corporations

Iran, 212, 224, 277

Israel, 5, 260

Israeli Jews. See also Middle Eastern world

Arab ethnonationalism against, 223–25

Ashkenazi Jews as market-dominant minority, 215–17

as market-dominant minority in Middle East, 217–22

reasons for economic dominance of, 221–22

Japan, 178, 194

Java, 38–42. See also Indonesia

Jews, 5, 6

Holocaust and, 201–6

Israeli (see Israeli Jews)

in Latin America, 66–68

in Russia (see Russia, post-Communist)

in U.S. inner cities, 208–9

Jordan, 214, 218, 226

Kalenjin, 105, 157

Kazakhstan, 8, 21


bombing of U.S. embassy in, 255

British and Kikuyus in, 103–8

crony capitalism in, 11, 157–58, 280

Indians in, 112–15, 283–84

Kenyatta, Jomo, 105–7

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 78, 86–87, 90, 139

Kidnapping, 2–3, 47, 53

Kikuyus, 104–8, 112–13, 157–58, 282

Korea, 178

Koreans in U.S. inner cities, 207–9

Kuok, Robert, 25, 36

Kuwait, 212, 226

Laissez-faire capitalism, 14, 17, 187, 195, 225, 267

Laos, 37

Latifundia, 63–66, 134, 159–60

Latin America, 49–76

backlash against markets in Venezuela, 142–45

backlash against Western investors, 250–51

Bolivia and countries with Amerindian majorities, 51–57, 159, 160

Brazil, 69–72, 160–61

countries without market-dominant minorities, 68–69

ethnic conflict in, 49–51, 75, 185

ethnicity in, 15, 54, 72–76

globalization and ethnic resentment, 72–76, 160–62

human capital in, 264

immigrant entrepreneurs and, 66–68

latifundia and European-descended minority dominance, 63–66

Mexico, 59–63

minority rule in, 158–62

nationalizations in, 134–35, 250–51

pigmentocracy in, 54, 57–59

Southeast Asia vs., 75–76

whites in, 6, 54–57


in Latin America, 61–63, 66–68

in West Africa, 6, 95, 109, 115–20, 147–51

Lebanon, 214

Levant, the, 212, 214–15. See also Middle Eastern world

Liberia, 116, 119, 148

Libya, 212, 213

Lithuania, 80

Majorities. See Indigenous majorities

Majority rule, democracy as more than, 273–76. See also Democracy; Universal suffrage

Malaysia, 15, 35–36, 246, 262, 266, 270–72

Mantuanos, 142, 143

Marcos regime in Philippines, 11, 37, 153–57. See also Philippines

Market-dominant minorities

addressing causes of market dominance, 264–67

in Africa (see Africa)

Americans as global (see Americans as global market-dominant minority)

Ashkenazi Jews as, in Israel, 215–17

backlash against (see Backlash against market-dominant minorities)

Chinese in Southeast Asia (see Southeast Asia)

colonialism and, 120–21

concepts of democracy by, 259–60

countries without, 15–16, 68–69, 177–79, 189–90, 212–15

globalization and, 6–12, 19–21, 187, 244–46

Jews as, in Middle Eastern world, 217–22 (see also Middle Eastern world)

Jews in post-Communist Russia (see Russia, post-Communist)

as leaders against ethnonationalism, 278–88

objectionable practices by, 279–82

political rule by, 158–62

in U.S. inner cities, 207–9

voluntary generosity by, 283–88

wealth disparities and, 19–21, 244–46 (see also Wealth disparities)

in Western world (see Free market democracy, Western)

whites in Latin America (see Latin America)


backlash against (see Backlash against markets)

capitalism and free, 8–9 (see also Laissez-faire capitalism)

defined, 13–14

democracy vs., 190–93, 198, 260–64

globalization and, 7–13, 20–21

stakeholding and spreading benefits of, 267–73

wealth and, 19–21, 42, 75–76, 121–22

Mashriq, 212, 214–15. See also Middle Eastern world

Mestizos, 15, 49–50, 54, 57–59, 75

Mexico, 58, 59–62, 64, 65, 66, 134, 159, 250, 284

Microsoft, 19–21, 234

Middle Eastern world, 211–27

absence of market-dominant minorities in Arab countries, 212–15

Arab ethnonationalism against Israeli Jews in, 223–25

Arab-Israeli conflict in, 211–12, 217–27

Ashkenazi Jews as market-dominant minority in Israel, 215–17

future of free market democracy in, 225–27, 277–78

intermarriage in, 15, 217

Israeli Jews as market-dominant minority in, 217–21

reasons for Israeli economic dominance in, 221–22

Milosevic, Slobodan, 173–75, 187, 255–56

Minorities. See Market-dominant minorities

Mixing blood. See Assimilation

Moi, Daniel Arap, 11, 105, 107–8, 157–58, 280

Mongolia, 8

Morocco, 212–13, 226

Mozambique, 21

Mugabe, Robert, 10–11, 101, 127–30, 187, 273–74

Muslims, 14, 55, 180, 213–14, 277–78

Myanmar. See Burma

Namibia, 97, 100–1, 158

Nationalizations, 131–35, 249–52. See also Backlash against markets

Nazi Holocaust, 201–6

New Economic Policy (NEP), 270–72

New York City, 207–9, 230

New Zealand, 190, 240

Nigeria, 6, 108–10, 112

Nonentrepreneurial white dominance in Latin America, 63–66

North Africa, 212–13. See also Middle Eastern world

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 20

Pakistan, 133, 281, 284–85

Palestinians, 5, 217, 222, 224, 226, 235, 260

Panama, 67–68

Pardos, 10, 142–45

Peru, 56–57, 58, 64, 65, 72–73, 134, 159, 268

Philanthropy by market-dominant minorities, 283–88

Philippines. See also Southeast Asia

Chinese-friendly Marcos dictatorship in, 11, 153–57

Chinese in, 1–5, 32, 36–37

ethnic violence in, 1–5, 6, 47

murder of author’s aunt in, 1–5, 283

titling programs in, 268

Pigmentocracy, 57–59, 68

Plantations, 63–66, 134, 159–60

Poland, 80

Political consequences of globalization, 10–12, 16, 123–25. See also Assimilation; Backlash against democracy; Backlash against market-dominant minorities; Backlash against markets

Poll taxes, 199–200

Portuguese, 95–97

Potanin, Vladimir, 78, 89–90, 91–92, 139

Poverty. See also Wealth

disparities disenfranchisement of poor in Western world, 193–94

globalization and increased, 9–10, 12, 245

globalization and reduced, 9–10, 12, 21, 37–38, 187, 244–45

racism and, in United States, 197–98

in South Africa, 99

Pribumi, 43–45, 136–38, 280, 282, 286

Private property. See also Property rights

democracy as protection of, for minorities, 259

disenfranchisement and, 193, 199

markets and, 13, 191–92

nationalizations and, 132

Privatization, 14, 21, 35, 55, 59–61, 77–79, 83–84, 138, 159–60, 250

Property rights. See also Private property

for market-dominant minorities, 259–60

for poor, 267–68

Putin, Vladimir, 91–94, 140–42

Qatar, 212, 278

Quebec, 270

Quechua, 49–51, 53, 56, 73, 161

Quispe, Felipe (also known as Mallku), 50–51, 72, 143, 162, 187

Racism in United States, 197–98

Redistribution, 13–14, 192–93, 194–95, 267–73, 285

Redistricting, 200

Religion, 16, 171, 180, 212, 213, 214, 265–66, 277

Rhodesia. See Zimbabwe

Romania, 10, 80

Rule of law, 195, 221, 254, 259–60

Russia, post-Communist, 77–94

anti-Semitism and nationalization in, 138–42

crony capitalism in, 280

cultural identity in, 238, 252–53

emigration of Jews from, 164, 222

ethnic resentment against Jews in, 91–94, 138–42

history of Jews in, 79–82

Jewish market dominance in, 77–79, 82–89

non-Jewish oligarch, 78, 90–91

philanthropy in, 89–90, 284

rise of Jewish oligarchs in, 82–90

Russians as regional minority, 164


ethnic identity in, 14–15

genocide in, 5, 11–12, 163, 165–70, 238

intermarriage in, 185

minority rule in, 158

Tutsi dominance in, 111–12, 165–66

Saudi Arabia, 212–14, 218, 226, 262, 277–78

Scapegoating, 10, 124, 129, 143, 165, 223–24

September 11, 2001. See World Trade Center attack

Serbians, 5, 13, 163, 170–75

Shia Muslims, 213

Sierra Leone

backlash against democracy in, 11, 147–51

Lebanese in, 115–20

Singapore, 45–46, 178, 262

Slim, Carlos, 61–62

SLORC, 23–31, 48

Slovenes, 170–75

Socialism. See Communism

South Africa, 6, 97–100, 130–31, 158, 236, 264, 286

Southeast Asia, 23–48. See also Philippines

benefits of globalization in, 43, 187

Chinese-friendly dictatorships in Indonesia and the Philippines, 151–57

Chinese takeover of Burma, 24–31, 47–48

ethnic confiscations in Indonesia, 136–38

ethnic resentment against Chinese, 5, 46–48, 286

ethnic violence in Burma against Indians, 23

ethnic violence in Indonesia against Chinese, 5, 43–45

forced assimilation of Chinese in Thailand, 179–85

globalization and explosion of Chinese wealth, 35–38

history of Chinese market dominance, 31–34

indigenous bean curd business vs. Chinese chicken feed business, 38–42

Latin America vs., 75–76

objectionable practices in, 280

Singapore vs. Indonesia, 45–46

Southern Africa, 97–103

Soviet Union. See Russia, post-Communist

Spanish Conquest, 63–66, 158–59

Sports, 285–86

Sri Lanka, 46, 132–33

Stakeholding, 267–73

Stevens, Siaka, 11, 148–51

Sudan, 179

Suffrage. See Universal suffrage

Suharto regime, 43–45, 136, 151–53

Sunni Muslims, 213

Susu, 111–12

Sweden, 194

Symbols, 285–88

Syria, 214

Taiwan, 178

Tamils, 46, 132–33

Tanzania, 112, 114, 251, 255

Tax-and-transfer programs, 192, 194–95, 267

Teak, 10, 26–28

Thailand, 35, 40–42, 179–85

Titling programs, 268

Tofu business, 38–42

Togo, 111

Trade liberalization, 14, 21

Tunisia, 213

Turkey, 212

Tutsis, 5, 11–12, 14–15, 111–12, 158, 163, 164–70

Uganda, 20, 112, 114, 251

United Kingdom. See England; British

United Nations, 238–39, 260

United States. See also Americans as global market-dominant minority

absence of market-dominant minorities in, 189–90

affirmative action in, 269

American Dream, 195–97

disenfranchisement of blacks in southern, 199–201

foreign aid, 221–22, 235–36, 287–88

free market democracy in (see Free market democracy, Western)

Koreans in inner cities, 207–9

Microsoft and, 19–20, 233–34

Middle Eastern policy, 277–78

philanthropy, 286–88

racism in, 197–98

role of, in globalization, 7–9, 20–21, 123–24, 231–34

whites as future minority in, 209–10

World Trade Center attack (see World Trade Center attack)

Universal suffrage. See also Disenfranchisement

in Bolivia, 159

free market democracy and, 14, 191–94, 195

in Weimar Germany, 204

in Western world, 193–94, 275

Upward mobility, 195–97

Uruguay, 68–69, 251

Vajiravudh, King, 181–83

Venezuela, 10, 75–76, 142–45, 160, 259–60, 274

Vietnam, 33–35, 132

Violence. See Backlash against market-dominant minorities; Ethnic violence

Wealth disparities. See also Poverty

awareness of, 187, 245–46, 258

globalization and, 12, 13, 37–38, 123, 244–46

in United States, 19–21, 232–33

in Western world, 190

in Yugoslavia, 171

Weimar Germany, Holocaust in, 201–6

Welfare state, 194–95

West Africa, 6, 109–10, 115–20

Western Europe, 189, 193–95, 240–44

Western world. See Free market democracy, Western


in Latin America (see Latin America)

in Southern Africa, 6, 97–103, 127–31, 158, 236, 259

in United States, 189, 207, 209–10, 236

World Bank, 8, 20–21, 37, 232, 245

World Trade Center attack

as anti-Americanism, 5–6, 7, 229–31, 255–58, 287–88

developing world reaction to, 229–30, 246–49

Western world reaction to, 239

World Trade Organization, 8, 232

Yeltsin, Boris, 78–79, 89

Youth, Middle Eastern, 257

Yugoslavia, former, 6, 11–12, 163, 170–75, 185

Zambia, 114


backlash against markets in, 10–11, 97, 127–31, 135, 274

ethnic identity in, 15

whites in, 100, 101–3, 158, 259